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Recently I have been working on a Flashbang. It features a working flash, a in-progress config, and need of textures. Anyone who can help me please email me at AustralianSpecialForces@hotmail.com

All beta testing is by ASF members only.

Estimation Time of Release [ETR]: Mid Febuary. wink_o.gif


Please note that the model is not complete.

Our website is at http://ASF.ofpcentral.com

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if that thing works against ai it will be one of the few addons that finds it way into my regular addon folder

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This link might be helpful. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/xm84.htm

Of course, there's dozens of different makes and models. It might be useful to know these things are also known as stun grenades, and distracton devices.

Due to their small size and weight, tactical team members will typically carry as many as six to eight XM84's in addition to all their other ammo, offensive hand grenads, and breaching charges, etc.

What I'm saying is that it would be accurate to make each in-game ammo slot able to carry 3-4 or perhaps even all 8 XM84's, so as to make sure the trooper has enough lead to through downrange.

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im still learning to make textures, but i hope it will help:


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if someone would make such model then it would be easier to make exact texture, now its just such variation  smile_o.gif

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Great work, Offtime, but remember, they are very small,and it's unlike the player will see them that close up, particularly if the AI tosses them like they do other grenades. If you catch a glimps of a flashbang being tossed towards you by the enemy, it's likely to be the last thing you'll ever see.

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Thanks offtime, as i explained the model is no way near finished. I will be perfecting it this week so expect more screens. Those textures are great, though I need a paa to jpg or jpg to paa convertor. I had a link to get it b4 some called "TexTime" or something but it doesnt work. Any idea where to get one?

Thanks smile_o.gif

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Currently the only thing slowing me the tinyiest bit is "School" and some scripting... (The Flash works, but I am still working on how it will screw up Ai) I think maybe a hold fire command or something and a do stop combined will do the trick. Things like if your behind a wall and the Flash bangs on the otherside (wall is half a meter wide) is a problem because you would be flashed aswell even though its on the otherside. If any one can figure that out. Things like offtime giving me those textures - he will be included in readme .

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I've decided to use my own textures. The model is not going to be to complex, as no one is going to see it much. The model itself will be much neater and accurate then the first screenshot though. wink_o.gif


Some New Screens of the updated version Flashbang.


Feel welcome to add suggestions. Also remember this is my first time using Oxygen wink_o.gif . I have highlighted the some bits to distinguish them as they can be sometimes hard to see. smile_o.gif

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nice. yeah, school can be a trouble. Especilly since if ya in High school you start today or on friday but find time between school and homework and free time. Sometime its hard to find a time in between that. but little bits at a time will lead to something getting finshed wink_o.gif

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High School, and yeh started today wink_o.gif

But I find time to do some stuff on these forums during IT (information technology) and sometimes maybe even a cold lunchtime. Homework is easy, well i get it done. rock.gif

So i work on this as much as i can. smile_o.gif

I am currently texturing it, expect some pics this week of it textured or underway wink_o.gif .

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But if I'm not a total monkey-head, isn't one of the most important factors in a flashbang that they make a horrible noise? That would be nice too, with a script that makes you unable to hear anything for a while.

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But if I'm not a total monkey-head, isn't one of the most important factors in a flashbang that they make a horrible noise? That would be nice too, with a script that makes you unable to hear anything for a while.

Actually it makes a really bright flash and noise so it are blind for a few seconds...also the bang confuses you. You don't want to be there when this this goes off.

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