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Terrorist attack on London

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Russell square is a bad one, the station is really deep underground, theres two lifts and a stairwell that a lot of people can't mange on a good day.

Does anyone know anything about Leicester Square being hit?  I just heard that one on sky news and its the first I heard of it.

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Quote[/b] ]hm, does this smell IRA?

Not really it just isnt their style.. huh.gif

still sad news sad_o.gif

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my mother was visiting london today on a bus, but shes ok, phone call from my dad told me hes spoke to her smile_o.gif also 85% of my family lives in and around london sad_o.gif

but this is sick, im guessing this was being planned so that if we won the olympics for 2012 they wanted to shit us up the next day mad_o.gif

Wildo sad_o.gif

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more the G8 than the olympics i think this would have taken awhile to set up and since france was the favorite its more likly the G8

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I dont know why do dont they use the special treathment in them, with all their spy sats, and Echelon programs etc etc.

hell cia  assinates americans why couldnt they do it in the bloody terrorists.

Do you naively think it is so easy ? The terrorists cells don't put stickers "I'm a terrorist" on the top of their car and are fully aware of all existing spying devices. They also work as small sized cells, independant from each others, using human messagers, and using standard civilian identites and jobs.

Echelon becomes Nuts, human intelligence through infiltration is nowadays the rulen, which is more difficult and dangerous.

In order to assassinate somebody, you have to know who and where is your target. Pretty hard to do with hidden terrorist cells. And it is often more efficient to make them prisonner in order to feed international anti-terrorist intelligence than just fire a bullet in their head.

Maybe JDAMS are smart, but not enough to find a terrorist cell inside a big city band.gif

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Well i hear sevral islamic extreamist websites have all posted that they are rsponsible for the attacks.

So far its confirmed 7 bombs have gone of and 2 are dead sad_o.gif

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And the G8 summit is trying to do a bit of good in the world for once.. Then this happens..

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hm, does this smell IRA?

It would be surprising, the IRA seems to be more concerned with robbing banks and selling cheap vodka nowadays.

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Well i hear sevral islamic extreamist websites have all posted that they are rsponsible for the attacks.

Debka reports:

Quote[/b] ]Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the London Transport bombing attacks “in revenge for Britain’s participation in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars."

July 7, 2005, 2:34 PM (GMT+02:00)

Quote[/b] ]Red alert declared in France, Italy, Germany and Spain. New York places transport system on high security status. All trains in and out of London – domestic and international - closed down

July 7, 2005, 2:34 PM (GMT+02:00)

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Thank god that the emergency services seemed to have been well prepared. Quite possibly saved a lot of lives today. sad_o.gif

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Its almost 8a.m. on the east coast. They are reporting that it is a terrorist attack but more then one group in claiming resposibility for the attacks on internet sites. They say there are 6 explosions, 1 on a bus, 5 on trains. Also, they aren't saying that they knew these attacks were going to happen. Thats scary because normally there is a warning or threat from the terrorist or goverments pick up certain tips and uncover an attack in the making. But I dont think any of this happened so this means that attacks could happen anywhere at anytime and goverments may not be able to stop them. Also London has just been picked for the Olympics so some news people are saying that this may be a reason.

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I dont think France would bomb us from taking the olympics icon_rolleyes.gif

To be honest we are lucky its this small scale and that this is the 1st in just under 4 years of active war against terrorists, but its still a real shame. huh.gif

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As far as I know Al Quaida already released a letter which said they claim full responsibility for the explosion. I cant post the link now cause the site is currently down.

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Anyone who said IRA, is a complete jackass. The IRA are concerned over Northern Ireland, Not world Poverty, in fact i'm certain they wanted the G8 to go ahead.

Just to give a slight bit of humour in the darkest times, some of the business men travelling when the explosions happened, were complaining that they were going to be delayed. (it's true).

I'm very impressed at the calmness of the Emergency services and how they're coping.

If Britain is good at Anything it's Organization in the worst


Rule Britannia.

Oh, quick update At Least 2 Dead. Possibly 100+ Injured.

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well Hornet, as I said, the link is down or takes too long!  biggrin_o.gif  wink_o.gif

link works just take some time

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IRA atleast give warning, these al quida shitheads dont give a fuck about live "jihad " is a petty excuse to kill people, i hope they and their followers have an untimely and painful fucking death


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IRA atleast give warning

It was in April, 2004:

Quote[/b] ]Muslim cleric says attack on London "inevitable"

LISBON (Reuters) - Several Islamic militant groups are preparing attacks on London, making such a strike unavoidable, a radical Muslim cleric said in an interview with a Portuguese magazine.

