hermano 0 Posted July 4, 2005 Hi there, since Honcho posted that he won't work on a multiplayer version of his excellent mission, Dynamic Afghanistan, I decided to create that. I thought it would be a lot of fun to play that with some friends on a lan, ofp seems to be the only game we can all agree on. But first this mission will need some betatesting, your help is really appreciated. I'm not really sure if this is the right subforum for this thread, maybe I should have started it in the users mission subforum. Obviously I'm a forum noob . Features: * Full multiplayer support for up to 7 players. * Respawn and cleanup of dead players and ai. * Gamedata can be saved and loaded: Day, time, support, weather, status of all base vehicles. * Gamedata is saved on the server, 5 DAMP savegames are allowed per server. * Only the squadleader may take missions and call support. * There is a high support penalty for the death of playercontrolled units, stay alive! * Reworked mission to reduce network load. * Added grouplink2. * Improved interface. Although the current version is still called a beta it should work without problems: Get DAMP beta 3-4 here. Be sure to replace DAMP_civs.pbo if you already have it, there were some changes. If you don't have the chaika and avia addons you can get them here: avia chaika Changes: Since beta 3-3 * added 'keep this layout' to weapon dialog. * fixed problems with sad mission * minor fixes * lots of internal changes Please read the readme. I expect that you already have Honcho's Dynamic Afghanistan 1.2b, his thread is here. New: I'm going to create a new campaign and mission system next (your suggestions are welcome), this is my concept so far: The map will be divided into 5 regions, one of them is your base, the others are a northern, eastern, southern and western sector. There is a mujahedin support rating for every region. The four sectors are gouverned by warlords, your main goal will be to kill those and secure that nobody else replaces them. The support in each region will be changed by your and the warlords actions. Support decreasing: Killing an enemy fighter, killing an enemy leader, killing an enemy warlords, completing a mission. Support increasing: Killing a civilian, death of an ai team member, death of a player, bombing a settlement, losing/aborting a mission, warlord actions. A warlord has four attributes: leaders, money, weapon quality and actionpoints. Actionpoints are earned daily by each worlord, they depend of the support of their region, they may be used to increase the regions support, create leaders or increase the support in neighbouring regions. Leaders may be created by a worlord by spending actionpoints, the number of leaders determines the number of enemy teams you might encounter during a mission. Leaders may be killed or captured to reveal the position of another leader or even the warlord. Money will be gained everyday by selling opium (quantity depends on a regions size), the opium shipments may be intercepted (if your intelligence is high enough). The money may be spend to buy new weapons or transferred to another warlord, weapon and money shipments may be intercepted (if your intelligence is high enough). Weapon quality determines what weapons and vehicles your enemies will have, each killed enemy/destroyed vehicle will reduce a warlords weapon quality. Support in a region will also influence: The number of people in settlements that will attack you, if the support in a region is high, visiting cities will be dangerous, these fighters are not connected to the warlord, will have cheap weapons and not influence the warlords weapon quality. Your intelligence quality, if it is low you will gain less useful/detailed information. If support is low in that region you may also gain information about neigbouring regions. If support is high and there is no warlord in a region a new warlord may evolve. The size of enemy groups. Mission types: Support another russian team, Locate and rescue shot down pilots, Enemies spotted, Enemy camp spotted, Secure a city, Patrol (encountered mission type may vary), A (low support) region is invaded by a high support regions fighters, Opium shipment, Weapon shipment, Money shipment, Kill enemy leader, Capture enemy leader, Attack a meeting of enemy leaders, Kill an enemy warlord. I'll soon create a version of DAMP using a minimum number of addons, only jam2 and cat's afghanistan will be needed. Have fun, h Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted July 4, 2005 interesting, a very nice and unsuspected suprise to see the mission made MP compatible i will try it in a "fake" MP enviroment to see how good it runs EDIT: I had a first spin opening a server and playing the mission by myself, and i must say that i really like what i saw so far, good job hermano, i specially like the little intro in the beginning, very nice, freeing the mission of gamelogics is a very good approach too, its not so easy to change the mission locations afterward like with gamelogics, but once good mission locations are spotted its the better approach Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted