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80% of the time I recommened wwiiol to a gaming forum, it is instantly dismissed because of lackluster graphics. It is too bad they are missing out on a great game.

Anyway, wwiiol is an amazing game. It takes place roughly from 1939-1941 (before US enters the war) with the fight in northern europe on 1/2 scale between the germans, french, and british. It is an mmo so it requires a monthly fee but it is worth it. The game has thousands of players online at one time all fighting the war.

Check out this trailer. However, some notes on the trailer-it is from version 1.9-it was made about a year ago. The game's graphics have since been slightly updated with new buildings, foliage, and ground textures.

But anyway, onto the game-

What makes wwiiol so great? Well, it has the largest terrain in any game. Ever. And it is an entirely dynamic war. Bomb a factory, the frontline towns will be missing some tanks. As seen on the front page of wwiionline.com, the game has a dynamic frontline system. Yes, the war has everchanging fronts that can determine your supplies and the amount of territory you hold. You must capture towns and hold the lines if you want to win. The game is like a game of chess with a few rules regarding this. Be weary that the game does have a steep learning curve-in the beginning, don't dismiss the game. Once you understand it, it opens up.

The game also has an entire high command system-the game is run entirely by players. There are player generals, which command armies. Army commanders command divisions. Division commmanders command squads. Squads are usually assigned an objective. WWIIOL has varied aspects of play.

Infantry combat in some ways is more realistic than ofp. It doesn't have nearly the depth ofp has, but some simple things make it more realistic. For example, wwiiol has NO crosshairs. You always fire from ironsights. Fortunately, the ironsights are 3d and much simpler to use than in ofp. Similar to ofp, the more tired you are, the more weapon sway there is. As infantry, you don't stand a chance alone, so it is usually better to side with a squad. IN wwiiol, you really have to use your head. Unlike ofp, it is much harder to get kills due to the fact your opponent is a human. Unless you get lucky, it is 1 shot and you are wasted. Infantry are the only unit that can capture territory, but of course they can hitch rides on tanks and trucks.

Tanks-this part, in my opinion, is much better than ofp. Though you cannot get out of the tank, the damage model has much more fidelity. Turrets blow off. Tanks get tracked. (Their tracks get destroyed rendering them immobile.) Truck's wheels get blown off. Engine die. Tank damage models are based on armor piercing rather than a health meter unlike ofp.If you hit the fuel storage area, the tanks fuel will drain. There are certain weak points on tanks, and if you have good enough aim you can nail these. I may also note that it is much more realistic aiming in wwiiol. There is a lot more trajectory and bullet drop. It takes skill to correctly calculate where you shell is going to land.

Also, when you drive there are gear shifts. Crew works a bit differently ,however. You press buttons 1-5 to switch between different positions. As an option though, you can have two players in one tank (ofp style.) However, if you are the only player in a tank you cannot control two positions at once.

Air-this is superior to ofp also. Though the flight model is nowhere near, say il2, it is still much better than ofp. The damage model is up there too. Wings get blown off, propellors get bent and torn if they strike and object, and like tanks they have weak points. Hit the fuel, white smoke will erupt from the aircraft. I have had times where my 110 limps home on 1 engine because the other one was simply complete torn off the aircraft by an enemy spitfire.

Naval game-no where near say something in the silent hunter series, but still yet again superior to ofp imo. It is pretty much like tanks on water, in that you can switch between positions. However, infantry can catch rides on some freighters or destroyers, and this makes for some fun times (playing hide and seek insdie and outside a freighter while we arrive to our objective...lol.) Tanks can get loaded onto freighters, but for the most part the naval game is used for transportation of infantry.

The game world uses speedtree I might add. It has pretty trees and foliage.

Some notes on wwiiol-yes, the visuals can seem a bit dated. But the game is tons of fun once you understand it. Also, new content comes out every month. Last month all the sounds got revamped, and this month...according to the developers, we are getting a "secret christmas present." Also, a north africa expansion is scheduled to release sometime next year with italians and americans added:


Here is a movie showing off the scale of the new wwiiol north africa terrain.

Also, here you can get started on the 2-week free trial.

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This is one game I really wish I could get, but being 15, it is hard to pay for a game every month just to play it. I have never bought a pay-to-play game because if you play for say 3 months, then you get tired of it, there is like $36 (plus whatever you paid for the game) down the drain sad_o.gif. I may ask for this for X-Mas...get the parents to pay for it for a year biggrin_o.gif.

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Looks good to me, if the game really is all that huge scale and terrain size/ view distance it looks prety damn good enough, tough im not a big fan of the genre nor monthly pay for play i believe this must be a very interesting gaming experience.

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So, how much are they paying you? tounge_o.gif

But seriously, at least the versions I tried were quite buggy. sad_o.gif

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I just tried to sign up for the 2 week trial, but it says I have a bad promo key (I copy & pasted it from what it said to enter). Guess I will either have to grab it or never play it tounge_o.gif.

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Grapich isn't everything in this world and I wish that more games like this will come.

It would be cool to have mega maps with 100 players on in OFP, but that will never happen.

EDIT: The damn trail don't work, promotional key si invalid all the time mad_o.gif

EDIT #2: Why haven't I heard about it before?

How long is it since this was made?

PS: The trial download seams dead

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So, how much are they paying you? tounge_o.gif

But seriously, at least the versions I tried were quite buggy. sad_o.gif

None smile_o.gif I am doing this on my own time.

