WhoCares 0 Posted May 25, 2005 Some options that might make sense with JIP: 1. anyone at any time 2. a 'trusted player' according to a server-based list (would be a nice option especially for clans) 3. players that dropped connection can re-join 4. join as spectator 5. 'knocking' - a player 'knocks on the door' and the admin or a public vote decides whether he is allowed to enter Disregarding of which kind of JIP is implemented, it should be an option for control on server, mission and admin level, in this order. So JIP is only possible if the admins allows it in an JIP enabled mission on a JIP enabled server. The mision would have to decide what kind of JIP is possible, with respect to joining as completely new character (and in this case where new players appear) or spawning into a AI-soldier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Barron 0 Posted May 29, 2005 Having a little MP editing experience, I don't see how JIP could work "automatically". Basically, it seems to me that the mission editor would have to specify whether or not JIP can be used in his mission, and he would have to take special steps to account for what happens when a player does JIP (what scripts to start up, etc). I just don't see how it would be possible to let the engine "decide" what team/side/situation is best to let a new player join. Of course, adding new scripting commands/description.ext entries that would give the mission editor more control over where/how a player can JIP would make the whole thing much easier on everybody. Dunno, just my 2 cents. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecOp9 0 Posted May 30, 2005 I was thinking all the cool things JIP will allow us to do. - RPG elements We can probably now have people connect anytime they want, choose a side, and have a huge, long, long game of whatever playing. - ICTI Infinite CTI! Which means once a game ends, a new game is completely regenerated in real-time, just as if it were a new game from the start. Basiclaly the maps keep going and going and going without needing to reassign. - Squad matches That's damn right, no more worrying about your fellow squad mates dropping out of the game, and the other team having the advantage. Hands down, I really thing JIP for armed assault is going to be a godsend for Squads and Leagues Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted May 31, 2005 I am curious as to whether JIP can support games like RTS3. First, there are a lot of scripts that are running and looping in the background, and the mission state, variables, etc. would all need to be transferred to whoever joined. Some vars are: Money Research/Upgrades (in RTS3 there are 4-5 per side) Eventhandlers on vehicles/players Plus numerous other vars floating around. Then you have all of the players with their AI to synch up with, all in all just a lot going on. I hope they can do it, but I'm a bit skeptical of it working with heavily scripted missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=Matt= 0 Posted June 1, 2005 i just wanted to mention some options to balance teams, just like "join red; join blue; spectate" and... a callvote system plz, not anymore 20 peaple that must all write "#vote admin 25" but only one calls a vote, ex: \callvote referee xxyyzz and everybody can vote f1 yes or f2 no Share this post Link to post Share on other sites