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Good addon FREE campaign?

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I just started playing Flashpoint agian, after a very long break.

Im glad to say that the E-ECP installtion went MUCH eaiser this time than about 5 months ago! However, one link is bad. The RHS-T55 tank pack is corrupt on the website link provided. You can replace it with this one, which works fine:


That website also has version 1.20, will that work with the current version of E-ECP?

Back to my original question...

Whats a good campaign these days to play with E-ECP? I like regular soldier battles the best, but helicopter combat is fun too. The only thing I detest is the jet aircraft. Is it just me, or does Flashpoint suck as a jet flight sim? Stick to choppers!

Any suggestions for a on foot / tank / helicopter campaign?

Thanks! Great game and eecp makes it that much better!

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flashpoint 1985 biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]

Whats a good campaign these days to play with E-ECP? I like regular soldier battles the best, but helicopter combat is fun too. The only thing I detest is the jet aircraft. Is it just me, or does Flashpoint suck as a jet flight sim? Stick to choppers!

Yeah, flashpoint has one of the worst flight models ever...lol. Not to mention unless you have a decent comp you can't see anything.

Well, the point of ecp is to enhance current/default campaigns with new units etc.

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flashpoint 1985 biggrin_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]

Whats a good campaign these days to play with E-ECP?  I like regular soldier battles the best, but helicopter combat is fun too.  The only thing I detest is the jet aircraft.  Is it just me, or does Flashpoint suck as a jet flight sim?  Stick to choppers!

Yeah, flashpoint has one of the worst flight models ever...lol. Not to mention unless you have a decent comp you can't see anything.

Well, the point of ecp is to enhance current/default campaigns with new units etc.

for jets mabe.. but i learned how to fly prop planes in OFP. hours and hours and hours spent wiht the cessna and F4U Corsair... one day the chance came to fly an SNJ advanced WWII trainer.. we got up to 3500 he said "shes all yours" i took control and the first thing that crossed my mind was "omg this is EXACTLY like flashpoint!" granted jets and prop planes are completly differnce and having said that i agree jets in OFP = bad. but piston engin planes in OFP are perfect.

now you can sit here and argue all night and day "omg ms flight simlator is the roxors of all flight sims!!!" first off compared to real life.. msfs sucks ass.. second off im sure theres some profesional polits here that will disagree with my statments here.. but comparing my experiance in WWII advanced trainer (SNJ) and my experiance flying the WWII planes in OFP that the "OFP flight sim" isnt far off.

to answer the orginal question: any campaign that employs the usage of "Default" vehicles will work very well for EECP and Y2K3

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About that Pappy Boyington, I tryed the original campaign's with your Y2K3. They didn't work. Maybe for first two missions, but then it would give an error or just go to desktop... But original single missions work very well! wink_o.gif

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You are looking for missions and campaigns, which means you need to post in User Missions smile_o.gif

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About that Pappy Boyington, I tryed the original campaign's with your Y2K3. They didn't work. Maybe for first two missions, but then it would give an error or just go to desktop... But original single missions work very well!  wink_o.gif

i played thru the entire campaign (starting a whole new campaign.. not picking up where i left off.. starting brand new) went thru the entire thing no errors whatssoever

try the PE (performance enhancer) config, thats the one i use

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That website also has version 1.20, will that work with the current version of E-ECP?

It's untested, but it should work. You may or may not get script errors and you will not get all of the effects that were updated in 1.20.

EECP 0.4.3 is in beta and should be ready for public release within a week or so. Everything has been updated to function correctly with the current versions of RHS and CBT units, so you don't have long to wait in order to get full functionality.

Quote[/b] ]Whats a good campaign these days to play with E-ECP?
Anything, really. PMC Fury sees a nice improvement since it only uses stock BIS units. The PMC Command Campaign is also fun and is what I've been working my way through when I actually play the game. Insurgency was also a lot of fun with the ECP effects, but too bad it'll never be finished.

Basically, anything but the FDF and CSLA campaigns will be complimented by EECP. As far as tank campaigns go, I don't know of any.

