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our mod makes a island and a campaign...the other mod makes i think units and a island and weapons..

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Would it not be a good idea to join forces and work together? icon_rolleyes.gif

- Ben

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no offense but this is gettin kinda outta hand guys..i know the movie has been showing alot lately but my goodness..maybe yall efforts would be be used helping some of the other shorthanded mod groups that need a scripter,modeler or something instead of beating a dead horse...again sad_o.gif

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I'd rather see a Somalia mod than a Blackhawk down #19585783 mod.

At least then it'd be based on something near reality and not the "OMFG UBERLEET R4ng3rs r t3h best!!!!!" film.

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I'd rather see a Somalia mod than a Blackhawk down #19585783 mod.

At least then it'd be based on something near reality and not the "OMFG UBERLEET R4ng3rs r t3h best!!!!!" film.

your kinda right

but look at this from the other side

better to see anything than nothing ;-)

as for me im glad that theyr doing something :-)

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Omg, let them do there job and make there bhd mod! Hell, if you don't like it then please don't complain, you ruining it for those of us who actually want a bhd mod. You have to understand that if they want to make mod the, let them. So what if there hasn't been things made yet that people want, someone will make it. If these guys want to make a bhd mode, let them. If you're complaining about having a Somilian mod, or helping others out with other mods, then do it your dam self. These guys took to long to study and practise making addons/mods, let them do what THEY want.

P.S. - Awesome looking island, when can we expect a beta or release date? And please don't get mad, i'm just asking. If you think you know of a release date or beta release please say so, if not then don't get mad smile_o.gif .

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Oh look, a generic "stop complaining" speech.


Quote[/b] ]I'd rather see a Somalia mod than a Blackhawk down #19585783 mod.
is really

You wasted a post there. You're having a go at me for supposedly telling them to stop making something becuase "it's not been done before" yet we have 2 BHD mod topics in the front page of A&M:D at the same time...

To do something different would be to base it on the reality of the conflict, not the hollywood version.

Quote[/b] ]If you're complaining about having a Somilian mod, or helping others out with other mods, then do it your dam self. These guys took to long to study and practise making addons/mods, let them do what THEY want.

Do you know what DKM is? UKF? FLK? NAFP? NI mod? No. I never help out any mods.

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sry exigent..a beta or relase date is in the moment unknown..

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Oh look, a generic "stop complaining" speech.


Quote[/b] ]I'd rather see a Somalia mod than a Blackhawk down #19585783 mod.
is really

You wasted a post there. You're having a go at me for supposedly telling them to stop making something becuase "it's not been done before" yet we have 2 BHD mod topics in the front page of A&M:D at the same time...

To do something different would be to base it on the reality of the conflict, not the hollywood version.

Quote[/b] ]If you're complaining about having a Somilian mod, or helping others out with other mods, then do it your dam self. These guys took to long to study and practise making addons/mods, let them do what THEY want.

Do you know what DKM is? UKF? FLK? NAFP? NI mod? No. I never help out any mods.

HAHAHAHAHA rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif

someone is having bad day or something ;-)


please tell us more about campaign, and how you plan to handle "AI among buildings acts stupid" issue :-)

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When did i say that you said they shop stop the bhd mod?

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You wasted a post there. You're having a go at me for supposedly telling them to stop making something becuase "it's not been done before" yet we have 2 BHD mod topics in the front page of A&M:D at the same time...

To do something different would be to base it on the reality of the conflict, not the hollywood version.

Gotta agree on this. What's the point of having 2 mods which cover exactly the same conflict and exactly the same story huh.gif

The Somalian civil war is a very interesting subject and till now it has not been coverd yet. So why limit yourself to one single operation? Too lazy to do some good research on the conflict? Lack of interest because there aren't uber elite special operations involved in the war? Because it's an African war (there seems to be a taboo on that)?

That kinda makes me wonder huh.gif

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Because it's an African war (there seems to be a taboo on that)?

That kinda makes me wonder  huh.gif

Can't really agree that someone wouldn't make a mod because its African based. Look at Tonal, thats an African civil war wink_o.gif

However, I think it would be good if the 2 mods merged. Double the people making it, double the quality and variety of the final products.

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its not so easy, both teams can have completly different approach to BHD topic.

in my opinion its ok to sugest them merging with the other team, but for sure its not ok to push to hard on them to do so.

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in my opinion its ok to sugest them merging with the other team, but for sure its not ok to push to hard on them to do so.

I just said I though it would be good if they did, I didn't tell them to wink_o.gif

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in my opinion its ok to sugest them merging with the other team, but for sure its not ok to push to hard on them to do so.

I just said I though it would be good if they did, I didn't tell them to wink_o.gif

i didnt say you did :-)

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You wasted a post there. You're having a go at me for supposedly telling them to stop making something becuase "it's not been done before" yet we have 2 BHD mod topics in the front page of A&M:D at the same time...

To do something different would be to base it on the reality of the conflict, not the hollywood version.

Gotta agree on this. What's the point of having 2 mods which cover exactly the same conflict and exactly the same story  huh.gif

The Somalian civil war is a very interesting subject and till now it has not been coverd yet. So why limit yourself to one single operation? Too lazy to do some good research on the conflict? Lack of interest because there aren't uber elite special operations involved in the war? Because it's an African war (there seems to be a taboo on that)?

That kinda makes me wonder  huh.gif

Right when people make bhd mods 90% of the work is probally based on the movie and ignores the rest of Operation Restoring Hope. I would personally like to see more of the african warfare clans and low tech armies.

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I'm really happy to see more M4 models, because we really don't have enough now. I mean I think there's only like 1500 different models, right? icon_rolleyes.gif

I have to agree with the other posts, you really should think about expanding the subject and merging teams.

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Omg, let them do there job and make there bhd mod! Hell, if you don't like it then please don't complain, you ruining it for those of us who actually want a bhd mod. You have to understand that if they want to make mod the, let them. So what if there hasn't been things made yet that people want, someone will make it. If these guys want to make a bhd mode, let them. If you're complaining about having a Somilian mod, or helping others out with other mods, then do it your dam self. These guys took to long to study and practise making addons/mods, let them do what THEY want.

I think, 1, you fail to see the reality of it, one mod sees the other BHD mod and thinks "No point in continuing this, their doing pretty well".

It makes sense to join together, like the other BHD thread (Hm, theres an advantage, only one BHD thread crazy_o.gif ) that they will have more people to work on, so quicker realase date, and more/better quality models.

The other thread seems to be focusing more on making low-poly addons, where as this thread's team is working on an island. Goes together, no?

Anyway, noone is forcing anyone to do anything, we are discussing, no? Then you jump in and start accusing people of telling them to stop the mod.

Anyway, even DF:BHD (Not the most realistic games ever tounge2.gif) didn't focus on the one BH Shooting Down (just the last few missions), most of it was based on the rest of the operation restoring hope... and that stupid last mission where you shoot General Adid (Which half-fits with the fact he was shot in a clan firefight, but it was hardly politicaly correct, was it tounge2.gif)

Good luck, and like me and others have said, noones forcing you to do anything, we're merely suggesting things tounge2.gif

- Ben

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I'm really happy to see more M4 models, because we really don't have enough now. I mean I think there's only like 1500 different models, right? icon_rolleyes.gif

I have to agree with the other posts, you really should think about expanding the subject and merging teams.

They are not M4s, they are CAR15s. wink_o.gif

Edit: Arghh, deleted the rest of my post, it was in wrong thread, it is awfully confusing with more than one mod crazy_o.gif

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