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custom animation in OFP

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how do I put my custom animation into ofp?

the names are bankwindow and bankwindow2

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can't some1 help me sad_o.gif

make a config with the anim names.. pbo the folder with the anims and the config.. extrack it to the addon folder..


this switchmove "animname"

Tadaaa biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah, unfortunately, getting your anim into the game isn't a simple task. I.... almost..... have it figured out, although I still can't seem to get some anims to work. Anyway, you are going to need to make an addon, I'm afraid, since there is no way to just include the anim in your mission pbo. How exactly that is done is... hard to grasp at first, and I'm not sure if there is any tutorial out there on it. Eventually I'm going to write a tutorial myself, but I haven't made the time to do it yet.

Best advise I can give you now is to search the addon config board for previous threads. I know I asked that same question there a while ago. smile_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



// By Scott Tunstall.


class CfgPatches


class General_Anims


units[]= {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.96;




class CfgMovesMC


class Default {};

class DefaultDie: Default {};

class StandBase: Default {};

class States


class General_Attack: StandBase




speed= <CHANGE>;



soundOverride = "";

duty = RestDuty;


connectFrom[]={Stand, 1, StandVar2, 1, StandVar3, 1};

connectTo[]={Stand, 1, StandVar2, 1, StandVar3, 1};





Put this code into a file called config.cpp in a directory named generalszombieanims. The location of the directory is not important, but the name is.

Rename your animation to general_attack.rtm and put the file into the same directory as config.cpp

Change the <SPEED> variable to a negative floating point value, (-2.0) means "execute in 2 seconds"

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ok I've made a walking animation but when I'm trying to play it,it won't walk it's freezed the the first frame. I want it to walk!


this is the the config

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