Quote[/b] ]I like regular soldier battles the best, but helicopter combat is fun too. The only thing I detest is the jet aircraft. Is it just me, or does Flashpoint suck as a jet flight sim?
I love Flashpoint, but its flight model is absolutely horrible. It doesn't qualify for anything near "sim" status. I understand why this is the case (BIS didn't really want to waste time developing a realistic flight model when 95% of the player base would not be able to make use of it because they did not have flight sticks and the engine just was not up to the task of handling anything other than nape of the Earth flight,) but it's still just... uh... not good. I really hope that the model is more complex in OFP 2, even if only for the AI.

If you want an actual flight sim, look to Falcon 4.0, LOMAC, or Il-2 for a realistic experience.

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There's always the Retaliation Campaign but I get errors at some point with the EECP when UH-60s start their engines.

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There's always the Retaliation Campaign but I get errors at some point with the EECP when UH-60s start their engines.

Specific error/mission/condition that it occurs under?

I haven't had any problems with Retaliation and I can't think of anything that should be causing errors on engine start, but I'll look into it if you can provide me with specific info. I try very hard to make my releases as close to perfect as possible, and AFIAK there is nothing that should cause a debug message (aside from one noted ECP bug) if you're using the correct versions of all addons.

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There's always the Retaliation Campaign but I get errors at some point with the EECP when UH-60s start their engines.

Specific error/mission/condition that it occurs under?

I haven't had any problems with Retaliation and I can't think of anything that should be causing errors on engine start, but I'll look into it if you can provide me with specific info. I try very hard to make my releases as close to perfect as possible, and AFIAK there is nothing that should cause a debug message (aside from one noted ECP bug) if you're using the correct versions of all addons.

The bug (extreme lag, like one from per week wow_o.gif ) was discussed by several on the Retaliation thread.

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Yes, it occurs with both E:ECP and Y2K3

You can see it occuring in the cutscene opening the mission "Blackhawk" as an example

It would be interesting to find out the cause of this problem, as Retaliation is one of the very few campaign that have the same quality and interest as the BIS campaigns (and so vastly superior to Red Hammer).

Only facts i found about this problem that can help about finding the source of the problem :

-on some of my personnal config replacement that involve no vehicle replacement (and no external effect scripts), there is no huge slowdown.

-on the replacement config i made using ECP, there is no slowdown -i use only ECP effects no added external scripts that comes with some addons-.

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The bug (extreme lag, like one from per week wow_o.gif ) was discussed by several on the Retaliation thread.

Oh. That's caused by a memory leak AFIAK. Nothing 3rd party should be to blame.

Personally, I haven't experienced it since OFP 1.91 (or at least since upgrading to 1.95... I honestly can't recall specifically the last time it happened,) but there was a time between 1.85 and recently that I could not play even some official missions ("Convoy" was the biggest offender for me. I was never able to finish it.) Check to see how much memory flashpointresistance.exe is using when this happens. I routinely found it chewing through 400 - 500MB and climbing whenever this used to occur. The slowdown is caused by the fact that the game is out of physical memory and is paging everything to disk.

It would be interesting to see any commonality in terms of specs among the systems that still have this problem and under what circumstances that it occurs. Then again, I can't imagine BIS patching OFP again at this stage.

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The bug (extreme lag, like one from per week wow_o.gif ) was discussed by several on the Retaliation thread.

Oh. That's caused by a memory leak AFIAK. Nothing 3rd party should be to blame.

Not so! Numerous people reported the problem in the same mission as Sanctuary mentioned. That same mission plays just fine without any of the mods. So it's not native OFP's problem.

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Not so! Numerous people reported the problem in the same mission as Sanctuary mentioned. That same mission plays just fine without any of the mods. So it's not native OFP's problem.

Yet the exact same problem can and has occured using stock BIS missions on a stock OFP install with absolutely no third party addons even loaded in memory let alone being used (admitedly not in 1.96 AFIAK, but it still has occured.)

I honestly can't think of any way that even a sloppy, infinitely looping script could somehow consume 400+MB of memory in seconds in OFP.

The other thing is that EECP makes use of no additional scripts--all scripts related to the UH-60 are completely unmodified ECP or BAS scripts, so unless the problem is within those scripts, I don't think that you can put the blame squarely on it. There may very well be a certain combination of factors that can exacerbate this problem under certain circumstances, but I have a hard time swallowing that anything third party causes it, especially when I have had firsthand experience implying that it doesn't.

To make an anology: Windows 9x had incredibly bad memory management. Leaks were very common, especially with long uptimes. The fact that opening up a 300MB TGA in Photoshop exacerbates this problem (and believe me, it does. I still have nightmares about doing that at work years ago) does not mean that Photoshop is the root of the problem.