July 4, 2005 thanks mate, will test too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hermano 0 Posted July 5, 2005 Thanks a lot Honcho, on the server the game runs without problems, I still had no opportunity to see the game on a client (so if anybody starts a game please pm me - maybe I can join?). I reworked the mission to my best knowledge to run the right scripts on the right time on the server and clients - but I bet I missed something... I may decide to use Coc ns if there are real bad problems. My aim with DAMP right now is to have the content of Dynamic Afghanistan 1.2b in mp environment, so I regard the positions as 'final' as I don't intend to change them - removing the gamelogics used for static positions should reduce network load a lot. [iT|Q], thanks too, I'm eager to hear how it went. h Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-IT-Q- 0 Posted July 5, 2005 it might take a while (1-2 weeks) for me to test it - i am having exams these days maybe my bro will have the time to play it - be patient we will certainly do a wargames conversion if this one here works Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tankieboy 0 Posted July 5, 2005 Had a little play today. Very good from what I have seen so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mox 0 Posted July 10, 2005 Great work Hermano!!!, Plz keep it up, we appriciate it a lot. After a rumble with DAMP v2-3 (LAN with 1 local server, 1 client) here's a "small" report we came up with: Plz see this as constructive feed-back, by no means it's intended as picking, nagging or whatever else fit's that line. We already love DAMP and like to see it updated and ironed out as best as possible. -On extraction: Damp/radiomenu/4.sqs not found. >Should be \\ in the radiotrigger. -MedEvacServer.sqs (known?) contains this select1 > should be this select 1 ? (A follow-up error occurs and loops on the server until mission aborted/completed, but untested if this will be fixed by correcting the above.) -Patrol mission type Too many times no enemy due to the fact that halve the array is filled with the nospawn.sqs > Better to reduce the nospawn.sqs to 1 or max 2 (a 75% chance of encountering opfor would be nice) -Intelligence mission type Could do with a better system to identify VIP. Also, in playing this mission, a Jeep was identified on the server pc but didn't show on the client. -On return to base via extraction, sometimes pilots show up on the client at the spawnpoint for the choppers. The server doesnt see these pilots. (it's no biggy since the chopper spawns on top of them and kills them in the process, but it's still a bug of some sort) -Mission completion conditions could do with A LOT of improvement, sometimes its completely unclear why a mission won't sign of (status) as completed. Also currently on way too many occassions the mission just won't complete at all. The reason why this happens can either be bug or difficulty-related but doesnt realy matter, it's just too anoying atm. -Respawn during mission: Obviously essential for players but gives problems for AI-slots. Creates scattered squad with respawned-base AI walking huge distances towards the target area. Possible and better sollution might be to check if Player-slot is occupied by human player and if not deny respawn until mission completed or aborted. ============================================== Requests: -Plz make it so everyone can customize their weapon loadout. Currently it's a real pain in the *** to spent so much time equiping your team. -The pressence (checked) of a radio-device/operator in the team to make use of the radio should be considered -Multiple smaller teams (at least 2 of 6) would be better then 1 of 12 ioho (not realy important though) -When the evac chopper is destroyed enroute to the evacpoint it can mean walking back 7 km or more acros very uneasy terrain....could it be done that the evac-chopper enroute to a evac is set captive or at least someting be done so you'll always have a succesfull evac? Other id might be to respawn the evac-chopper if it's destroyed during a mission so you can at least call in a new evac. -Opfor/AI balance. Currently it's too easy to just ID targets yourself and let your AI take care of them, sometimes the balance is perfect but most of the times it's way in favor of the players. Suggestion might be to equip Opfor-AI teams with some sort of gouplink script (Keycats?) and or the usage of more, smaller teams, spreadout in a less easy to oversee and/or whipeout-pattern. Or for example, the usage of opfor-spotters on mountains which give intel to the AI on your pressence via the knowsabout command. The general ID being to increase the possibility of being flanked, stabbed in the back while engaging the init target, and/or making it more necessary to use your brain while planning an attack. Al this ofcourse at random if possible *hehe*. -Hillux and T55 path's and presence is often causing problems with the terrain. Cars and tanks stuck between ravins and houses are too common..It might be a idea to tweak the zones which allow for placement of these