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To The Sea!

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I was sitting lastnight reading through the posts on the forums and thinking about what Operation Flashpoint lacked or would be in need of and was pondering over the idea of utilising the sea in Operation Flashpoint more. Kegety's Dirext X conversion really spiced up the engine with the reflective water but to me it still seemed unloved and unused. After seeing BAS's success with land and air units along with the COMBAT! team, i was thinking if it would be possible to completely modify the sea and include wave animations if possible along with ships that cut through the water. Would the engine cope with it or would it be possible? I'd like to hear everyone's views on this. Also, what would people say to a modification where galleons and pirates ruled the waves, perhaps in a sea-faring type gameplay where baording and looting ships would be the order of the day? Would it work? smile_o.gif

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Afaik this has still been discussed a while ago (don't find the topic atm). As far as i can remember, the biggest broblems with boats is the sice and i think a "more improved" water will be available in OFP2 (like controllable sealevel etc  (check this topic)  ).

MfG MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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That and the engine limitation on the ships themselves, anything larger than 64 meters has to be static. Counts out battle ships Battle cruisers and Carriers. The PT boat break through shows it can be defeated, but the drawback is the massive overhead the scripting requires to achive holding said ships together in naval combat.

The next problem is the damage reconiction system in OFP.

It wouldn't really work to give a propor feel of naval warfare. I doubt the range of engagement work, no map is that large..

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So i suppose that the project is left til OFP2 then? Oh well, i must admit it was a nice idea to think of but now that i think about it the engine is a tad too old to be modified in such a way as i suggested.Well, only another year and a half to wait..  sad_o.gif

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Pirates would be no fun unless you could walk across the decks, hopefully that will be possible in ofp2.

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Pirates would be no fun unless you could walk across the decks, hopefully that will be possible in ofp2.

Yes, that would definitly be a cool feature ... hate that clipping on the LSD  crazy_o.gif

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