I really don't know what to tell you. There's nothing that should be causing this. While things have been combined, they have not been modified from their original forms. If these scripts were the root of the problem, you would experience the same thing when using the BAS UH-60s on stock ECP.

Personally, I'd like to hear what Suma has to say about this. Maybe I'll drop him a PM.

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Can't it be the fact that the ECP mod comes with some chopper scripts and that the BAS chopper has already its own scripts ?

I have not given a look into the e:ecp and y2k3 configs about the choppers , but if it is not only a model replacement and if it has the BAS scripts included in those mods config , i guess that running that in coordination the ECP chopper effects can do some strange results in the OFP engine.

But why not all the time, and only on specific situations , that is the mystery.

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Can't it be the fact that the ECP mod comes with some chopper scripts and that the BAS chopper has already its own scripts ?

I have not given a look into the e:ecp and y2k3 configs about the choppers , but if it is not only a model replacement and if it has the BAS scripts included in those mods config , i guess that running that in coordination the ECP chopper effects can do some strange results in the OFP engine.

But why not all the time, and only on specific situations , that is the mystery.

Actually, checking the config, the UH-60 actually isn't using any ECP EH scripts, nor should it be inheriting them. I had forgotten that I had used BAS' in favor of ECP's because, as I recall, I would have had to modify BAS' to get things working correctly, which wasn't something that I had permission to do when I first incorporated it. I had completely forgotten about this. I think I'll work on getting that cleaned up... not because it should be a problem, but simply because it'll ensure that things work properly with future ECP versions.

In any case, any problem that stems from the BAS UH-60 in EECP should also happen using the stock OFP config and the BAS UH-60 as a normal addon since I'm calling the exact same scripts through the same eventhandlers as BAS is. There's really nothing else in EECP that touches the UH-60 classes at all.

I did send Suma a PM. If anybody can definitively say what is causing this, it's him.

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PMC Fury Campaign

A TON of decent missions in these campaigns (3 different campaigns, some 30+ missions each). The missions aren't super unique or super well made, but there are so many of them that it is well worth playing. Very few addons used; perfect for what you want. PMC supplies the missions, ECP supplies the polish. biggrin_o.gif

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What Suma had to say:

"I really do not know. Given the complexity of the problem, all kind of bugs is possible on many levels - it is quite easy to create a script which will create a large arrays, and will consume a lot of memory. If is also possible it is a problem in some "marginal" and seldom used part of OFP engine. This is hard to tell without actually inspecting the situation (but frankly telling, I really do not want to inspect it, unless there is a clear and solid indication there really is a problem)."

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flashpoint 1985 biggrin_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]

Whats a good campaign these days to play with E-ECP? I like regular soldier battles the best, but helicopter combat is fun too. The only thing I detest is the jet aircraft. Is it just me, or does Flashpoint suck as a jet flight sim? Stick to choppers!

Yeah, flashpoint has one of the worst flight models ever...lol. Not to mention unless you have a decent comp you can't see anything.

Well, the point of ecp is to enhance current/default campaigns with new units etc.

for jets mabe.. but i learned how to fly prop planes in OFP. hours and hours and hours spent wiht the cessna and F4U Corsair... one day the chance came to fly an SNJ advanced WWII trainer.. we got up to 3500 he said "shes all yours" i took control and the first thing that crossed my mind was "omg this is EXACTLY like flashpoint!" granted jets and prop planes are completly differnce and having said that i agree jets in OFP = bad. but piston engin planes in OFP are perfect.

now you can sit here and argue all night and day "omg ms flight simlator is the roxors of all flight sims!!!" first off compared to real life.. msfs sucks ass.. second off im sure theres some profesional polits here that will disagree with my statments here.. but comparing my experiance in WWII advanced trainer (SNJ) and my experiance flying the WWII planes in OFP that the "OFP flight sim" isnt far off.

to answer the orginal question: any campaign that employs the usage of "Default" vehicles will work very well for EECP and Y2K3

Yeah, I guess its decent for prop planes...but I have flying experience too, and yes MSFS is pretty arcady, but compare ofp to il2..ofp is nothing.

On topic: Forgot about pmc campaign crazy_o.gif

Try that...there are a few good cold war style campaigns out there.

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