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LSR Addons

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i wonder if you can add engineer and AT soldier classes to your rangers  tounge2.gif would making Campaign & mission conversions easier instead of needing to code out the weapons and stuff  biggrin_o.gif also i dunno what unit i can use when im trying to replace units in a cti mission when there are no engineer rangers  tounge2.gif

btw nice pilot & Car-15 inlove.gif love to see what new stuff you can add to the weapon pack update .

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OK now, people, i'm pleased to announce my next Western project (Eastern one is still under consideration) - USAF PJ units.

I've made some research (thanks to DB-ERAUPilot for a great pararescue video), but i still have lots of questions on the subject. Here we go.

1. PJ units' designation - the way operators should be named in the editor.

2. Squad designations - the way groups should be organized.

3. Weapons used by USAF PJs - esp. important since weapons pack is pretty much under reconstruction.

OK, that's it for starters... any bit of advice is welcome. Thanks.

@akd: The Eotech optic is not a placeholder. The edges look somewhat rough indeed... that's because i 've drawn the basic layout using AutoCAD. smile_o.gif Guess i need to smoothen them a bit.

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I'm by no means an expert on AFSOC, but those are kind of difficult questions.

I guess a good name for them in the editor would simply be Para-Rescueman? I'm not really sure on that.

The topic of squad configurations is a little difficult too..since PJ's don't really operate in that traditional sense. They are typically attached to another SOF unit, or work in groups of two(?) in a CSAR capacity.

A suggestion would be to maybe make a whole AFSOC pack, including CCT (Combat Controllers), SOF TACP's and PJ's as the number of unit variations you could get from just PJ's is a bit limited. Or maybe create Army SF units, and include a few PJ units as well.

Weapons are pretty much standard fare for any SOF unit.

Just some suggestions. Best of luck, it's about time these guys get represented.

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Laser, I think you should make a regular US Soldier Pack so we can have something equal quality of RHS soldiers.  Just a suggestion...  icon_rolleyes.gif

I dont think it would be to hard to make this since you already have modeled many peices of equiptment similar to what US soldiers use.

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kerosene, there are many things on hyk soldiers that are not correct and I would like to see a better addon than those soldiers.

and I dont like the fact that the vest of the 2003 hyk soldiers is only a texture and not a real model.

Something just looks out of place about Hyk's soldiers.

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No the vest is a seperate model.

Check it in o2

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If anything, I think the west need new weapons to match RHS's muzzle flashes and ORC's sounds. wink_o.gif Those are two of my favourite things from either mod. smile_o.gif

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I'm backing up Airblade 105%, some new US infantry would be mcphatness, but hey, Laser is right to make his own decisions.

<secretly weeps> confused_o.gif

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In regards to the weapons pack - I read recently that the Navy Seals have adopted this as their new sidearm.

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Yet another thing for the weapons pack; an Xm-26 underbarrel shotgun.

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OK now, people, i'm pleased to announce my next Western project (Eastern one is still under consideration) - USAF PJ units.

I've made some research (thanks to DB-ERAUPilot for a great pararescue video), but i still have lots of questions on the subject. Here we go.

1. PJ units' designation - the way operators should be named in the editor.

2. Squad designations - the way groups should be organized.

3. Weapons used by USAF PJs - esp. important since weapons pack is pretty much under reconstruction.

OK, that's it for starters... any bit of advice is welcome. Thanks.

@akd: The Eotech optic is not a placeholder. The edges look somewhat rough indeed... that's because i 've drawn the basic layout using AutoCAD. smile_o.gif Guess i need to smoothen them a bit.

I laser I was wondering how are you going to do the Ranks for the PJs since they wear rather large ranks on their arms.

I believe Project UKF was toying with a rank script, it may be wise to ask them how to do it.

Well here is a cool web site ot check out for US airmen ranks

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not toying, did make a rank script.

Oh my bad congradulation Project UKF btw do you have to manually add setobject texture or does it automatically appear on the basis of rank

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there's no way, or at least that we knew of, to check the assigned rank of a unit (in the unit editor screen) so basically it just works as setobjecttexture...

if someone does know how to check the assigned rank, then please drop me an IM as we'd be keen to use it.

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I wonder whether we will see more guns and pistols in your pack Laser ?


here you have good site with guns & pistols

I thing more old versions mp5 and m14 and more handguns will by nice   wink_o.gif

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I'm back after some pretty annoying things... like my PC's power supply unit went BANG and it took me several days to have it replaced. I'm working on a HALO jumper model right now and still considering the weapons pack contents. I'm also considering a pretty complex HALO scripting... would require a new animation though. No screenshots yet... nothing major to show, really, only made a HALO helmet (yet untextured) so far.

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Awesome work you've done, Laser. My cohorts and I have had a lot of fun with your addons! The news about the PJs also excites me, can't wait!

Quick question; Are you planning on moving away from the Earl M4/M16 base model for your M16 series weapons? If so and it is a definite thing (not for discussion), then would it be possible to offer an alternative version of the new weapons pack that uses the older M4 and M16 models by Earl, instead of the newer CS or "shinier" models?

Thanks for all your work and Best Regards.

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The armored crewman coveralls were phased out in the first gulfwar, most crews wear BUDS now so in the event the track or tank is koed they can dismount and sitll eveade enemy contact with cammo. Anyone still wearing the OD green jumpsuit is had it since they were last issued. Marines tend to wear nomex flight suits of desert tank or MARPET cammo. The nomex is very hot on the inside of armored vehicles opposed to the much cooler summer weight BDUs. The OD green coveralls are left overs from the 80s. Switching over the more mobile rapid combat force a armoed crewman can simpaly do infantry movements with the change of his CVC to fritz helmet. Not even the Army Nataional guard get issued the coveralls anymore. DOD is too cheep.. Crews sometimes obtain standard flight suits for desert use. But most just wear BUDs, even the Stryker crews have special BUDs issued to them for their use with helmets some with built in huds.

thge old problem of unit SOP usualy one person had something all had to have matching equipment unless in the field then its a bit more laxed. some of the reasons you will see guys with german combat equipment for personal use.

Using images on the net is a very bad problem due to do not know when the photo was taken. I do have my aFV crew gear if you need for rewferance, be nice having the 80's style crews for the tanks. Not to sound bad but rather LASER not be forced to make all units cause most of these guys are gonna swoon over to the neck person who can edit a model to look pretty in game at least Laser is able to make great units that work . Not all unit making should fall into Laser's hands because them everything will look the same. Already doing east addons and now west addons people now whine for resistance stuff and ignore other guys who do quality work. Then over tax laser who is already redlining as it is. =P

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OK, people, this is urgent.

I'll be brief. I need some help from a competent animation specialist who is familiar with dynamic animations and interpolation. The reason i'm asking is that i plan to incorporate a realistic HALO jump script, and this script would involve some animation work for extra realism. The scripting itself would be most likely carried out by Voyager (the scripting whiz! ), but he isn't familiar with animations, just like me.

Here's what i'm thinking of: once you leave the plane or a chopper, first of the three would-be planned animations starts, player would rotate in the air 3 or 4 times (imagine the first-person view experience! ) then the anim would eventually interpolate into free-fall animation. Once you reach the height of 250-300 meters above the deck, third animation would start - an animation which would look like when the parachute would open and player's body would switch into "parachuting" stance (hope you understood what i meant by that), parachute would open synchronously.

If someone of you animation wizards would be interested in this, PM me and we'll talk business. I'm really hoping to get some help on that subject soon. Thanks in advance.

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OK now, time for some screenshots. Hope you like these.




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