items? Also maybe enlarge the array of opfor armor with BMP and BMP2 which is reasonably realistic considering Afganistan. -CAS: in the Internalconflict-mission thats comes with BAS-Tonal Mod is a great example of a simple working MP-CAS sollution, might be an id to implement it? -Do night-missions still exsist? we haven't been assigned one yet. -Include some moving cars etc. in the cityspawn scripts to increase immersivness/ambient/civil pressence feeling. -Make the spawnterrorist.sqs's array-related so you can enlarge the unit-types while keeping the same number of spawned OPFOR Thats about it, hope it helps. If there's anything we can do to help you out, let us know ok? With great respect for all the work already put in to DAMP, grtz, Mox Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted July 10, 2005 considering the spreading out while being respawned isssue i think you should look at this script, it lets the downed player spawn with the leader (optional has to be "healed" by a fellow player) http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=46988 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mox 0 Posted July 11, 2005 *wonders if a Rescue attempt should be made to free Hermano out of some Tora Bora cave* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hermano 0 Posted July 11, 2005 Thanks a lot folks! I hadn't been around for the weekend, so maybe my answer is a little late. And also sorry for the buggy beta version, I had a five minute play with a friend and a lot of problems, should be fixed now with the beta 3. As soon as all multiplayer related problems are solved I'm going to work on all the interface quirks (briefings, weapons, etc.) and will add some more tricks and some unique missions following a storyline to create some more campaign feeling. Mox, thanks for having a look at the code, it will help a lot to have a few eyes more there. I will think about all your information and suggestions, if not already corrected in the current beta they should be added with the next one. Quote[/b] ]Plz see this as constructive feed-back, by no means it's intended as picking, nagging or whatever else fit's that line. I will, I posted the beta here to get that! h Edit: Mox, I'll try to answer your info's/request in detail: Quote[/b] ]Damp/radiomenu/4.sqs not found. >Should be \\ in the radiotrigger. Fixed. Quote[/b] ]-MedEvacServer.sqs (known?) contains this select1 > should be this select 1 ? Fixed. Quote[/b] ]-Patrol mission type Too many times no enemy due to the fact that halve the array is filled with the nospawn.sqs > Better to reduce the nospawn.sqs to 1 or max 2 (a 75% chance of encountering opfor would be nice) I will change that. Quote[/b] ]-Intelligence mission type Could do with a better system to identify VIP. Also, in playing this mission, a Jeep was identified on the server pc but didn't show on the client. Good to know, I will fix that. Quote[/b] ]-On return to base via extraction, sometimes pilots show up on the client at the spawnpoint for the choppers. The server doesnt see these pilots. Saw that too, it seems a copy of the pilots is created on the clients when units local to that client entered the transport. Quote[/b] ]-Mission completion conditions could do with A LOT of improvement, sometimes its completely unclear why a mission won't sign of (status) as completed. Also currently on way too many occassions the mission just won't complete at all. The reason why this happens can either be bug or difficulty-related but doesnt realy matter, it's just too anoying atm. I will improve that too (also in 2-3 most missions could not be completed, this should be fixed now). Quote[/b] ]-Respawn during mission: Obviously essential for players but gives problems for AI-slots. Creates scattered squad with respawned-base AI walking huge distances towards the target area. Possible and better sollution might be to check if Player-slot is occupied by human player and if not deny respawn until mission completed or aborted. Good idea, but unit respawn can not be stopped, I could remove playable non-player units from the group until the next rest. Quote[/b] ]-Plz make it so everyone can customize their weapon loadout. Currently it's a real pain in the *** to spent so much time equiping your team. Yes, I intend to add a loadout dialog, not unlike sow's. Quote[/b] ]-The pressence (checked) of a radio-device/operator in the team to make use of the radio should be considered I thought about that before, this could create some nasty situations (if you don't find a radio you cannot call extract and have to walk for hours), I have not decided what to do yet. Quote[/b] ]-Multiple smaller teams (at least 2 of 6) would be better then 1 of 12 ioho (not realy important though) No, I think the team should stick together, players might split whenever they want anyway. Quote[/b] ]-When the evac chopper is destroyed enroute to the evacpoint it can mean walking back 7 km or more acros very uneasy terrain....could it be done that the evac-chopper enroute to a evac is set captive or at least someting be done so you'll always have a succesfull