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Long live the Huey!

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To modify:- use Huey3.p3d- Huey Nam or Huey2.p3d - Huey gunship - easier as it is only 1 color scheme.


There are many nationalities in ofp and the Huey is used by many nations. It would be impossible for me to create a huey, a popular aircraft to represent every nation. So if u want to modify the skin and decals to represent your country and re-issue, be my guest, for no one owns any exclusive to any craft in ofp and it would be a lot of time and effort to build another one, not everyone can or the time to build.

Modify textures:-


1. The chopper uses mainly 3 textures - hueyside2.paa and hueytop2.paa and hueytail.paa.

2. depbo the texture using texviewer to its actual size, than copy and paste the screen to your graphic programme.

3. I would recommend that you use the de-saturate and color hues to change the texture than to apply single tone colors, cos if u do that, u will erase the detailing of the pic - such as light tones and parts which are not created in 02.

4. The model keeps to the shape of the pic, so just adjust your color scheme to the pic shape.

5. Once satisfied, save it as a jpg than use the texviewer to convert it back to paa file, keep the name of the file the same so that ingame the part will call on the name of the texture even if it has been edited.

6. PBO it back and u are back in biz.



1. there is only 1 texture use for the nose emblem and tail end nation markings - decal1.paa. Its an alpha channel texture.

2. Same as above, copy and paste the size, then in your software programme change the emblem and the nation marking( to size!), then save as tga to convert it to a paa file.

Improvements to model:-


1. This huey by me is by no means the best and there is still room for improvement as i am more worried about adding more vertices and lagging the game:-

a. the nose- not really round enough

b. the jet exhaust - kinda small.

c. pilot view - could be much better.

d. windows

e. Performance - as this craft was not meant for speed for my own gameplay and more for attacking humans, i placed the centre of gravity on the bottom giving more stability as a flying platform. However you can experiment the cg so that it dips faster and accelerater faster by adjusting the weights to the top and front.

f. Mg mountings - would love to do a real mount but it would be polygonal intensive....

g. As for the other Lods, i would suggest try not to meddle with it, cos it took me a hell of time of trial and error to get it to perform as it is, espacially the cargo placing - 2 days just to get the positions right- some fluke in o2 i guess...

Should u wanna re-release the addon, just remember to change the texture paths so that it points to your file and not to PCHuey, otherwise others who dont have PCHuey in their addon folder will see no textures. But if u feel you can make a new and better Huey, please do..cos i would love to have another better one:p. The huey means a lot and differently to many different people.

Lastly, dont have to credit me, but please credit Lupus for

the realistic sheen and cutting down on vertices,

Vektorboson  for the dust script, Brsseb for the chopper tutorial and everyone else here who have contributed much to make ofp an unique gaming experience. have fun!

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