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How can I get a Civilian or cop to change to West?

Sorry if this is already was answered.

But I searched and searched here in the forums!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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When you want to add the civi or cop to be on west side, yust group them with an west leader( higher rank than civi`s or cop`s).

To make the west teamleader not showup in mission, set the probability of presence to zero. I don`t know how to do that in a mission. My tip works only at the start of a mission.

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You can!

Do joingrp etc etc... should work.

Dont know if the respawn would though.

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Sorry, If I wasn't clear!

I mean put a Civilian cop on the West side.

And not be grouped to anyone!

Can this be done?

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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Guest Ti0n3r

Place the civilian and then place a western solider with a higher rank than the civilian. Then type this in the init field on the western unit; "deleteVehicle this".

The western solider wont exist ingame and the civilian will be on west side.

Edit: I forgot to mention, they must be in the same group.

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Well, join the specific unit to a unit of the other side, and after this occurs and the side command returns the desired side make the desired unit join objnull. He should join a new group of the same side.

[myUnit] join westleader


@side myunit==west||_to<_time

?side myunit==west:[myunit] join grpnull;exit

hint "error joining west side"

(if grpnull is not valid perform [myunit]join myunit I forget which it is ATM)

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Quote[/b] ](if grpnull is not valid perform [myunit]join myunit I forget which it is ATM)


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If this unit will exist at the beginning of a game, you can also go into the mission.sqm file with notepad, find the civ, and change the side info to West, East or whatever you want them to be.  Make sure you also change the main side heading as well.

It'll look something like this:

Quote[/b] ]


class Vehicles



class Item0






player="PLAY CDG";





init="EGroup = Group this";


class Item1







player="PLAY CDG";




init="EGroup = Group this";


Also, if this is a player, or a playable unit, when they respawn, they'll stay on east so you don't have to do any scripting to keep them that way.

You don't need the Egroup = group this stuff in there, that's for a specific roadblock mission I made where civ's are trying to escape a city while the west tries to blockade them.

If you're trying to make someone who is already a civilian on a civ SIDE in the mission change during the game to a SIDE of west, then the scripting mentioned in previous posts works. Just have a pre-existing unit somewhere on the map that is side west, Join the civ to that unit, then join the civ back to GrpNull like so:

Quote[/b] ]

[Civilian] join group WestUnit


[Civilian] join grpNull

That should make them turn west.

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