evac? Other id might be to respawn the evac-chopper if it's destroyed during a mission so you can at least call in a new evac. About two minutes after the extract has been destroyed it should be possible to call in another one (although this has not been tested yet). Quote[/b] ]-Opfor/AI balance. Currently it's too easy to just ID targets yourself and let your AI take care of them, sometimes the balance is perfect but most of the times it's way in favor of the players. Suggestion might be to equip Opfor-AI teams with some sort of gouplink script (Keycats?) and or the usage of more, smaller teams, spreadout in a less easy to oversee and/or whipeout-pattern. Or for example, the usage of opfor-spotters on mountains which give intel to the AI on your pressence via the knowsabout command. The general ID being to increase the possibility of being flanked, stabbed in the back while engaging the init target, and/or making it more necessary to use your brain while planning an attack. Al this ofcourse at random if possible *hehe*. Great idea (had that too, hehe), the enemy behaviour needs a lot of improvement. Quote[/b] ]-Hillux and T55 path's and presence is often causing problems with the terrain. Cars and tanks stuck between ravins and houses are too common..It might be a idea to tweak the zones which allow for placement of these items? Also maybe enlarge the array of opfor armor with BMP and BMP2 which is reasonably realistic considering Afganistan. I will add a check for the nearest (house) objects before placing those, bmp's would be a nice addition, some of the base bmp's could be replaced by bmp2's. Quote[/b] ]-CAS: in the Internalconflict-mission thats comes with BAS-Tonal Mod is a great example of a simple working MP-CAS sollution, might be an id to implement it? I will have a look, I suppose I'll have to ask for permission before using those, don't know how to find the (former?) bas members. Quote[/b] ]-Do night-missions still exsist? we haven't been assigned one yet. Whenever you rest, a few hours will pass. This way you can choose if you want play day or night missions. Quote[/b] ]-Include some moving cars etc. in the cityspawn scripts to increase immersivness/ambient/civil pressence feeling. I will do that. Quote[/b] ]-Make the spawnterrorist.sqs's array-related so you can enlarge the unit-types while keeping the same number of spawned OPFOR Right now I don't know of other middle east units but the GMER. Honcho: The mapfact respawn 2.0 is great, I thought of combining this with the medevac (highest ranking player will get the radio if the squadleader cannot play), if all players are dead there would be a usual respawn at the base. Also this would force players to play as a team, they could be left lying around (at least for some minutes) by their team if they don't play cooperative . But I fear it will be annoying to wait for the medevac then, there also will be to few medics to use the usual method - it would be 'unrealistic' (I know I should avoid that term here ) if any unit could heal a player... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mox 0 Posted July 11, 2005 Hi Hermano, Report on very small beta-3 test: (playing only as server, with no client connected) Great Music! and already a much, much smooter version!! Bugs?: -On insert an error pops up saying: '_temp = _location distance troop6 , type number expect object (message stays for the further duration of the mission) -some minutes After calling medevac: support\med_delete.sqs" not found -Medevaced soldiers keep appear as wounded in the platoon-statusbar, though infact they're healed. -Extract chopper doesn't seem to acknowledge the given touchdown point too precise, but this can be my fault. (It landed on a roof and touched off, ejecting my squad in the process, resulting in several injured). Keep up the good work!! ============================================== I think the best way to approach BAS is just via their website (http://www.ballisticaddonstudios.com/classic.php) or email: Surely there must be someone alive behind those adresses (I think, -hope, -not sure, then again maybe not??) [email protected] As for the groupthingy, I see what you mean. Yes splitting up with human players isn't the problem. I just thought it would be a nice touch to have 2 teamcaptains...this should be possible by means of a Lead-team and support-team, thus needing eachother to complete whatever mission and cementing them together. The main function for the support team would be to bring heavy weapons or someting that the lead-team lacks to bear. Just a thought. Radio Y/N, well...imho I think it only adds to realism, but you're right that it would require to keep good taps on the guy. Reminds me of a excellent mission from General Baron I believe, which included code to force one to be close to the Radio-Op to use the Radio. AI-Related, The best scripts I know of are Keycats Grouplink II script, Bremmers AI script and Mapfacts SKY AI addon, all come with their pro's and con's. Personally it looks to me as if the SKY addon is the more customizable of the 3 but I havent tested it with spawn's and respawns