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New Iraqi Army addon

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While looking at some pictures from Iraq, I noticed the New Iraqi Army soldiers. I was bored and since I had some time yesterday I decided to make this addon. Here is a pic:


As you can see, the base model is by HYK and the assault vest/webbing is new. I am planning a couple of variants like: spec ops and soldiers with balaclava's and masks.

If I have the time I will also make a woodland version but that will take a lot more time because those textures need to be made from scratch.

I also want to add some vehicles but I don't have much resources for them (I saw btw. only Toyota's and Isuzu trucks)

Suggestions are welcome smile_o.gif

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Nice. Do you have some real pics to make a comparison to?

Yep, these from

<link removed>

And some newspaper cutouts wink_o.gif

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Nice. Do you have some real pics to make a comparison to?

Yep, these from <link remove>

And some newspaper cutouts wink_o.gif


Notice the mixture of helmets in photos like this one. Nice to have. smile_o.gif

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looking militaryphotos i saw this


anyone knows what vehicle could it be?

Modified 5th special forces group humvee with minigun xmas_o.gif

But keep on-topic please wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Notice the mixture of helmets in photos like this one. Nice to have. smile_o.gif

Yeah I saw it, quite weird that they all have different helmets rock.gif

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It would be cool to have some of them with black body armor and knee pads like this guy:  


Also on some of the pics the guys with the smaller kevlar helmets are using the Spec Ops kevlars which are slightly smaller and I believe offer a higher protection level.

There are also some Iraqi soldiers who are still using the older Iraqi helmets which look like the old US Army steel pots but that are actually made of kevlar (they show up on Ebay from time to time where you can see the honeycombed ballistic nylon on the interior).  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I removed the link to the photo index page, that page was fine but if you click enough links on the site you can find pics of carnage/corpses which breach forum rules so stick to posting specifing images please smile_o.gif

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It would be cool to have some of them with black body armor and knee pads like this guy:


I will make those for spec ops wo I guess I can also make them for normal troops.

Quote[/b] ]There are also some Iraqi soldiers who are still using the older Iraqi helmets which look like the old US Army steel pots but that are actually made of kevlar (they show up on Ebay from time to time where you can see the honeycombed ballistic nylon on the interior).

I saw those too a couple of months ago but I believe those were from a reservist unit (I believe it was called the Civil defense corps). They also wore desert BDU instead of chocolate chip camo.

Quote[/b] ]I removed the link to the photo index page, that page was fine but if you click enough links on the site you can find pics of carnage/corpses which breach forum rules so stick to posting specifing images please


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Nice. Do you have some real pics to make a comparison to?

Yep, these from <link remove>

And some newspaper cutouts  wink_o.gif


Notice the mixture of helmets in photos like this one. Nice to have. smile_o.gif

Actually I think all of those are US Army issue PASGT helmets. Just some have desert cammo covers and some have no covers. If you take off the cammo covers off of a US Army issue PASGT helmet, they're green like in the pics.

However it is possible that some of the PASGT helmets are not standard US Army issue, as a few look a bit smaller and may be cheaper versions with lower protection levels or non-US made PASGT style helmets. It's difficult to tell from those pictures. However in some of the pics Iraqi special forces are wearing the SF style kevlars which are also smaller and shaped a tiny bit differently.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I hope these will be grouped under west? tounge_o.gif

Someone needs to make some insurgents now. Good stuff!

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Are you going to equip these units with JAM weapons?

Yes I think so, at least I won't make a new weapon pack for it wink_o.gif

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I know JAM is popular round here but would u mind including a laser weapons config too? so they are compatible with the latest version of the HYK soldiers ur basing them off of... also removing those heavy field packs might be a good idea too..

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I know JAM is popular round here but would u mind including a laser weapons config too?

Maybe I will make a config with Earl's weapons (from the marine assault pack).

Quote[/b] ]so they are compatible with the latest version of the HYK soldiers ur basing them off of...

Huh rock.gif

Quote[/b] ] also removing those heavy field packs might be a good idea too..

A backpack will be optional, you can choose in the mission editor wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]so they are compatible with the latest version of the HYK soldiers ur basing them off of...

Huh rock.gif

the maker of the pack u are basing the the iraqi troops off of released two versions of the latest update..one with a jam config and one with a laser's weapon config thas what I was getting at...sorry for the the confusion biggrin_o.gif at any work ur looks really good so far looking forward to these.

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Quote[/b] ]so they are compatible with the latest version of the HYK soldiers ur basing them off of...

Huh rock.gif

the maker of the pack u are basing the the iraqi troops off of released two versions of the latest update..one with a jam config and one with a laser's weapon config thas what I was getting at...sorry for the the confusion biggrin_o.gif at any work ur looks really good so far looking forward to these.

OK, but it won't be dependable on other addons, all textures are included in the addon wink_o.gif

And I am considering 2 configs xmas_o.gif

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Hey nice work there. I'll have to find some of the pics i have of the new Iraqi army (NIA) as i have some pretty good ones. Most of them are in the woodland 'chocolate chip' camo and they also have the saddam era helmets with the green cover on them.

But i look forward to the release on this. biggrin_o.gif

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I'll have to find some of the pics i have of the new Iraqi army (NIA) as i have some pretty good ones. Most of them are in the woodland 'chocolate chip' camo and they also have the saddam era helmets with the green cover on them.

Pictures are very welcome especially some woodland camo stuff, I only managed to find this pic:


To get back on this:

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]There are also some Iraqi soldiers who are still using the older Iraqi helmets which look like the old US Army steel pots but that are actually made of kevlar (they show up on Ebay from time to time where you can see the honeycombed ballistic nylon on the interior).

I saw those too a couple of months ago but I believe those were from a reservist unit (I believe it was called the Civil defense corps). They also wore desert BDU instead of chocolate chip camo.

It was called the civil defense corps, but is now converted into the national guard, read more info here:


PS: RTR is it OK if I use the old helmet of your teaser pack? smile_o.gif

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Yeah thats right they are now called the National Guard cause i saw pics of them on parade when Basra airport was being handed over to the Iraqis.

Yes i'll send you those pics as soon as i can find them on my CD.

Also you can use the helmet from the teaser pack.

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looks intresting! biggrin_o.gif now i won't need to use the tonalese goverment troops to pose as iraqi's tounge_o.gif

anyways will be looking forward to the pack, Jam sounds exellent, make so that you can place hd and non hd groups when placing groups in the mission editor wink_o.gif

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Any plans to include arab faces that do not have to be added in the init line?

This addon looks very promising but the idea of manual faces just kills it for me.

Woodland choc chip version would be an idea as well. wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Any plans to include arab faces that do not have to be added in the init line?

I hope so, if I can find it, I will use LiquidSnake's Arab faces pack smile_o.gif

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