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need your help

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There was another tool that o2 need to use certain pbo's,I need to know the name of this,I would have searched for it myself but I dont remember the name >.<

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Okay...lets see.....for the icon it had a kind of blue skyscrapers....when you open it you can see the model in 3D and move it around however it has no textures....you use it to save a.......MLOD format of the model and then can open it up in oxygen,however the textures are usually not there.

Thats all I can remember,I can't remember the name of the tool.

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Well, you are looking for the "Odol explorer". You can download it from several pages, www.atwar.net for example.

And the program shows textures as well, but you have to change the proper directory in the "data dir" button, it's easy, i think you don't have any problems.

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thats Odol_Explorer_v2.0

oops Spai beat me biggrin_o.gif

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Thank you all for helping me,by any chance I could get help with one more thing?

Okay I'm on a project and my main purpose is a texture artist,however whenever I try to use any texture in oxygen,it just appears as "null" with no picture,I made sure that the resolutions were correct 1024x512 etc.

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do a bit searchin on this in the oxy forum


make sure that ur data fodler is set up correctly

and that there is no spelling error inthe path

path eg


texture prefix is data\

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