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S.C.S. Dangerous Waters

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I just got the full version, and It ROCKs..however it is a bit hard. crazy_o.gif

I cant figure MP out though and the mission editior. crazy_o.gif

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The mission editor is easier than OFP's in some respects, almost no scripting ability but you can have triggers, groups, goals, probability of unit's prescence, and dynamically create some units.  I'm sure its very similiar to Sub Command's mission editor, though maybe with slight enhancements.

If you can mission edit in OFP well, you should have no problem learning it well in 2 months or less.

You just mainly need to understand the behaviour and tactics of certain units so you can set their waypoints and position to reflect that.

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Yeah I have the demo and it is indeed hard. I cant even work the friggin machines on the MH60.

I just click on buttons and hope they work crazy_o.gif it is pretty fun though.

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You must study like a munk my friend, read manuals and understand the ways of modern naval warfare, especially ASW.

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I played alot of 688i hunter killer back in the old seawolves days smile_o.gif

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The mission editor is easier than OFP's in some respects, almost no scripting ability but you can have triggers, groups, goals, probability of unit's prescence, and dynamically create some units. I'm sure its very similiar to Sub Command's mission editor, though maybe with slight enhancements.

If you can mission edit in OFP well, you should have no problem learning it well in 2 months or less.

You just mainly need to understand the behaviour and tactics of certain units so you can set their waypoints and position to reflect that.

Im fine in OFP mission editor, but DW mission editor has me greatly stumped, I keep getting errors when I try to save the mission...can you just place a unit and play...??? It seems complicated to me... crazy_o.gif

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Here are the rules for saving most missions for Janes Fleet Command, Sub Command, and probably DW as well.

#1 Always make sure every unit in the mission has the exact unit type selected. (You must choose exactly what that ship/sub/plane/landbased unit will be, if you forget to do that it will NOT let you save.)

#2 Make sure for SC and DW you designate the ship/sub/plane that the player will be operating when the mission starts.

#3 All ships must have some waypoint created for each moving unit (ship/sub/plane)

Hopes this helps.



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Today I've played a cool session, killed a Perry with 3 ASM missiles but it's MH60 was still in the air. It fired one Torpedo, which hit the active cm's but it was still to close, so my Akula II got damaged 78%. With an emergency blow surfaced, I shot down that stupid MH60 with the SA8 SAM smile_o.gif while ot was passing my sub :P

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Why didn't you use a "Carrier Killer" torpedo instead?  If you had a good fix on its position, you could have set the torp to run at low kts, launched it deep +200 meters, then when it got within about 3 miles to target, manually activate the seeker so the ship won't know what hit em til its too late. (don't shut the door of the launched torp or you'll cut the guidance wire.)

Or you could hit it with 2 ASM's, change the TTE (Time Til Enable for the missiles to about 2 miles from target [(Distance to target)-2 miles]=TTE.  Then get close enough to use a short range torpedo or just use a "Carrier Killer" instead.

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Because Im no "professional player" like you think you are. I'm just playing for fun, and it's even more fun to kill ships at long ranges > 30nm. The missile was set to 2 miles, I just fired the ASM's in direction of the Perry class.

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Meh, just a suggestion. I'm not here to make it my way or damping your gaming enjoyment.

I do deem myself as a professional Modern naval warfare sim player, however I don't boast much regarding ASW only sims. Even though I have more experience than most casual players, playing in the Seawolves Sub Division wil humble you quickly.

Though I do believe I earned the right to be regarded as a "professional" player.

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