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More SOC coops inbound.

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I wanted to let the OFP community know that more coops from SOC are coming. We have been pretty busy lately so not much has been accomplished. I have put together a small "mod", which is just a collection of addons that can be downloaded from the SOC SITE. In addition to the SOC Mod v1.0, you will also need every BAS addon, including both Tonal patches. I will post links in our forums directing you to where you can download the BAS stuff. Our missions will be all special operations. You will do things like hostage rescue, direct action, sabatoge, recon, and more.

- I could really use a mirror or two for the SOC Mod v1.0. I have very limited bandwith right now on my site. If anyone can help me out with that, it would be greatly appreciated.

- Do you guys have any thoughts on THIS?



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**********OPERATION COBRA STRIKE**********


MISSION TYPE: Coop/Direct Action

PLAYER SLOTS: 8 Tonali Special Forces

Intel: One of the captured rebel fighters has given us information on the location of a rebel camp. Your team is assigned the task of assaulting the rebel camp. There will be no air support available. Once you hit the ground, you are on your own. You primary objective is to capture or kill all of the rebel fighters in the camp. Your secondary mission is to search for supplies and destroy them. Once the area is secure, you will be extracted.

Your team will be deployed soon. Visit the Special Operations Command for more details.

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Is there a link were one can get already completed missions? I have gone to your site, and saw the link for downloading the mod, but I did not see were to get missions.

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Is there a link were one can get already completed missions? I have gone to your site, and saw the link for downloading the mod, but I did not see were to get missions.

There are no missions available yet. If you a refering to some of the old SOC missions from before the mod then PM me and I will get them to you. Thanks for the interest.


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Hey thanks guys. I am glad to hear you have played some of my past missions. I have been busting ass at work lately and I also have been messing with Joint Operations a bit so I haven't got crap done. I started on Operation Cobra Srtike last night. Below is a list of the features it will have.

-Custom music

-Cutscene intro

-Ablility to choose time of day & weather

-Ability to equip your team with whatever Marine Assault Pack weapons you choose (east and west)

I would like to know what you guys think about respawn. Do you prefer a group respawn, instant respawn, base respawn, etc? I could make a couple different versions if you guys wanted. Please let me know your thoughts.



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monty67t watch your image sizes please, no hotlinking images > 100kb smile_o.gif

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monty67t watch your image sizes please, no hotlinking images > 100kb smile_o.gif

Hey, which image are you talking about?

EDIT: Ignore, I fixed it.


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Ok, here is the mirror for the SOC Mod v1.0. If someone would like to put up another mirror, that would be great.


Thanks, the missions will be here soon.


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Special Operations Command 2004



Mission By: SOC-Monty


Simply extract the Operation Cobra Strike-SOC.BAS_I1.pbo into your MPMissions

folder in your Operation Flashpoint directory.


PLAYER SLOTS: 8 Tonali Special Forces


SOC MOD v1.0

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.houseofcerberus.com/soc/SOCModv1.exe

BAS MH-60 Blackhawks v1.0

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=4738

BAS Tonali Special Forces + BTRT-T v1.0

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=4738

BAS Tonal Island + OPFOR

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=5155

BAS Tonal Patch 1

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=5210

BAS Tonal Patch 2

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=5351

BAS Delta/Rangers v1.55

DOWNLOAD LINK: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=6401

Please feel free to e-mail me or post in the SOC forums if you have any questions. You can e-mail me at [email protected]

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I would really appreciate some feedback on my missions. If anyone has any comments, questions, or advice please let me know.



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Yo did anyone download this mission and give it a go? If so, please let me know what you think.



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What the hell is that SOCMOD file and why do i need it? Is it simply a addon pack made for eay d/ld or something?

I dont re'd/ld addons which i have so i would like a list of whats in it ? If its something totally new i'll gladly oblige and get it and test the missions.I have all those other BAS things.

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Well Ace, it seems you have the same problem as many others. All you have to do is scroll up and read. That's it, just read. If you start at the top and read allllll the way down, you can answer your obvious question yourself. Now, I know this may be a little complicated so let me go ahead and tell you that the SOC Mod is simply a collection of addons we use in our missions. Are you on a dial-up or something? If you are on a high-speed connection then why do you care about downloading the mod? It's not like you have to do any actual work. It only takes a minute of your precious time.



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LoL no need to get all huffy puffy biggrin_o.gif

My mistake if i didnt read but i went to your site directly and it didnt offer any explanation as to what the pack is about?

I do have a DSL conn but my problem is i dont like to overload my HDD with OFP addons which are simply duplicates , i have 40 GB HDD and already 10 of it is occupied by OFP related stuff crazy_o.gif . Many of it dupliucated as in the Y2K3 mod and such.

I'll get this tonight and check it out though no problems. smile_o.gif

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Thank you sir. Sorry if I came across agree. It was about 5am when I replied. If you go HERE, you can get a list of the addons included in the pack. That should prevent you from getting doubles. That mission was a quicky, but let me know how it worked.



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Cool, well then let me know your thoughts on that first mission please.



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Well I finally had a chance to play the mission. Nice mission, and was not the same both times we played it. Liked that it had replayibility. Also liked the units you picked. While I liked having at the beginning serveral weapons to chose from, I do wish that a default loadout be given. Takes some time for the leader to give the weapons we wanted. Oh before I forget, nice music at the start. Did not blast away like some do, yet it set the tone for the mission as well.

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Thanks for the info bro. I appreciate the feedback. I am going to release a mission for Laser's new Ranger update very soon. Hopefully you can take a look and let me know what you think of it.

Thanks again,


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       SOC CooP 01




ISLAND: Everon



Laser's Rangers 1.50 & Laser's U.S. Weapons Pack 1.25


BAS MH-60s<a href="http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=4738" target="_blank">






UPDATE: The mission can now be downloaded from HERE.



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