atm. Armor: I think the Base-Loadout is fine, even a little over the top atm. The Opfor could use a T72 once in a while (to simulate T62's or so) and the previously mentioned BMP 1/2. Arab Insurgents: Check out current news-section on http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=news I'd prefer the new units over the GMER ones, from the looks of it they are all very low-poly and still good looking. There's bigger variaty and Arab-women included as well Questions: -Is the nr of CAS- and ART- calls unlimited atm? -What did you change so it seems no longer possible to review the mission in the editor with full funcionality and was this absolutely necesarry? Currently I can no longer get missions in editor-mode, if I'm not mistaken this is new in v3. Btw: I've just about finished a script which spawns random flying planes and/or choppers during the mission, enhancing immersivness a lot without much additional lag. If you want it I'll send it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hermano 0 Posted July 12, 2005 Hi Mox, thanks again. I changed some more things, there is a beta 3-1 now. Quote[/b] ]-On insert an error pops up saying:'_temp = _location distance troop6 , type number expect object (message stays for the further duration of the mission) I remember that, should be solved in 3-1. Quote[/b] ]-some minutes After calling medevac:support\med_delete.sqs" not found Found that too, again it should be solved. Quote[/b] ]-Medevaced soldiers keep appear as wounded in theplatoon-statusbar, though infact they're healed. Hmmm, don't know how to solve that, call (all) 5-5, they will show up healed then. Quote[/b] ]-Extract chopper doesn't seem to acknowledge thegiven touchdown point too precise, but this can be my fault. (It landed on a roof and touched off, ejecting my squad in the process, resulting in several injured). No, it wasn't your fault, the extract behaves strange, it will usually miss it's waypoint or just ignore it Right now it has become even worse, the extract will sometimes not liftoff after taking cargo, I don't think I changed anything in that script, this startet around the time I implemented the joining of respawned ai playables to another group. Maybe it's better to completely rewrite that script... Edit: solved, but rewriting might be a good idea anyway I had a look at the BAS CAS script, there was only a minor difference, the heli circled around the target location instead of staying above it, I changed that in the existing cas script. I added keycats grouplink2, in free terrain it doesn't help too much, but fighting large groups in cities is really deadly now. Ah, and tanks, guided by infantry, are really messy! I'll have a look at that arab units, thanks. Quote[/b] ]-Is the nr of CAS- and ART- calls unlimited atm? Yes, art and cas are unlimited (also transports). Quote[/b] ]-What did you change so it seems no longer possibleto review the mission in the editor with full funcionality and was this absolutely necesarry? Currently I can no longer get missions in editor-mode, if I'm not mistaken this is new in v3. I'm not aware of such changes, I edit the missions script files directly in the mpmissions folder, so I have not seen this. I can't think of anything that could cause it right now, sorry. Edit: The folder is writeprotected! Actually all folders inside the pbo. The best will be to uncheck write protection for all of them, I just did that, so future version should be editable without problems. h Quote[/b] ]I've just about finished a script which spawns randomflying planes and/or choppers during the mission, enhancing immersivness a lot without much additional lag. If you want it I'll send it. Sure, the rebels shouldn't have any, but some russian aircraft would fit well. bye, h Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mox 0 Posted July 13, 2005 Damp 3-1 testreport (1 local server, no client) Bugs/Urgents: -On patrol-type mission the patrol-area was found to be empty (at least it looked like it was), the mission completed very very quickly but it turned out that all nmi units were behind a huge mountain, never engaging anything but the CAS hokum (if I wouldn't have used CAS on this test, I wouldn't even have found out they were there until the red smoke popped when the extract-chopper moved in close). (Suggestion to fix this: -Always spawn nr1 group very close to the -mission marker and deploy multiple groups in a spaced-triangle formation around them, with random distance intervals (Not too close to be noted right away but also not too far for Group-Link support to take ages to get there). -And maybe the nr1 group should be the only one to have armor and/or vehicle support as well to exclude the others from becoming random problem-magnets due to the terrain.) -Group doesn't respond to formation changes, keeps locked in Wedge (or is it Vee) formation. -CAS: KA-50 down! message while infact it's still flying -Extract: After pickup takes off, nothing happens, default return isn't acknowledged, neither is course correction. Yes I agree, considering the problems with the current extract-script it might