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Starvation scripts and food/ration packs addons

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We have a lot of long missions that take over 6 hours to complete, some of them have loops where players can turkey shoot until the server or client computer fail... and the CTI, RTS3, ect so in order to make things real would be nice to add logistic and food.

Also can be good when there is ppl that discover new toys and just ride vehicles wasting them and crapping a good mission.

Ok here the food/ration packs addons, it could be normal food at base this food is healtier then restore more heal from units. you could also have things like favorite food vs healthy food that will force player to calculate junk food provide good moral but too much of it render units as weaklings and the opposite for healthy food if you eat too much of it then your units will have a low moral and be weak. Of course Leaders or Medics are to choose bout the food and rations packs. smile_o.gif

Rations pack could be many differents packages (A,B,C,D,ect) based on true military sources. These rations packs restore less heal than base food and are part of the equipement of a soldier like binoculars and NVG's or filled into vehicles with medic packs. Moral script should be implemented into rations packs too, giving a rations pack to a civilian can boost side units but leaving a ration pack on the ground lower all side untis . Also with rations packs could be water tanks for vehicles.

This can enhance long patrol missions or missions with many objectives. Also can be used in CTI so you can trade rations packs with civilians so they can act as spy for your side and it go by incrementation if you want to have services from a civilian that is already serving the enemy. Rations packs are to be bought via HQ and a new barrack can also be added and dedicated to logistic.

Now for the Starvation part, you can have a timer and after a certain amount of time your units get into differents aerobic states just like when u sprint too much this could be used for desydratation.

Also sever starvation (everything else than water can lower skills of units and slow movements give you bad optic i mean desaturation on a random. If too much weak unit just stop following orders and get out of the formation then stop following laying on the ground dying.

Medics carry extra rations packs also as Leaders and Engineers.

Could also be animals that can be killed and cooked if the vehicle of the patrol is filled with a device to heat the meals that is unlocked and can be eaten near hot zones. All units have the ability to make fire.

There can be some plants too so workers in CTI and RTS can provide food if they dont have to repair a building or other priority tasks to do.

I think this should add something to the game and who know maybe we can have more girls to play OFP since by this logistic implenmentation then it's began to feel more like THE SIMS. smile_o.gif

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I don't think eating should be including in OFP. Maybe...something small, but nothing too detailed or complex.

I agree. Food is a bit too detailed for a game besides the sims or a game like that.

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might be something more for the CTI missions...where fuel ammo and food need to be harvested from a depot and brought out to troops. What was that mod called again? its like command and conquer type gameplay or strategy...you know the one i mean smile_o.gif

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Yeah for RTS or CTI!

Got another idea about civilians if you can give food so they change into workers and do damage into the enemy base.

Things like poisoning water and food, slowing productions, place satchels or bombs wich will detonate 30 secs later, making radars go wrong and many sabotage objectives.

So you have to kill civs without any other civs to witness it. Else, they gonna be agaisnt you for a certain amount of time after that it will cost so much to get them at your services and this include real workers.

The complexity here is to get a civs changing into worker but i think spawning scripts could be used here so a trigger surrounding a base activate an AIspawn scripts to delete the civs and replace it by one with civs skins. But it should keep infos bout the sabotage objectives, the side he working for, ect, ect.

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I'm not sure how eating food would affect gameplay, but I'd liek to see some food addons for the editor, like MRE's, humanitarian meals, full course meals for table tops, cans of food, etc...

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