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Need Help  @ config.cpp (Island)

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Hi Folks!

My Problem:

When i start my OFP i can see the Island, but when i try to start it it loads much to long and when its loaded my game crashes without saying anything. Plz help me!! I also tried with only x,y,z axis for Names (without x.XXXX, y.YYYY, z.ZZZZ)

my files are:

config.cpp (see below)





my config.cpp:

class CfgPatches


class GDT_Island_Beta


 units[] = {};

 weapons[] = {};

 worlds[] = {"GDT Island Beta"};

 requiredVersion =1.92;



class CfgVehicles{};

class CfgSurfaces


class Default {};


class CfgEnvSounds {};

class CfgWorlds


class DefaultWorld {};

class GDT_Island_Beta: DefaultWorld



description="GDT Island (Beta)";




class Sounds




class Animation




class Names


class Scorpion_Island


 name="Scorpion Island";

 position[]={2176.6384, 2765.4810, 0};


class Stooker_Island


 name="Stooker Island";

 position[]={1380.1866, 4328.7031, 0};


class Schumacher_Island


 name="Schumacher Island";

 position[]={10527.8174, 4981.4551, 0};


class Mullins_OldTown


 name="Mullins OldTown";

 position[]={4865.8350, 7324.9526, 0};


class Kuehn_City



 position[]={5062.0562, 7560.5049, 0};


class Vult_Hill


 name="Vult Hill";

 position[]={5186.9722, 7778.7329, 0};


class Fusion_Fields


 name="Fusion Fields";

 position[]={5241.8311, 8149.5781, 0};


class Hector_Airport


 name="Hector Airport";

 position[]={10480.6855, 9328.8877, 0};


class Desert_Island


 name="Desert Island";

 position[]={4582.7388, 962.9102, 0};


class Medicus_Mountain


 name="Medicus Mountain";

 position[]={7269.2583, 3600.0803, 0};


class Zork_City



 position[]={5704.7178, 6209.9805, 0};





class CfgWorldList


class  GDT_Island_Beta{};


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This should probably go in Editing...

Mods will be along to move it soon....

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Hmmmm.....try changing this bit:

class CfgPatches


class GDT_Island_Beta


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

worlds[] = {"GDT Island Beta"};

requiredVersion =1.92;




class CfgPatches


class GDT_Island_Beta


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

worlds[] = {"GDT_Island_Beta"};

requiredVersion =1.92;



I don't think spaces are allowed.


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i have a big prob with my cpp to my island, its kinda basic, 256x256 , res objects... were is that Marksman's island cpp writer thingy? i cant find it.. :P

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WRP file name must be the same as the defined class so your .wrp should be named:


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