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Addon idea:  RTOs and radios

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It would be cool if we had a standalone radio pack tounge_o.gif

Some units like the BAS De/Ras or the PUKF troopers have their own radios as part of the pack, but most other addons don't...I figure it would be extremely useful to have standalone radio weapons (secondary weapons if you're not sure what I'm talking about) that you could give to trooper to make him a radioman.

This way you could give a standard BIS squad (or any other unit that doesn't come with its own) a radio and use it as the tool for calling in support - make it CoC Artillery compatible so you could call in arty, etc. For example, General Barron's "Realistic Combat Patrol" puts emphasis on keeping your RTO alive, because without him and his radio you can't call in air support or artillery.

Basically it would just be more realistic than using OFP's default radio menu.

But rather than just make one generic radio, it should include country-specific and era-specific radios as well. All it would require is a few radio models and whatever code is needed to make them CoC compatible.

What do people think about this idea? Good? A waste of time?

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Personally I think this is a good idea. SEB, BAS, FDF and PUKF have included one in their packs, which is great. Making an universal radio pack would be cool, it would be something like JAM. Everyone can use them and they'd be compatible and stuff.

The only problem I can think of is to get addon makers use the pack and to get someone make the models. We already have some out there so maybe the guys who made those would like to contribute into this? smile_o.gif

Good idea SEAL84! smile_o.gif

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I think this is a great idea as i'm always trying to involve my SP missions with a radioman as it's more realistic,and this would help me out a great deal...

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I would agree its a good idea, but do the AI take advantage of RTO's with COC?

Otherwise, if the weapon took the place of a heavy weapon like the RPG V7 or LAW, it might be better than just the pistol slot.

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I actually like this idea a lot as well, but I'd take it a step further, to make it even more useful (since I rarely use an addon unless it has many uses). How about a "back pack"? That might sound cheezy, but it will be even cheezier when you get what I mean by it.

Lots of different radios would be cool, as well as some easy to use scripts included for those non-scripters out there. But also cool would be various types of backpacks, since AFAIK, there are only a few backpack addons out there, but they are all in single backpack addons, which means if you are like me, you most likely won't find or use them. Like the radios, you could have all sorts of backpack styles. For the US, you could have MOLLE and ALICE packs, for example. A civillian backpack would be nice as well. The amount of space could be different in each backpack too.

Another cool thing to add would be parachute packs. There may or may not be such an addon out there already, but I've always thought it would be cool to have. Scripts would be included so mission makers could make it where you have to have a parachute in order to use one in the mission. The steerable parachute could be included, and perhaps a civillian parachute (some bright color).

Anyway, hopefully by now you see the theme here... these are all items that are worn on the back, like a backpack... hence the cheezy addon name, "back pack" (slight pause between each word) tounge_o.gif Just my thoughts, because I tend to think a larger, more multi-purpose pbo is better than a small one with 1 weapon, for example.

Quote[/b] ]do the AI take advantage of RTO's with COC?

They can if you script 'em that way. AFAIK, UA doesn't come with any scripts to make the AI use it, but I've written a simple one that can require the AI have an RTO.

Quote[/b] ]Otherwise, if the weapon took the place of a heavy weapon like the RPG V7 or LAW, it might be better than just the pistol slot.

If it is possible to have a weapon in your pistol slot show up on your back, it might be a good idea to config a variation of each radio that goes in the pistol slot. Or, better yet, one that goes in your magazines slot, though I doubt that is possible. Better to let the mission maker choose something like that, if you can give him the choice without much effort.

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Excellent General Barron! Indeed it is far better to have a pack that is very comprehensive. smile_o.gif

AFAIK, FDF mod has a parachute pack which can be picked up. They also have backpacks. WGL too has backpacks which store ammo. Not sure about the FDF one, long time since I played with them.

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Hmm... too bad there doesn't seem to be much interest in this. sad_o.gif I'd help out on it, but I can only script, not do modelling. I dunno, maybe *someone* (me?) could get the ball rolling by simply collecting all the existing radio/backpack models that are out there, and putting them in one addon, along with some scripts. That way people could get a feel for the addon's potential, and perhaps some new models could then be made in order to complete the addon.

How about a list of all the known backpack/radio models that are currently out there? I know about:

sebnam radio

bas satcom

Uh... that's about it. :P

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I think it sounds like a great idea myself.  smile_o.gif

A very good idea, to use with all other addons out there, maybe adding a laser designator to it too, would be very nice smile_o.gif .

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Look at how WGL uses its radios and RTOs, for example. They use combat controller RTOs to coordinate airstrikes with friendly player aircraft in their coop games. An RTO was target an enemy object or area, and it will appear as a target to aircraft.

They have a similar feature with RTO laser designator personnel.

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Look at how WGL uses its radios and RTOs, for example.  They use combat controller RTOs to coordinate airstrikes with friendly player aircraft in their coop games.  An RTO was target an enemy object or area, and it will appear as a target to aircraft.

They have a similar feature with RTO laser designator personnel.

Hmm... I think I get what you are saying. Sounds like a great idea to include. One of these days I'll finally check out WGL...

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Ya'll make me laugh. I had this idea ages ago. I'm glad its finally getting attention from somebody though. It don't matter who gets the credit.

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There are so many good ideas, but so few missions actually using these great addons when they come out. Hyk soldiers, LSR Ranger/Delta, ADF soldiers... Where are the fucking missions? OFP has tons of excellent addons, but few godd missions and campaigns...

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There are so many good ideas, but so few missions actually using these great addons when they come out.  Hyk soldiers, LSR Ranger/Delta, ADF soldiers...  Where are the fucking missions?  OFP has tons of excellent addons, but few good missions and campaigns...

So true... the only reason I could think of is that people must not really PLAY missions anymore. I guess they just open up their editor, plop down some units, have a shootout and say "ooh, that's pretty". Just look at the number of posts on the addons board, and compare to the number of posts on the user missions board... There just isn't the interest, I guess.

I think that any addon maker/team worth their salt should include a good mission with the d/l, featuring the addon. It doesn't have to be great, but it should be a real, compelte mission.

Quote[/b] ]Ya'll make me laugh. I had this idea ages ago. I'm glad its finally getting attention from somebody though. It don't matter who gets the credit.

Alas, ideas are a dime a dozen. But you know the saying, "if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself". In the case of OFP, the saying might be "if you want something done at all, you gotta do it yourself." So why not help out on getting this idea off the ground? For starters, it would be nice to know what radios and backpacks are already out there, and what addon/mod they are in.

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