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What type of worlds would you like to see?

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Lets say same engine, same possibilites when it comes to mission, addons and so on...


would you rather see OFP1's huge land or areas like in Hidden and dangerous, that isnt so open, not so big but offer alot better grounds for inf battles?

dont think this subject been up, I personaly belive the seize for maps is already set and decided by BIS, but maybe there is a empty place in our gamer hearts for something like OFP but at a much lower map seize?

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We'll just have to wait and see, maybe something will come up at E3 wink_o.gif

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Lets say like Nogova or a bit bigger.


1. Cause air battles are more interesting if the ground under your aircraft isn't as small as Everon.

2. Higher flexibility in different vegetation and style of areas.

On smaller areas you have to decide if you wanna make a mountain area or a desert one or any thing else inspite of doing all on one area and be able to play with these at one time!

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Guest Ti0n3r

at least as big maps as nogova. if its like in hidden and dangerous 2 I wont buy the game. and why should the maps be less detailed if they are bigger than nogova? makes no sense. a modern pc would be able to handle big detailed islands.

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I want big landscapes but not that big so it feels dull and unpersonal. Therefor I vote for just as big as Nogova. However, if BIS can feed as much detail on a larger map I'm not the one complaining. smile_o.gif

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at least as big maps as nogova. if its like in hidden and dangerous 2 I wont buy the game. and why should the maps be less detailed if they are bigger than nogova? makes no sense. a modern pc would be able to handle big detailed islands.

Takes time to do detail. Hence, smaller landscapes, more detail. wink_o.gif

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The options aren't really fair.. Everyone have answered 'Nogova' or 'Bigger than Nogova' but I am sure most of the people who have answered Nogova do want bigger islands but the 'less detail note' makes them choose Nogova.

OFP2 islands will propably be different compaired to OFP. If they take advantage of the features newer versions of DX offers you can duplicate objects without having to render each one of them which can give you islands far bigger, with more objects and higher view distance than what we have now in OFP. The islands will also propably be handled differently such as streamed islands like Söldner has. But as dmakatra said each place has to feel personal/unique.

The best with OFP is that they give you a huge island so that the mission makers can make thousands of different missions. Games like CS are pretty much limited to one map one mission.

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It's more down to the person making the island than what the engine can handle. If someone is good at making islands and spends the time to make them nice and detailed (think Newland) then that's a bonus. I'm sure performance will be much smoother in OFP 2 if you consider how much nicer VBS1 is and how much smoother it plays than OFP. I'd be happy if they made it possible to make much larger maps than Everon with little performance hit, and as much detail as Newland (or more), then the community will take over like we have now and create our own things that suite what we want. It'd be silly for BIS to make the new version of the engine support smaller maps than we have now. The best in between thing would be to let it support bigger maps so we can then take advantage of it if we wanted.

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I'd love it if there were some kind of terrain generation outside of nogova-sized "mission areas". i.e do away with artificial limits to areas. You could have a number of island sized "mission areas so everything works in MP, but random terrain generation outside those areas (in a tribes 2 styleee).

Obviously this isn't really an important feature, i'd much rather have time spent on making islands OFP1 sized but graphically more detailed, but it'd be nice biggrin_o.gif

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Actually in the early anouncements regarding OFP2 they (BIS) proposed to abandon the island approach in favor of a kind of unlimited floating terrain, iirc.

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"Everyone have answered 'Nogova' or 'Bigger than Nogova' but I am sure most of the people who have answered Nogova do want bigger islands but the 'less detail note' makes them choose Nogova"

"makes no sense. a modern pc would be able to handle big detailed islands."

It do make sense.. the more objects, the more to the engine to keep track on, even if you do "duplicating" objects..

Lets resources on your computer is 100 object.

A) you spread 100 objects over big area..

B) you make a small area..

Why do you think you got higher fps on everon then on Nogova?

If you remeber the demo days, we had a very very limited area to work with, just around houdan on malden. Still alot alot of mission was done, and pretty many was really good.

BUT, it seems most people want bigger maps. Even if i really only see use for that with airplanes/choppers..

Personaly Everon feels more then enough, fightning as a grunt and riding in M113 is OFP for me..

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Yeah, BIS has already said they'd have streaming terrain, so there's really no point to this topic anymore. Closing.

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