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Artillary Script and

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I need an simple artilary script that makes it where i can call it a couple times, and it hits the target... non with addons.

I also need a Counter Attack script to where. We take the

town, then a counter attack happens... oh and a building script.

To where(in multi player) we take the town, then.. we have 5 minutes or so to set up sand bags and mg nets and stuff..

ammo crates and stuff. i need it for an inportant mission that im making, will be released in 2 months if i can get these scripts... Thank u

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Buddy you might wanna check the editor depot on OFPEC

Sounds like you haven't checked there as it has almost every script your looking for. Or it just doesn't have the things you exactly want. biggrin_o.gif

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EvEnLeaSe44 Opf Missions is for threads strictly relating to official BIS missions, moving to ME&S smile_o.gif

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