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Chechen terrorists infiltrate American border

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Quote[/b] ]Chechen Terrorists With Backpacks Cross Into Arizona From Mexico — Report

Created: 13.10.2004 10:06 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 15:44 MSK

U.S. security officials are investigating a recent intelligence report that 25 Chechen militants illegally entered the United States from Mexico in July.

The group, linked to separatists in Chechnya that took part in the deadly Beslan school siege last month, reportedly crossed into a mountainous part of Arizona from northern Mexico, wearing backpacks, The Washington Times reported, citing officials speaking on conditions of anonymity.

The area was said to be difficult for U.S. border guards to monitor.

The intelligence report was supplied to the U.S. government in late August or early September and was based on information from an intelligence source that has been proved reliable in other instances, one official was quoted as saying.

But he added that he did not know whether the report was true.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection was aware of the intelligence report and confirmed it to The Washington Times, but a spokesman said agents were unable to verify it.

After Chechens and other Islamists stormed the school in south Russia, killing over 330 people, the U.S. Education Department issued a warning to school officials to step up security in American schools. The Washington Times was unable to learn whether the warning was related in any way to the report of infiltration by Chechens.

U.S. security officials are on alert for al Qaeda members allegedly planning to cross over into the United States from the south after an operative was reportedly spotted in Mexico.

Chechen separatists have been linked in the past to al Qaeda.

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See !

I posted that story a month or so ago in the war on terror thread.

Noone reacted at that time.

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Quote[/b] ]Wow! Do you have a source within the FBI or CIA?

I guess we all know by now that the CIA and FBI are not especially known for their up-to-date and precise intel work biggrin_o.gif

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They do NOT want to mess with the U.S.A. and Russia at the same time. That'd mess up their whole outlook on the next half of their life.

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I reckon its more of an attempt to secure some cash. The last thing they want is a Russian-American alliance in the war on terror, as Washington would look the other way and let Moscow do what they wanted in Chechnya.

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Quote[/b] ]Wow! Do you have a source within the FBI or CIA?

I guess we all know by now that the CIA and FBI are not especially known for their up-to-date and precise intel work biggrin_o.gif

Put it there Bals biggrin_o.gif

I'm glad to see you say that finally. heehee

@BoweryBaker, unfortunately, people up to such things couldn't give a damn about little social scares or general threats on their life... the cause they see and the losses they may have incurred already decided that they are not afraid to die.

Everyone has a point after which they will cross out their lives for a cause, for some it takes the loss of their entire families and villages etc... for others less... they are physically still generally the same as we are.

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Heh. Go read Michelle Malkin. This is old hat, but since it is also the means by which mexicans are encouraged by their government to infiltrate the US as well we're not supposed to talk about it to avoid offending them.

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