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About condia

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  1. condia

    named properties and LOD`s

    I can´t get the viewgeometry, geolod and named properties to work
  2. condia

    named properties and LOD`s

    So I have to include a config file, even if the object is only placed in wrptool. And I don´t need to binarize for testing. Thought I heard something like named properties only work in binarized p3d´s, but I was not sure bout that. face and vertex properties: I mean if you select some faces or vertices and press E or shift+E a new window pops up with properties, anybody has a more detailed description of all this? Today I continued testing with the bushes but I still have no idea why I can´t get the viewgeometry, geolod and named properties to work. Does odolexplorer corrupt the file somehow when saving to mlod?
  3. Hi all, I´m a 3d modeller and decided to get deeper into addon making for flashpoint. At the moment I only work with simple static objects placed in wrptool. My problem is that flashpoint does not accept the LOD´s and or named properties in bushes and trees. map=tree    => no tree (black circle) indicated in mission editor canocclude=0  => objects behind view geometry still disappears, flicker effect dammage=tree or tent I´ve got geometry lod (trunks) and viewgeometry lod, tested in o2: -convexity tested -all got named selections -no non closed I tested this with unpbo´d bushes from fdf_island_s.pbo, I only made changes in view geometry. Everythings looking good but I got no tree sign in mission editor, canocclude doesn´t work and I can run through the trunk. problems already solved: -too long texture names -texture alpha (binarize) -forest didn´t follow ground Also got some additional questions: -is it necessary to binarize mlod models with named properties for proper function ingame? I know that wrptool has some limitations here. -do static objects placed in wrptool need any other cfg file? (no need to place them in the mission editor ingame)? -where can I get a more detailed description of o2 functions esp. vertex and face properties? -anybody got experiece in rebuilding existing real-world landscapes? thanks