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named properties and LOD`s

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Hi all,

I´m a 3d modeller and decided to get deeper into addon making for flashpoint.

At the moment I only work with simple static objects placed in wrptool.

My problem is that flashpoint does not accept the LOD´s and or named properties in bushes and trees.

map=tree      => no tree (black circle) indicated in mission editor

canocclude=0  => objects behind view geometry still disappears, flicker effect

dammage=tree or tent

I´ve got geometry lod (trunks) and viewgeometry lod, tested in o2:

-convexity tested

-all got named selections

-no non closed

I tested this with unpbo´d bushes from fdf_island_s.pbo, I only made changes in view geometry.

Everythings looking good but I got no tree sign in mission editor, canocclude doesn´t work and I can run through the trunk.

problems already solved:

-too long texture names

-texture alpha (binarize)

-forest didn´t follow ground

Also got some additional questions:

-is it necessary to binarize mlod models with named properties for proper function ingame? I know that wrptool has some limitations here.

-do static objects placed in wrptool need any other cfg file? (no need to place them in the mission editor ingame)?

-where can I get a more detailed description of o2 functions esp. vertex and face properties?

-anybody got experiece in rebuilding existing real-world landscapes?


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it is not necessary to binerize the model to work properly ingame

but binerizieinng has several advantages

in ofp it reduces the file size of the p3d and things liek CfgMaterials onyl work when binerized

in wrptool the proper model is dispalyed when binerized instead of a blue square with question mark

static models only need to have a static cfgvehicles

just grab another buildign cfg and modify it

if u dont want it to appear in the mission editor list

leave away the displayname and vehicleclass

if u have questions ony face properties itll be good to know what exactly u mean ;)

me does wot do u need to now?

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So I have to include a config file, even if the object is only placed in wrptool.

And I don´t need to binarize for testing. Thought I heard something like named properties only work in binarized p3d´s, but I was not sure bout that.

face and vertex properties:

I mean if you select some faces or vertices and press E or shift+E a new window pops up with properties, anybody has a more detailed description of all this?

Today I continued testing with the bushes but I still have no idea why I can´t get the viewgeometry, geolod and named properties to work. Does odolexplorer corrupt the file somehow when saving to mlod?

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indeed odolexplorer messes up several things

smooth/sharp edges and selections for example..

and i think that this is good

yes u have to add a cfg to every p3d u want to use in ofp

all properties work in ofp w/o bineizing

the face/vertex properties is pretty self descriptive

like the option shining under face properties

this will make the object/slection shinening in darkness

fully/half lighted always in shadow are just like shineing

light options

other things liek align to ground

on surface are options how to allign objects to teh ground

by default they dont allign

Quote[/b] ]I can´t get the viewgeometry, geolod and named properties to work

wots ur prob with those?

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I can´t get the viewgeometry, geolod and named properties to work

This means, that I have trees with alpha texture that look good ingame, they work binarized and in mlod format.

But they only look good:

1. figures can run through the geometry lod, though it is convex, has right named selections and has no non closed faces.

geometry lod has named properties:



dammage=tree or tent

2. in view geometry it´s the same, but AI can see through it, and the canocclude doesnt work (objects disappear behind the tree view geometry).

3. named property map=tree doesn´t show a tree on the ingame map

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Sorry to dig up such an old thread, but i've had the same problem and i've (finally) found the solution :

ODOL explorer mess things up, and particularly Named Properties ! It adds a space at the end of the property name (for example "class " instead of "class"). Just get rid of this "space" and your building will appear on the map...it spends me a few hours to understand this !

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yeah it had to be something messed up with his model...

just wanted to drop by and say that actually you do not need a config for every island objects, its only useful for houses with ladders and other animations...

i've got a whole set of mlod format customized trees placed via wrptool without any config and they all work fine...

just in case somebody is looking for the same info and finds this thread somehow..

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