The game has come a long way since the old versions, at it is often joked about.

Trial-I have no idea what is wrong...maybe they change it or something..I don't know.

I think you may need to buy the cd key sad_o.gif

However, you can-and I reommend you do this-download the game. It comes with a "practice offline" option that doesn't require any trial or anything.You can at least get a feel for the vehicles and the game world.

download the gamehere.

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Quote[/b] ]

EDIT #2: Why haven't I heard about it before?

How long is it since this was made?

That is a good question.

I have not been playing since day 1 like some players of wwiiol have, but from what I understand wwiiol was fairly anticipated game like 4 or so years ago, but then it turned out to utterly suck and was soon forgotten.

From what I hear now, the game has gotten much better than it used to be. I can tell you now that it is fun, but I can only compared the differences between now and about a year ago which are still pretty large. the game has also a lot of exciting changes coming up in the future.

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Hey guys, did you enter "wwiimag" for your promotional key?

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I played the trial too for 2 weeks and i seen both good and bad things while i played.

First 5 hours i didt understand anything, i just got killed and it was boring. Then i met a guy, with a high rank we gave me and another a tour and explained stuff. I got respawn killed 8 times when spawning which sucks but when u get to kill the guy behind it, it was worth it! Your totaly depending on your mates. We were leaving a town because germans were attacking, so we jumped 5 guys in a truck and moved north where we all got blown up by a airplane. Also, if you pick ot be a tanker, pilot, infantry, truck driver you can just dod thjat, you can never leave a tank or a truck.

Another time we followed this guy, (we were 3 total) to attack a city behind enemy lines. THere was no humans defind the town but some static ais. The ais seemed to come from Everon beacuse they killed us all through 10 bushes. Ai are not realisitc in WW2OL. Also, when attacking a town, theres never more then 5-10 guys. Some places are hot and can have 30vs30 battles but most of the time it was 7vs7. It also takes like 30 min to run to a town, and the chance of getting killed is like 100% so it really sucks. Only chance to sucess is to follow an assault orderd by the genrals.

So if you like a game where u might need to run for 1 hour or drive a car for 2 hours or even camp a area for 3 hours ww2ol rules. Theres also alot older guys playing it so theres no bitching teens on there.

WW2OL isnt that much greater then OFP. If we remade som OFP islands to low object textures and placed 15 small towns and just roads inbetween. Im sure we could play 40vs40 on some servers.

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I played the trial too for 2 weeks and i seen both good and bad things while i played.

First 5 hours i didt understand anything, i just got killed and it was boring. Then i met a guy, with a high rank we gave me and another a tour and explained stuff. I got respawn killed 8 times when spawning which sucks but when u get to kill the guy behind it, it was worth it! Your totaly depending on your mates. We were leaving a town because germans were attacking, so we jumped 5 guys in a truck and moved north where we all got blown up by a airplane. Also, if you pick ot be a tanker, pilot, infantry, truck driver you can just dod thjat, you can never leave a tank or a truck.

Another time we followed this guy, (we were 3 total) to attack a city behind enemy lines. THere was no humans defind the town but some static ais. The ais seemed to come from Everon beacuse they killed us all through 10 bushes. Ai are not realisitc in WW2OL. Also, when attacking a town, theres never more then 5-10 guys. Some places are hot and can have 30vs30 battles but most of the time it was 7vs7. It also takes like 30 min to run to a town, and the chance of getting killed is like 100% so it really sucks. Only chance to sucess is to follow an assault orderd by the genrals.

So if you like a game where u might need to run for 1 hour or drive a car for 2 hours or even camp a area for 3 hours ww2ol rules. Theres also alot older guys playing it so theres no bitching teens on there.

WW2OL isnt that much greater then OFP. If we remade som OFP islands to low object textures and placed 15 small towns and just roads inbetween. Im sure we could play 40vs40 on some servers.

Which version did you play? rock.gif

Thats what I heard the game sounded like when it first began. Last night I was in a siege with 50+ friendly axis players attacking the town and god knows how many on the other side.

But like I said, at first the game seems boring and stuff but once you understand it you start finding action 24/7. Its a matter of knowing where to look.

And now theres a lot more than 15 towns..i think theres like over 100 or something...I think you played one of the earlier versions when the game sucked. Try it again smile_o.gif

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If you are driver of a vehicle you cant get out? Say you get shot down in an airplane or your tank is damaged and cant move... you cant bail out and try to either fight or work your way back to your base and get a new vehicle?

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nope..but bailouts are going to be added the next patch or the one after.

They originally didn't add this for gameplay reasons. They don't want pilots bailing out and suddenly becoming infantrymen. They didn't want opels being used for something other than to transport otehr players. After a lot of discussion, they are going to add bailouts and such but they are going to put some limits on it (like you can't capture towns as a bailed out pilot, etc.)

However, if you are on fire and you are going to die in terms you can somewhat "bail out" and despawn, and grab a new tank. So if you are going to die you can quit the mission.

Trust me though when I say you don't think much about it in a tank or vehicle, mostly because you are usually in situations where you don't need to or couldn't bailout if you wanted to. It is not really needed as the game stands except on aircraft, because when you are in a tank, bailing out would be useless for several reasons.

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this looks cool. Might get the free trial and see if i like it wink_o.gif

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Hey guys, did you enter "wwiimag" for your promotional key?

Yep, I entered wwiimag.

It was unvalid to me sad_o.gif

I tried another free trial key too, but that also didn't work.

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