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New UAZ Model!

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I wasn't sure if I was to post this or not but I do feel it does deserve mention. I've no idea whether this belongs to a particular mod, but this is an incredible looking UAZ. The textures on it look very good and the model itself is very detailed. It states on Czech website ofp.info that the addon is about 70% complete, so a release could come within a month or so. I am really looking forward to this, hope to hear more news possibly on here..


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Yes great Texture wow_o.gifwow_o.gif

Great Addon!

I hope it wil release at the end of the year



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Yes it is,cause positions of vehicle on screenshots are the same like on screens from byte smile_o.gif

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Well,it is realy interesting,the same model&textures are also in unreleased game Specnaz:project Wolf by slovak BYTE software,anyone can explain that?


Ouch, that's gotta hurt tounge_o.gif

Kinda sad when people just copy images from other games crazy_o.gif

Indeed, damn I was really looking forward to this beauty in game mad_o.gif

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Perhaps its just a mistake on someones part?

I wonder if this games any good, I'm hunting fro a game to tide me over till ofp2, I think STALKER might do it, but they delayed it till May mad_o.gif

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I think that unless this is confirmed as real there's little point discussing it, if it is faked then shame on whoever did it sad_o.gif

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