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C-119 Box Car

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I love this plane.

If anyone ever seen the movie, "Flight of the Phoenix."

Then you know how cool this plane is.

Photos Here!

So is there anyone that would like to tackle this?

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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I have to agree it would be a great plane

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Didn't someone make one of those or something very similar awhile back?

Oh wait...nevermind...it was a much smaller airplane that someone made. Yeah I agree, the C119 would be a nice plane. But there are alot of nice planes that could be made.

What is more important is whether mission makers could make good use of it.

I'd much rather see a C-17 made. There is one in exhistence but its not very good (the nose is all wrong). Plus if one could be made with some kind of tank carrying script, all the better.

A nice C-5 or C-141 or some more Russian cargo planes would be nice as well.

Another nice plane would be an armed TurboThrush cropduster as used by the CIA in Colombia. A LONG time ago someone made a cool cropduster but it only worked for the original OFP 1.45 and was never updated for OFP Resistance.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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A nice C-5 or C-141 or some more Russian cargo planes would be nice as well.

Hawk made quite a nice C-5 but I am unable to find it at the moment smile_o.gif

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He made one, but the body of the C-5 was all screwed up. The bottom middle section had a wierd curve to it, and it took an entire island to turn.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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He made one, but the body of the C-5 was all screwed up. The bottom middle section had a wierd curve to it, and it took an entire island to turn.

Are you sure?

I thought the model was pretty good and it handled pretty well for such a huge aircraft, but I could be wrong rock.gif

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If the C-119 would be made, I could honestly care less even if it were in civillian markings. It definately looks like a nice transport aircraft, one with managable size especially in OFP.

I thought Hawk's C-5 was good as well, though it would've been nice to see a better variety of textures..

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I had to make some rough modifications to Hawk's C5, to allow the AI to land it within the confines of a regular OFP island. But it still needs more work doing on the non visual LOD's. Still, it's impressive sight watching one come into land.


I would want the C-119 just because of it's unusal design, plus the size is probably more practicle for OFP. I messed about with some ideas for cargo carrying scripts, just waiting for a suitable oppertunity to try them out.

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Holy shit thats looking really nice!

nice camo!!

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I would want the C-119 just because of it's unusal design, plus the size is probably more practicle for OFP. I messed about with some ideas for cargo carrying scripts, just waiting for a suitable oppertunity to try them out.

I heard of your ideas, and I would really like to see them working, they are kind of the things that I would like to see in OFP cargo planes.

How about contakting DKM Jaguar? his C130 is looking really good.



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There was a modification of Hawk's C130 made awhile back that was working very well, but I agree that DKM Jaguar's C130, if they fly well, will be the definitive C130 addon no doubt.  

Oh, UNN, are you going release the updated version of the C-5 when you are done fixing it up?  I hope so if Hawk gives permission to release it (if you can get ahold of him).  Its not a perfect model or textures (I've never seen a C-5 cammo'ed like that) but still I think its better then nothing if it can be made to fly decently.  Hats off to ya for working on it.  

But back to the C-119, does anyone know the history of this plane? Was it used in any wars or anything?

Oh..damn that reminds me. Has ANYONE ever made a decent airliner?rock.gif??

There was an old 747 addon but while the model wasn't bad, it was really really rough in the texturing and the wheels models needed work (and needed to be made so they didn't stick out when in the up position).

Also I remember having a alpha version of a 707 (or maybe a 757) that wasn't half bad, but I can't find it anymore. sad_o.gif

Phil Commando also released one but while it was a great effort, again, it was a little rough and needed some work model and texture-wise.

It would be really nice to have a good looking airliner in both a flying and static form (for hostage rescue missions).

Right now the only decent looking airliner we have is Martin's DC-7. lol

Some type of Airbus, a 727, a new 747, or a 707 would be nice and very useful in a variety of missions ranging from hostage rescue missions to fighter escort missions or even intercept missions to stop one hijacked by terrorists from crashing into a city (something that can easily be scripted by simply cutting the plane's fuel at the right moment as it flys near the target city). Or it can just be part of a movie cutscene and background scenery at a civilian airport. Kinda wierd having those nice civilian airport building addons without any airliners at the airport.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]I heard of your ideas, and I would really like to see them working, they are kind of the things that I would like to see in OFP cargo planes.

I'm not sure if I was doing the same thing as BAS did with their cargo choppers, never looked into how they did their stuff. But I don't think my method was anything new, perhaps just more complex than the usual cargo scripts. Certainly not as flexible as the Mi28 cargo scripts, but probably a bit more solid.

Quote[/b] ]How about contakting DKM Jaguar? his C130 is looking really good.

It's certainly a fine looking aircraft. I would be glad to help, if he needs any. But they seem to have their act together, when it comes to making addons.

Quote[/b] ]Oh, UNN, are you going release the updated version of the C-5 when you are done fixing it up?  I hope so if Hawk gives permission to release it (if you can get ahold of him).  Its not a perfect model or textures (I've never seen a C-5 cammo'ed like that) but still I think its better then nothing if it can be made to fly decently.  Hats off to ya for working on it.

I already did, as part of my ATC stuff. But I should warn you it's a pretty basic modification. I just copied and adjusted the Geometry LOD from Konyak's Antonov, in an attempt to try and figure out what influences an aircrafts manoeuvrability. Hawk was kind enough to give me permission for the ATC version of that and the Nimitz.

Quote[/b] ]There was an old 747 addon but while the model wasn't bad, it was really really rough in the texturing and the wheels models needed work (and needed to be made so they didn't stick out when in the up position).

I think I have that, and a couple more, picked them up while collecting OFP aircraft. But there all in need of some major attention.

Quote[/b] ]But back to the C-119

Yes, sorry to add to the diversion.

If anyone does decide to make the C-119. I would be happy to help with any of the scripting, if required.

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It would be cool If someone made the ac 119 gunship from veitnam and used the ac130 script released a while ago.

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I would like to see 3 variants.

A troop transporter.

A AC-119 Gunship/Stinger. (Called it, "Crater Maker!"

And a civilian version. (Maybe a airline service version.)

So.., Anyone wanting to take this project on?

As I have read the posts.

It seems other people than me want it!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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Hmmm I remember something like this was made and release that had a Resistance version that had a howitzer stuck on the back crazy_o.gif




Oh snap never mind... it was a Sikorsky S-56 by McCancey tounge_o.gif

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community makes all those cargo planes then we can only use them as infranty transport or we don't use them.only OWmod has made a heli what can carry tanks and cars.

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Somebody should really make a Dien Bien Phu campaign/island-then try and land a C119 or a C54 in there under fire; come to think of it, Dien Bien Phu would be the perfect island size...

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