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sputnik monroe

Small simple addon idea

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Some one should make a Black Op night from Hyakushiki's 1985 SF CQC model. All that would need to be done is to retexture the Woodland BDU to black BDUs.

I'm sure it would be very useful for Y2K3, EECP, and FlashFx. As it is now Hyakushiki's 1985 woodland SF CQC is a perfect replacement for BIS's Black Op (day). It would be really cool though if we also had an exellent model to replace the original BIS Black op night with.

Just and idea, what do you all think?

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I like the idear thort of duing that myself(only not using Hyakushiki's troops) but I don't have time why don't you try your self it isen't that hard to change the texturs ex: if you found a usefull uniform in plain green or another colour you could ask the author if you could use it and if he/her agreed just transfere the texture to a greyish picture and then make it darker till the colour you want, "merge" the textures you want to convert so it looks right, and aply to the soldier.

sory for my bad english and lousy description.


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I would think about trying it my self but it just isn't possible. I've never been able to set up O2 and Bulldozer. Every time I've ever tried I get thousands upon thousands of error messages popping up left and right when ever I click on anything.

I suppose it wouldn't need to be Hyakushiki's model. I just know that he's the friendliest when it comes to allowing others to use his model as a base. You could always create a new model from scratch but that would take a lot longer.

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Just tried a quick dirty horrible recolour in black on all the woodland textures to have an idea of what it could be if there was a night black ops using the SF CQB from Hyakushiki.


I guess with someone really talented in textuing, it could end up in something very interesting for a night black ops, as the basis model is very good

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If you want to use Laser's model, Sgt Stryker has already made a nomex suit delta...grab it here.


All the guys not in camo are the nomex troops.

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