"It's inevitable. Because several (attacks) are being prepared by several groups," Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad told Lisbon's Publica magazine from London, where he is based.

One "very well organised" group in London calling itself al Qaeda Europe "has a great appeal for young Muslims", he said. "I know that they are ready to launch a big operation."

London police said they were not prepared to discuss the claims, but the country's most senior police officer, Sir John Stevens, has previously said that an attack on the capital was inevitable.

The firebrand cleric, who has outraged moderate Muslims and non-Muslims alike with his uncompromising views, gave no further details.

Asked if a British Muslim was allowed to carry out a "terrorist attempt" in a foreign country, Muhammad said "That is another story."

He added: "We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity."

It was important to see accusations of terrorism in their proper context, he said.

"If we give money to needy women and children, they say they are the families of terrorists. But where do the terrorists come from? Zimbabwe? No. They are people from here. And they are our brothers, the terrorists."

"The British also are terrorists, in Iraq...Terrorism is the law of the 21st century. It's legitimate."

Sheikh Bakri Muhammad said he had mixed feelings about the possible effect of his comments. "In a certain way I regret that, because the first thing the government will do is deport me, myself and my family," he said.


The Syrian-born cleric heads the al Muhajiroun group, which has praised the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and the al Qaeda militant network blamed for them.

He told Publica in the interview published on Sunday. there were several "freelance" militant groups in Europe, such as al Qaeda London, prepared to launch attacks similar to those carried out by the al Qaeda network.

Four British men and a teenager appeared in court in Britain last week charged with plotting a bombing after being arrested in the country's biggest anti-terror raids since the September 11 attacks.

The men, all of Pakistani origin, were arrested on March 30 in raids which uncovered 600 kg (1,300 lb) of ammonium nitrate, a fertiliser that can be used in bomb making.

Asked about his comments that he wanted to have the banner of Islam at 10 Downing Street, the prime minister's residence, Muhammad said, "Yes, it's my dream. I believe one day that is going to happen. Because this is my country, I like living here."

"I've been arrested 16 times. And 16 times freed, because they have nothing against me. These are the contradictions of laws made by man. If they believe in democracy, who are they afraid of? Let Omar Bakri benefit from democracy!"

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avon what he meant is that ira would often phone the police and give them a code word and tell them where the bomb is. The ira aimed more to scare and disrupt than to kill though that not to say they didnt sometimes.

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what i meant was that the IRA warn the authoritys before an attack (be it hours or 30mins),

but these came withotu a warning and people have died.

ut what you posted then avonlady is just sickening (what hes said)

Quote[/b] ]"We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity."

"has no value"

fuck him, fuck them all that believe this is right, this is sick, plain and simple, there is no "allah" for them, there is only evil and their blinded by their own selfwant for death and destruction,

noone deserves to die, no matter what creed or colour, believer or non believer, but i hope these arseholes die as they dont deserve to live


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IRA atleast give warning, these al quida shitheads dont give a fuck about live "jihad " is a petty excuse to kill people, i hope they and their followers have an untimely and painful fucking death


England was one part in a coalition who started a war against Al Qaeda and I don't know any war where you give your enemies a warning.

It's no surprise that London was attacked, it's just been a question of when.

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It's no surprise that London was attacked, it's just been a question of when.

Precisely. I'm not shocked by these attacks. I'm just glad they're out the way.

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I dont think France would bomb us from taking the olympics  icon_rolleyes.gif

France and UK may have many harsh political or sport disagreements, terrorist attacks will only reinforce more our cooperation (and friendship I hope) as ever.

In this kind of situation, I have more faith in our political men and people than in the international financiers who care cowardly more for their own benefits than global well-functionning economic system...

The global stock market is plundging...  band.gif

God saves the Queen, United Kingdom , Europe, and all men and women aspiring in Peace.

Today, we are all Londoners sflag169.gif


Avonlady, you prefer to fuel fear and hatred than give any confort or kindness, which is rather sad from someone living in a country which has already suffered so much.

AQ does not want only to kill non-muslims, but all christians, Jews and all muslims not faithfull towards them and their "Jihad".

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