be a good idea to completely rewrite and then go for a new batch of tests. ============================================== Suggestions: -Limited CAS and ART per assigned mission, or in the case of CAS at least a N/A-limit if the CAS chopper gets blown out of the sky. -Change the Music (which is great! back to default OFP-themes during Beta-fase, this saves a lot of MB's over a internet-pipe and guarentees quicker testing. -Disable intro during Beta-fase. -Implementing JAM2-HD and/or fire dispersion-scripts to increase possibility of longer firefights and add some survivability to the players while still being immerged in hectic firefights. -Make all spawn-scipts array-based to improve handling of conversions/ports to other maps or unit-types and improve randomness in spawn-types/unittypes. Questions: -Is the ART-Smoke JAM2 smoke?, meaning does it actually block the AI's line of sight or not? Regards, Mox Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hermano 0 Posted July 13, 2005 Hi Mox, some fixes and a new beta 3-2. Quote[/b] ]-On patrol-type mission the patrol-area was found to be empty (at least it looked like it was), the mission completed very very quickly but it turned out that all nmi units were behind a huge mountain, never engaging anything but the CAS hokum (if I wouldn't have used CAS on this test, I wouldn't even have found out they were there until the red smoke popped when the extract-chopper moved in close). I think when the groups are created they start to move to the players location, obviously not good, I will change that. Afaik only group1 or group2 get tanks (up to 2). Quote[/b] ]-Group doesn't respond to formation changes, keeps locked in Wedge (or is it Vee) formation. I never changed the formation yet, I have no idea what could cause this. Quote[/b] ]-CAS: KA-50 down! message while infact it's still flying Is fixed in 3-2. Quote[/b] ]After pickup takes off, nothing happens,default return isn't acknowledged, neither is course correction. Yes I agree, considering the problems with the current extract-script it might be a good idea to completely rewrite and then go for a new batch of tests. Shouldn't happen in 3-2 either, I rewrote 90% of that script (still that won't fix all problems). Quote[/b] ]-Limited CAS and ART per assigned mission, or in the case of CAS at least a N/A-limit if the CAS chopper gets blown out of the sky. I'll think about it. Quote[/b] ]-Change the Music (which is great! back to default OFP-themes during Beta-fase, this saves a lot of MB's over a internet-pipe and guarentees quicker testing. -Disable intro during Beta-fase. Right I should offer a beta test download without the music, intro and addons, still I expect to release 1.0 in the next few days (as the release was meant as a 1 on 1 mp port of Dynamic Afghanistan), more additions will be in later versions. I will add an equipment dialog next, when there are no severe bugs anymore I will call it 1.0 . Quote[/b] ]-Implementing JAM2-HD and/or fire dispersion-scriptsto increase possibility of longer firefights and add some survivability to the players while still being immerged in hectic firefights. -Is the ART-Smoke JAM2 smoke?, meaning does it actually block the AI's line of sight or not? The original Dynamic Afghanistan already uses a dispersion script, so does DAMP, also the arti smoke uses BAS ai-blocking smoke. Quote[/b] ]-Make all spawn-scipts array-based to improve handling of conversions/ports to other maps or unit-types and improve randomness in spawn-types/unittypes. The spawn and mission scripts are still mainly original scripts, I will rework them soon and will use unit-arrays there too as in the other scripts. I will put all the unit and weapon arrays into the initVariable script in one of the post 1.0 versions then. Porting DAMP to another map will be a lot of work though, since I deleted most logic objects (those were maxed out) that were used for positions and use position3d or position2d arrays. If you plan to port DAMP to another map it will be good to first use Honchos missions map and then copy and paste the new logicobjects positions to the arrays (y and z values must be exchanged). Thanks again for your input! h Edit: Here is a unpbo'd version without intro and music. You will still need the other download to get the addons, I will create that for the next beta too, it will be more useful then. minidamp3-2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Billabong81 0 Posted July 27, 2005 I have set up a server and will be playing for the next hour or two. If anyone cares to join: Game Server - (port 2302) Ventrilo Server - (default port) The server is also running ECP 1.085. Hope some of ya'll stop by . