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I wrote a long piece on the use of animals in this game (not the locked thread), saw it posted, now its gone..nothing in it was offensive..wondering why its gone

or just a forum hiccup..

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watch out for armour dave, he'll lock it down!!!! ahh!!!!! lol, i guess it comes with a little bit of reason though... so i cant blame him... umm did u try search through ur last posts?

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yeah i did....not there..weird

oh well, maybe i'll rewrite it, i thought it was pretty good

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nope, don't.

the reason it was deleted was because cruelty against animals is bad enough in rl, no need to have it in games. besides, this discussion has been held several times now, it is getting old.

do not write it again, you might get into trouble.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">the reason it was deleted was because cruelty against animals is bad enough in rl, no need to have it in games<span id='postcolor'>

I take it you must be a veggi and you dont wear leather shoes or any animal products.

Shooting animals humainly is fine, if they overbread such as rabbits, rats and pigeons(flying rat).

I go shooting all the time with my air rifle and bag about 30 rabbits in a days shooting biggrin.gif

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cmon madmike.. this is a war game.. dont you know its ok to blow up and shoot people, just not animals...


I saw yer post before it was deleted, in fact i brought up the same thing in IRC chat.. how it would be neat if OFP had some animals in it.. I.E. rabbits and deer wandering around the foarests I think it would add alot of realism to the game..

actually it would be fun just to go on the map alone and go deer hunting.. LOL

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Ex ronin you sound like one of those people who think people act out their games....i can shoot a civilian or a poor russkie/american in this game but i cant shoot a wabbit or a cow?confused.gifconfused.gif.....hipocrite

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No, it is not that.

Firstly, I am one of those people who enjoy their daily Burger King's very much.

Secondly, he was not talking about shooting animals. He was talking about driving them over, about taking them apart, about dropping them from choppers etc. THAT is cruelty, not straight killing.

We have this thing in England going on right now about banning fox hunting. It is kinda like an explosive issue here at the moment. I can understand Armourdave's reasons to do that, and I am backing him up fully on that.

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yeah but if they do ban fox nunting there will be a massive increase in foxes, which means lots of lambs and chickens being killed.

Fox hunting is a way of managing the land to control numbers.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (madmike @ Jan. 12 2002,23:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yeah but if they do ban fox nunting there will be a massive increase in foxes, which means lots of lambs and chickens being killed.

Fox hunting is a way of managing the land to control numbers.<span id='postcolor'>

Massive increase in foxes might mean a greater increase in airborne predators, who will keep them in check. Thought about that?

More foxes will also eat more vernom that is damaging the soil. Nature is going a better job at managing herself than us!

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No wobble/madmike, Brent "SickMotherfucker" K was not talking about having animals wondering in the woods for any sort of realistic reason or for hunting, he was talking about running animals down in a 5ton truck. Personally I think if you have those sorts of desires you need to be locked up. I closed the thread because it was on a sick topic and I deleted "Animals part deux" because of the same reason I closed the first one, and I feared it would draw in other sick little children on this forum to comment. This thread SHOULD be closed but I'm not going to, just yet.

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there is no natural land left in britian. britian was originaly covered in forests.

the fox only has one predator and thats humans.

Foxes tend to go for easy kill rather than rabbits which have burrows. Easy kill are pened small farm animals.

Rabbits damage crops/grass which is why I shoot them, so they are kept under control

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hey armour dave and Ex ronin, I bet you both live in towns or cities and you have only seen pictures of animals.

How come its ok for us to talk about killing people with trucks in the game but not animals?confused.gif?

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But if they needed to control the fox population they should just shoot them and not let a bunch of dogs to rip them apart first. Fox hunting is a cruel way of upper class having fun and has nothing to do with the fox population control.

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Nope, I live in the English countryside and have nothing against hunting of most descriptions, infact I've hunted for a great deal of my life and see it as a valuable method of pest control. However, I do have something against people wishing to run animals down in trucks. Dont you?

"How come its ok for us to talk about killing people with trucks in the game but not animals?? "

If I see a thread regarding running people down with trucks then it will be closed too.

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My post was not about dropping animals from choppers, or for that matter shooting them. If you would have taken the time to read the post, you might have realized that.

In fact, my post, was in response to the locked thread you'll find a few pages down where someone else (not me, because I didn't even contribute to the thread) wrote about blowing up animals.

If you are going to be a good forum adminstrator, please take the time to read the posts and not delete them based only on the topic heading.

I read the old animal posts and they did not raise the same issues that I did, nor make the same arguments for inclusion in this game. Anyways, whether its old or not, should not be the criteria for deleting a thread, that took me, I might add, a little time to write and think through.

My post had absolutely nothing to do with cruelty to animals.

14th_Fly, out.

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I cant see what the problem is with including animals in this or any other game.

It is ok to kill humans in games and run over them in GTA but its not ok to run over a rabbit??

weird mad.gif

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Maybe you should of thought about the topic before posting it, maybe I was wrong to delete you thread but as far as I'm concerned talking about adding animals to OFP is a VERY old topic and something which has been discussed to death. We simply dont need another thread regarding it thanks.

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You didn't read my post either madmike.

I clearly stated that if I found threads regarding running HUMANs down it would be closed.

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but this game is a military sim, which is all about killing people, so I cant see what your problem is.

Why did you buy this game if it offends you??

Death is part of life

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I did think about the topic before I posted it. In fact, I thought about it for quite a long time.

And, I am STILL interested in what other people thought of my ideas, even if they don't happen to include what you think.

I come to this board and I see post after post of rehashed things that are never deleted. Do I care? No, because I can choose not to read them.

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OFP doesn't offend me, if you're offended by the content of a game then you likely have problems. We aren't talking about a game, we're talking about a forum. A forum where I have a responsability to keep the threads as clean as possible and I'm affraid that we have rules against threads regarding "Running people down with 5ton trucks and dropping animals out of helicopters". If that's a problem I can suggest many other forums you might like to visit instead.

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i have no objection to you locking down the other thread (which I again remind you, that I did not write or participate in) and I agree that that one could have gone down a path that would have degenerated more and more to the point of being useless..

that being said, why not see if the one i had written, which was more targeted and brought up a whole host of relevant points dealing twiththe topic of immerision, generated more mature discussion?

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So you thought about it for a long time, then decided to pick the one that was most likely to get the thread deleted? Then either A, it's your own fault or B, you did it to raise an arguement. Personally I didn't think there was much of interest in your thread, like I said it's been discussed before, BIS have no interest AND the content was questionable.

Edit: You posted again before I had a chance to reply. My fingers must be getting slow wink.gif

Mature discussion would be good and considering it's rarity in this community these days. I just wish the topic could be on something else.

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no I like this forum now that it is moderated becuase it stops threads going off topic after the first post.

I cant remember what people said in the animals thread but I cant see why you didnt delete the posts that you disagreed with rather than deleting the whole thread

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