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Vit-Vit Labs

New Mi-24 Pack v1.1

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WIRED.. Look on the size the file you download

it sould be 9,204,754

or refresh the page biggrin_o.gif

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I believe I have the fixed version installed, and I am using FlashFX 1.8 but now the problem is that there is no rotor wash for it sad_o.gif

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After testing the "fixed" 1.1 Version, I come to the following conclusion:

1. Vit has done the Best Mi-24 model so far in OFP.

2. Flight Model ist believable, textures are more than acceptabel

But I have some (constructive, I hope) criticism:

1. The "fixed" 30mm Cannon ist free movable in 1.1fix, it should'nt.

2. The YAK 12,7 mm uses explosive Shells, that remind of the 30mm, it should use normal KE (kinetic ernergy) ammunition.

3. The AT-2 is a outdatet Weapon, und modeled to strong,

The actual Mi-24 uses the AT-6 Spiral or newer AT Missiles.

4. The Mi-35 is just the export Version of the newer Mi-24 models, double 12.7 mm Guns are fictional.

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I am not entirely sure of this but I have seen a version with two cannons. I don't know if it was just a prototype of some sort though.. Here is a good site on the Mi35 variants, includes two videos of them in action as well..


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