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Fixing Vehicles

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Just wondering if it would be possible to give a soldier the capability to fix vehicles

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pobably, but it will require lots of scripting (or you could give soldiers the repair truck scripts) biggrin_o.gif

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Yes, it is possible.

Is this for single-player or multi-player?

Do you want one player unit to have abiltiy to fix?

Do you want 'type' of unit such as engineer to have fix ability?

Be more specific.

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cheers for the scripts mate....... i posted here before i looked on Ofpec..... ahhh well thanks for the help

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Pfft. Just lock a repair truck and keep setposing it to the persons position, just keep it a little bit under the ground tounge_o.gif

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It's very easy to include a more realistic option and it doesn't take much scripting. And you don't need any underground vehicles smile_o.gif

I included the option in my mission African Jazz, and you can download it here:


Basically it works like this. When the vehicle is damaged so badly it cannot move it gets an action named "Repair" added to the action menue.

The simple repairscript that's started by the action returns it to full health in a minute or so. It also has a custom soundeffect (me playing with my tool box and cursing near the microphone).

When the vehicle is back to full health you can continue on your way and the "Repair"-action is removed from the vehicle.

African Jazz is a MP death match, but the same technique works in SP. Download it, open it up, copy and paste.

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aye thinking of a nice animation for one of the crew to be doing while fixing

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I don't remember the name but there's an animation for reloading a mortar among BIS standard animations (check the switchMove list at www.ofpec.com). I didn't include it because African Jazz is a MP mission, and animations doesn't work on human players that are not servers in MP.

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