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nox440 0 Posted August 17, 2005 I heart this mission. Everyone needs to download this ASAP, i haven't had this much fun in multiplayer since one of the first releases of RTS style missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munk 0 Posted August 26, 2005 GMER 1.2 is out complete with civies.Now I'll just sit back and wait for a UK conversion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gerwulf 0 Posted September 9, 2005 Hi hermano, me & some friends played some rounds with beta 3-4 now, and we find it awesome Some things we noticed: if I play on my system, being the server, then I can't see other players when they enter spawned vehicles. E.g.: the two Mi17s that are in the base from the start are fine, but Toyotas, enemy tanks, 'downed' Mi17s from the medevac missions and the like are not. We tested that behaviour with a dedicated server and found that the problem seems to only occur on the server, all clients can see each other. Another glitch seems to be the Medevac Copter, which hovers for days over the hangar at the base after returning, and never lands. Third, a minor issue: when I call for a mission at the CO and open the Select Weapons dialogue shortly afterwards, and thus get the status/mission hintbox while having the weapons open, that dialogue doesn't change selections anymore, until after I quit and reenter it. Fourth: when I choose to change the insert point after the AI has already stopped at the old location for the insert, the chopper moves to the new location, but does not gain height, which results in a crash into any obstacle on the way there. Fifth: I'm unable to save the mission. The scripts say they saved the game, but I'm unable to see any files created in the folders, and if I resume the slot later on it says it didn't find a game there. Sixth: maybe you could add your ICQ/MSN/whatever to your profile so we could ask you to join in when we play; since we don't know ourselves when that happens, a PM wouldn't be fast enough. Looking forward to see you in Afghanistan, thanks for this marvellous mission, greetings from Hannover, Gerwulf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gerwulf 0 Posted September 10, 2005 Just got the GMER 1.21 and found the following popup error before getting to the briefing screen: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Error loading jjr_rebels\jjr_rebel.p3d (Magic) Everything seems to work okay though, so I'm just gonna continue Gerwulf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munk 0 Posted September 10, 2005 You may have the wrong version then as Im 100% sure that bug was fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gerwulf 0 Posted September 10, 2005 I used the link provided in this post, plus JAM3 as suggested in the link below that. Yet, I get this error. Strange... am I the only one to have this problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 18, 2005 I had it too... replaced new gmer with old gmer for this mission did the trick hermano I really love this mission. Everytime VSS team hangs around for MP game its this mission, in night missions it rocks!!! Well I am replying now, after 3 hours playing this mission Only have 3 comments to make: --> Medevac chopper continued flying for 1 hour in base after i called him to Mazar... --> OPFOR are many times too weak against our strenght...me and my mate Woodpecker always went alone and dealed with them just fine...no casualties on our side --> If in a patrol against mudjaheedin we kill them, shouldnt we be counter-attacked?? Our base is very big on island and never was attacked NBR Out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munk 0 Posted September 18, 2005 Replace the config in your version with this one and tell me if it still fooks up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gerwulf 0 Posted September 18, 2005 I tried the config you provided and found it to make no difference. A diff of both files also showed that they were identical. So I still get the popup ad about the p3d Anyway, I don't care as long as it doesn't keep me from playing Gerwulf [update] Here are the MD5 sums of my addons folder, in case you want to compare them: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Filename Size MD5 sum avia.pbo 2,444,040 c188ee799d9210d23138886db3b2f204 CATintro.pbo 67,611,875 9a8671b2d334b7af9d9534b78d14b481 chaika.pbo 2,852,533 5f6e97039ddec051a06406602b91cbd3 DAMP_civs.pbo 2,272 70c2369bc4fe7fa1c627672ddc84e272 hiluxmg.pbo 5,474,407 b22dbca6d06106acd59c4a99dbfc9930 ICP_rfwp.pbo 30,549,180 565e0bb0ecb1e66445e212b8e5f561b4 ICPrpg7.pbo 9,443,065 76ef93dd7d054894caccb17a41e76889 JAM_Magazines.pbo 7,277,051 180899c972da88e54e25e73cde66a538 JAM_Sounds.pbo 4,999,440 dcb6bac3da2513043e1fbc49be7f28dd jjr_rebels.pbo 19,254,787 d5bce14cd571480f13f3f1ede1b1bf49 LSR_vdv.pbo 24,441,561 981c791a16bc516501d6c2e7f6283610 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hermano 0 Posted September 21, 2005 Hey guys! I have lots of other things to do right now, so I haven't worked on damp for months. It seems there still are some serious problems, I'll try to solve those soon and also use GMER 1.2 (thanks Munk!. It's time to release a 1.0 version. As for playing online, that's a good idea and should speed up development a lot. You could mail to lhc(at)weedmail.com to contact me, I should have time in the first days of next week at about 4 PM CET (17 Uhr deutsche Zeit), so let's give it a try. h Share this post Link to post Share on other sites