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Help me please, internet problem

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Hi there all!

Well Just posting to ask yall if theres a way of solving this problem.

When I go to hotmail.com, I sign in with my name and password (which are correct). I click sign in, and he pop up which says you are entering a secure website etc comes up, I click ok, then I get taken to a blank page where nothing loads up, and i do not get the second message telling me I am leaving a secure location. Its like I am stuck there.

This is really bugging me now as the number of e-mails are getting alot larger and I keep getting told I have them. I have also tried with another account but the same thing happens.

I have tried turning off all the security, allowing all cookies, and tried different webrowsers: Avant & Internet Explorer 6

Any Help you people can provide will be imensly helpful.

Looking forword to hearing from you,


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Try clearing your browser cache.

But that has happened to me numerous times with Hotmail and nothing helps until someone there magically fixes something broken (a server, perhaps?).

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update: tried creating another account, tesingemailaccount@hotmail.com password 123456

My hotmail account worked fine, and that test account worked fine, I sent you an Email wink_o.gif

I'm using Firefox but that shouldn't make a difference smile_o.gif

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I've got the same problem. Cleared my cache and cookies and still have the same problem.

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Its damn annoying isn't it FS.

I have e-mailed Hotmail. They replied. But told me to "check my Connection"!

Really good help there isnt it, lol

I have replyed to them but have had no luck so far.

I tried it on a Mac, runing OS 8.6 and Internet Explorer 5.1 and it worked fine.


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Woooooo, good old firefox, solved teh problem. Dont know how but it did. Thanks for all the help guys!

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Yeah Firefox is great, be sure to install the Ad-Block extension, excellent for getting rid of those unwanted ads that litter the internet these days, I download a pre-built ad-block filter list which supposedly blocks 90% of internet ads, you can download my version here smile_o.gif

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