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Why do you think it's called Oxygen Light wink_o.gif

But I agree, a version of this one would be great, but I don't think they'll release it. There was a discussion about this some time ago, maybe I can find the thread.

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thas not faairr

plz onyl the keyframe animation tahs it!!

i can live without exturde or the others....


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thas not faairr

Life is not fair.

We are lucky that they have even released O2 Light, so I wouldn't bitch about getting full O2.

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Geometrie objektu, kolizní geometrie, zásahové geometrie, interierové geometrie apod.

Nástroje na tvorbu geometrií.


Jednoduchá programovací kalkulačka

Export/Import do 3DS

Nazvané selekce bodů a faců.

Váhové selekce, vahové editování.

20x undo/redo, zobrazování historie

Mapování z pozadí.

Cylindrické, sferické mapování.

Prohlížeč textur s náhledy.

in light we have couple options less

Export/Import do 3DS we have only import

Animace.-animations we dont have this

else option we have but on the screenshots is external viever not buldozer.This question is for BIS do You guys ever give for us full version of oxygen

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yeah i´d buy it too cuz oxy is best modelign program

around even though u only can model low-medium poly things

even maya cant mess with oxy when it comes to modeling!!

so plz bis give us an update!

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I dont really see any reason for bis not to release the full version of oxygen because we already have tools to do things such as animations and modeling (02 light) the thing i want most from the full version of O2 is the abilty to extrude as it would save a massive amount of time in creating models. but its been such a long time since we got O2 light that were not likely to ever get full O2 sad_o.gif

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i think the extrude option is not that important

at least to me cuz if u plan ur models right tehres no need to extrude and if so simply copy and paste and merde the poitns together...

no wot id be up to is the keyframe animation!

to be honest ofpanims is a good tool but its so darn complicated.

i know keyframe animation from maya and its so easy to use!!

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i know there are wars around not using extrude just to copy and paste as you say but i really would prefer to have the option sad_o.gif

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i woudlnd say no to extrude ;) but its not that vital for me...

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do they feersum?

hmm do u split when textured?

try pressing f5?

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what in lords name does extrude mean/do (in oxy that is :P)


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extrude means lieku spilt a cube into half for example but the splitted place stay connected

u can do this in multiple steps

or if u create a new objects with multiple segments

in short u additionally add segments

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im especialy interested in mapping functions... its lots of work to convert models to 3ds using p2ms and map them in other tools and then back import to o2..

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they shoudl give us the full version ...

cuz ofp2 is so far away..

and afaik (or as suma told me)

the foramt has changed anyway so wed onyl could use oxy 2 for ofp1

so plz bis give us a chance?

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they shoudl give us the full version ...

cuz ofp2 is so far away..

and afaik (or as suma told me)

the foramt has changed anyway so wed onyl could use oxy 2 for ofp1

so plz bis give us a chance?

"should" is kinda not the word ;-)

they dont need to do anything, even if they will annunce ofp2 will be never released, they have right to do so...

its all about theyr good will...

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lol avon

if it woudl be purchaseable id already did.....

i talked to suma bout it

they dotn intend to sell it...

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extruding is creatring a 3rd dimention. lets say u have a face with dimentions (2,2) if u extrude it by 3 u get a cuboid (2,2,3)

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