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Marshal Law of the TNT League here. Tonight I have been made aware of a simple 'bug' in OFP which could seriously ruin some players game if you didnt know about it. I also tell you of a simple solution.

If during a match the game has to be reassigned, and the admin goes back to the briefing screen instead of completely reassigning, a cheat could if he is quick enough, hit 'esc' before the game reassigns and go into the graphics screen, he can then wait for the other players to 'green up' and then he simply presses continue, you will find that he will re-enter the map invisible!!! His body will be stood in one spot as if he was about to disconnect, but he can move around the map invisible and shoot his opponents.

With this in mind - my own league (and I suggest every server admin reading this) should restart each match - rather than just go back to the briefing screen if your game needs to be restarted (like in a lag test).

It just goes to show that a simple bug in OFP can still emerge even after 3 and a half years of intensive play!

Marshal Law

TNT League Owner


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Honestly, instead of posting step-by-step instructions on how to cheat can you just delete this message? It does not help the situation at all.

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Ahhhhhh please delete 2/4 of your post. Please do not tell of workarounds and weaknesses in OFP. Quick before some cheaters come in here and see it.

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Marshal Law of the TNT League here. Tonight I have been made aware of a simple 'bug' in OFP which could seriously ruin some players game if you didnt know about it. I also tell you of a simple solution.

If during a match the game has to be reassigned, and the admin goes back to the briefing screen instead of completely reassigning, a cheat could if he is quick enough, hit 'esc' before the game reassigns and go into the graphics screen, he can then wait for the other players to 'green up' and then he simply presses continue, you will find that he will re-enter the map invisible!!! His body will be stood in one spot as if he was about to disconnect, but he can move around the map invisible and shoot his opponents.

With this in mind - my own league (and I suggest every server admin reading this) should restart each match - rather than just go back to the briefing screen if your game needs to be restarted (like in a lag test).

It just goes to show that a simple bug in OFP can still emerge even after 3 and a half years of intensive play!

Marshal Law

TNT League Owner


Hmm... I see an advisory to all ops experienced and otherwise on how to PREVENT a potential loophole. Thank you for your kindness in helping the community, both private and public, learn how to better admin their servers. If there is a solution, then how is it a problem?

A quick question, is this on self-hosted only, or is it also present on remote dedicated? The first thing that came to mind was how if you edit a mission in the editor on an island without a properly config'd intro, preview it, then exit to the main menu, the mission continues on the main screen and you still have full mission interface functionality. I'm wondering if these two issues are somehow related, ie incomplete mission unloading and system reinitialization?

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The reason why I posted this is so that players are aware of a 'bug' (I wouldnt class it as a cheat really) which any player can use with a normal version of OFP.

I dont think that simply keeping these type of things away from the public eye solves anything. As Im sure some of you know, I run the biggest OFP league and very often when I find out about things such as this I get the response from players like 'Oh, we knew about that ages ago'. So, you see, players that you play on a regular basis have probably used this against you already, so now that your aware of this bug you'll know to restart your game rather than just reassign.

This bug seems to work on all games Ive tried it on.


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That's totally my opinion, cause this is really a bug but not a cheat. Therefore you should rename the topic, too. This is the right way to inform. But next time don't discribe the whole process. It's not important to know how - it's important to know it is like it is said and how to stop!


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I don't see any point in complaining about not to explain

the whole process of how this BUG occurs, because there's

also the solution to prevent it included in same post.


Instead of putting your heads down in sand and scream

just to create panic you guys could have said thx nice find.

However - thx nice find Marshal tounge_o.gif

~S~ CD

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