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Ship TOW wont fire

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Im modifying the Mirage Patrol Boat to have a TOW launcher on its turret (same as M2A2). All seems to be working fine except;

- TOW wont fire for player (and AI dont use it. Ammo is green/OK)

- Player can't (but AI can) select another weapon, stuck with TOW

TOW target Lock-on seems to work.

I've copies the model bits and config bits for the launcher from the BISM2A2 file, including the "spice rakety" firing point in Memory.

Any ideas whats wrong?

First time I've used O2 (FLASH -> newbie) and Im not sure if I've hit a OFP engine limit (ie TOW on a Ship?) or if its just a newbie config.cpp problem

My current config;



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I think boats (like cars) can't fire missiles in standard OFP


You could probably add the MCAR scripting to a boat -

try PM'ing those guys?

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rats rats rats rats rats !! sad_o.gif

ok ........... thanks Footmunch ...... looks like I'll be checking out all those non-standard ways of adding weapons ... like MCAR

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If you create you Tow missile as a tank class you can place it on your boat in a similar fashion I used on the PT boats. I have mounted rapier missles, hawks, on boats and they work. Ai use them not player however.

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create the ship

define in config.cpp







"" simulation=ship ""

It was driving like and anything else, but didnt tried to fire from it.

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