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More MFCTI units and options

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Currently Im using MFCTI with EECP (Amazing combo!) but I wish there were more tanks, jeeps, weapons (like some more AT weapons etc.) Also I would like the ability to change MY guys model from Regular infantry, to Black ops/Spetsnaz etc.

Also is there anyones that Add Chinese, German, French, UK units or anything like that? I'd sure love to play Russia versus China or something like that.

Are there any good mods out there that augment MFCTI?

thank you

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You are mixing two things here: cti missions with different soldiers and config mods like eecp. You really shouldn't mix those. For some different units (although no different nations except finnish) you could try Medicus cti missions:


Finmod CTI

Winter Kodiak CTI

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ECP on most cti servers are considered a cheat  mad_o.gif . As for new style of cti try the {ROX} cti. It has most of the modern weapons and the better addons in it. Its a big download for the addons but well worth it.

ROX cti site= http://www.roxsirwilliam.tk/

The newest ROX cti maps are on the KAOS clan server.

I'll post screen shots if anybody wants to see or learn more. smile_o.gif

I see ROX cti as the future in cti as it has the best of all the past ctis. It even has some builtin anti cheats like the famous transfer cash cheat.


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Me too, I'd like to see some more variety. Not only US vs. Russia, even if using all the latest addons.

Add some more countries...

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sry for the question, but where is the difference when a addon is released if it is CTI or not, only some exceptions like the fennek and the MI-26 from our weapons don't work in mp, are am i now absolutly wrong?

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If a new addon addon is released the old cti missions will obviously not use it. So you have to make a new cti version that does use them. You could also try to get a replacement mod like eecp, y2k3 or flashfxur and play a standard cti using the units those mods put into the game. Nothing wrong with all that, but i guess using replacements mods in a mp cti will most likely crash you.

But mixing the "replace units in the cti mission scripts" and "use a replacement mod" methods will most likely lead to disaster, especially in mp.

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  (Tomislav @ Feb. 21 2005,15:38) said:
only some exceptions like the fennek [...] don't work in mp

The Fennek is completely MP compatible.  smile_o.gif


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@ Ukraineboy:

On the Server of the 75th-Clan there is a CTI-Version Russia vs. Germany. It also includes the new Fennek of the BW-Mod. It bases on the CR-CTI and the modifications MEDICUS did.

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