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Two Mouse Crusors

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Hello all, Every time I install this great game, I have two crusors.

One is from the Windows crusor the little white arrow and a Operation Flashpoint Crusor, the shorter arrow with tan color.

Now, I've gotten to the point of asking people, because it's very annoying and distracting during game-play SP and MP. It moves whenever I move the regular OFP, and sometimes it's very confusing.

Please help me. Thank you in advance.

~ Ogre blues.gif

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Set you refresh rate on desktop differant to ofp.

And/or Alt Tab out an back in to OFP.

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Thank you for the ideas, but they unfortunatly didn't work. You see, My OFP freezes when I press ALT-TAB and I have to reboot my computer and believe me I've tried reinstalling and setting preferences to autodetect. I've also enabled the multi-texturing option which also didn't work. Checked my Nividia card it works. Checked the resolution...Shook my mouse....ahhhhh I've tried every idea that was offered to me. They all seem not to work.

I don't know it used to work very well back when I bought this game 2002 I believe.

It's pissing me off biggrin_o.gifmad_o.gif !!!!

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Tankieboy's solution should've worked, when this happens to me I do:

1. ALT+TAB twice

2. Switch to different resolution ingame

3. Switch refresh rate ingame

4. If either of those hadn't worked then I change desktops resolution to 800x600 and ingame to 1024x768

BTW Avon it's not OK to call newbies noobs, we're OFP community after all wink_o.gif

P.S. You forgot SUFFAH! tounge_o.gif

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no im sorry, it still doesn't seem to work.

hmm... I'll install another game to see if the same thing happens in my game, if yes, then I'll just be annoyed forever, maybe some program is doing it. Well I'll mess around the comp tonight.

Thank you anyway.


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Please search before posting, over the years this question has been asked and answered a multitude of times smile_o.gif

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