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Flashpoint 2 music?

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hans zimmer, but not without lisa gerrard.. his music although great, is nothing without her amazing vocal talent

something epic using theme music akin to climatic movie scenes would perhaps be ideal played only at key intervals within the game

personally I wouldn't like to see any specific set genre the whole way through, seventh were ok but it's too much guitar and not enough variety

best solution would be to give the user the option to use whatever she/he likes via a music userfolder with scenario subfolders that way bis can use their metal and for those who prefer other genres can choose to do so, then everyone is happy

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Hans Zimmer and Bill Brown music are way too bigshot sounding for this little game. Don't know why, but I personally don't think their music style "fits" with the game.

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they´ll should put in "Die randfichten" with "Lebt den der alte

Holzmichel noch"

sorry for english guys

thers no proper translation for this :P

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