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Looking for zombie maps for co-op LAN party

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I'm having a LAN party in the very near future and while I have been able to download various co-op maps for Opflash, it's very difficult to find Zombie mod maps. If anyone has a completed co-op Zombie map they wouldn't mind sharing plz Email it to me at StylezXP@gmail.com. I know many of you probably mucked about with this mod as much as I have smile_o.gif

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Do you want Co-Op zombie missions or a map suited for zombies?

I don't know any co-op zombie missions but for a map I'd use New Ocean Island v1.5 because it's a large city without the large city lag.

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I have 5 of them, but they don't use the zombie mod stuff. I made them before the zombie mod came out. Basically I originally took the original Nogova Virus and edited it to fixe some stuff, then ended up making 4 more missions, although I haven't finished the story line yet.

You do need the BAS Rangers because it uses some of their weapons. Otherwise, I think it's addons-free.

Get it here:


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Here's some OFP zombie history--

The Skye Virus by D.MurphyMan came out first, where you have to find components of a radio and fight off zombies while you do it.

Sometime after this the Nogova Virus by HomerJohnston came out. Similar premise to Skye Virus, except it was more linear, you had to get to the airport and escape while fighting off zombies. The only problem was that it was hardcoded to 4 players.

I took it and re-wrote the zombie scripts to make it dynamic and patched up a few other things. A lot of people like the zombie style maps, so I started making sequels, and so far I'm on Chapter 5 which is probably the next to the last one in the series.

During this time the unified zombie mod was worked on in order to make more missions like this feasible.

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Karillion I am very familiar with your maps they have been a favourite at our co-op engagements for quite some time smile_o.gif Thanks for making such awsome missions! As for Nogova virus, I had no idea there was multiple chapters and I look forward to trying them all out! While we're at it is there anything else that would translate well to a ~12 person LAN party? How is the RTS map coming?

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Ah skye virus, happy memories biggrin_o.gif

I might consider making a remake with the unified zombie mod. The last version of skye virus had a major bug init, and i never got round to fixing it. Any way ive had an idea for a zombie map very similair to my Fallout RPG mission floating around my head for a while. But first i must iron out the FORPG bugs before starting a new project.

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RTS-3 is at version 1.44 now. I haven't done anymore public releases of it for a while since I added mining and some other stuff to it. Maybe I'll get around to it eventually.

I haven't finished the storyline to Nogova Virus yet. I just recently made the 5th one. I sort of get on these kicks and start working on something.

Anyway, have fun at your lan party!

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Ah skye virus, happy memories  biggrin_o.gif

I might consider making a remake with the unified zombie mod. The last version of skye virus had a major bug init, and i never got round to fixing it. Any way ive had an idea for a zombie map very similair to my Fallout RPG mission floating around my head for a while. But first i must iron out the FORPG bugs before starting a new project.

how about editing your fallout map so that you fight against zombies. you start a different posisions as now and you got 2 choises. try to fight them on your own or cooperate with the others. maybe building a little camp tounge_o.gif . each 5:th 10:th or 15:th minute (random) zombie would be created around the players. of course to make it more risky to play lone wolf the number of zombies created around you should be random. from maybe 3 to 15. the total number of zombies for all players togeather should be thesame tough. 1 hit 1 kill for the zombies would then be good. and no respawn. the 1 that survives longest will win tounge_o.gif and to prevent that some1 plays around in a car all vehicles could have their fuel set to 0 during the zombie battles then have it back to 1 again.

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Lol, yea i was thinking along thoughs lines, but the zombies (and most AI for that matter) seem to have a proplem with Camcreated objects, or vehiclecreated objects. They just ignor them and walk straight through the damn things.

Ill look into sorting that proplem out though first i need to finished fallout off. (Some one please reply to my thread in this section tounge_o.gif )

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BTW, I forgot that on Nogova Virus chapter 5 you need MiG's farm animal pack. I can't find a link ATM, but I'm sure it's here somewhere on the forums or at ofp.cz.

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Thanks Nem. I'll check it out!

Also: Fallout RPG tailored to zombies is a brilliant idea.

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The one that I'm just putting the finishing touches too will be quite impressive and unique.

2 teams (East and Resistance) have to fight to extract the scientist responsible for the outbreak taking on the Zombies as well as each other.

Although it is using the Finnish Defence Force mod at the moment.

I'm just converting it from FDF to regular OFP on Farmland Island.

What do people think of if I had the West as Project UKF's infantry? I know it'd bump up the files required, but it'd add a bit of 28 days later to it...

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