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Do you want a mission that is fully dynamic?

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The basic idéa is to make a mission in OFP: Resistance Ver. 1.96 using original units in first hand.

The major concept is to make a mission with a thinking opposition AI.

AI that can plan attacks and reinforce where needed.

AI that can take over control of town's and installations without any interaction by the player.

AI that creates new vehicles and call in more infantry units from "mainland".

Everything would be economy controlled, also for the player who is commander of the whole friendly millitary precense on the map.

You as player would have to establish a working base and command your forces to attack or retreat and build factories to create Jeeps, Trucks, Tanks, Boats, Helicopters and planes etc.

Everything would cost money and you make money by capturing various resources that produce materials that you either can sell or use for construction

You would also be rewarded with money for successful operations etc as a major force to keep attacking.

Or you could get contributions when things are hard and it's not your fault.

Everything would be completely script based and nothing will be present in the actual MISSION.SQM file.  (Only Player start)

There would be scripts for artillery and such cool things...

There would be buildings with an uplink to spy satelites...

Both armies would have their ranks that manage their assignments and they build their camps and sleep during night..

All that and more of course!

My basic idéa for enemy waypoints is that the AI calculates where there are town's, Fuel, Roads, trees, forests, sea, mountains, fort's, hospitals etc. etc...

Blah blah blah you get the idéa???

I will explain more if anyone is intrested!   OK?  fine...    biggrin_o.gif

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so its like a Single Player CTI :P

Not neccisarly singleplayer? smile_o.gif

And what does CTI stand for? rock.gif

I forgot to ask any of you for any good idéas that i might have missed out?

Every little work is appriciated !

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If it's MP I would say YEA! smile_o.gif

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Sure and Keycats Grouplink II is a real Bonus for that !

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Boring, i dont like comand & conquer, i mean.. money and camcreated stuff and factories and buying vehicals and all that are just not OPF biggrin_o.giftounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif .

Maybe you could find some addon team that could make really tiny soldiers, tanks and buildings and then play the entire mission sitting in you headquarters looking at the map or thru yer so called spy satelites, would make more sense smile_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]If it's MP I would say YEA!

It's not my main plan to make it MP but that's where you could come in handy since you designed the Grouplink scripts?

It's never a bad idéa to have some info or help from a veteran you know  tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Boring, i dont like comand & conquer, i mean.. money and camcreated stuff and factories and buying vehicals and all that are just not OPF      .

Maybe not, but if i finish this "mission" i'll make sure you get a version without any "Fancy" C&C stuff...

My first idéa was to make a smart AI opponent that would advance against me in a random order...  (Got the whole idéa LONG before the CreateVehicle command was introduced... Belive it was during early winter 2001 actually smile_o.gif  )


And by the way i wasn't planning on making factories that puke out tanks until the stand on top of eachother and then launch them all on a massive slaughter mission...

No, no!  Tactics and strategy comes into play here where you actually need infantry just as much as armor and artillery...

Intelligence report's will play a crucial roll in the success of your missions!


Quote[/b] ]Maybe you could find some addon team that could make really tiny soldiers, tanks and buildings and then play the entire mission sitting in you headquarters looking at the map or thru yer so called spy satelites, would make more sense  .

LOL, i needed a good laugh since i been awake too long again sitting and coding boring scripts that define some characteristics of the vehicles in OFP...   biggrin_o.gif

Thank you for the positive feedback all of you!

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LOL, i needed a good laugh since i been awake too long again sitting and coding boring scripts that define some characteristics of the vehicles in OFP...   biggrin_o.gif

Thank you for the positive feedback all of you!

Laugh rock.gif , i wasnt joking and i remember Martin once made a small jeep and huey helicopter. This is a old idea i once saw posted around here somewhere, if you want to make a C&C style RTS full 3D game with CTI elements this is what you need rock.gif .

You need big Nogova or Everon scaled down (vegetation, forests, houses, etc) and scaled down units (soldiers, vehicals, etc). and a spectating script basicaly, everything else has already been made (scripted). Then you could order your tiny man to move around and capture strategic points and watch them in action thru spectating mode.

Would be alot better than cti, cti doesnt feel right in OPF smile_o.gif .

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It's not my main plan to make it MP but that's where you could come in handy since you designed the Grouplink scripts?

It's never a bad idéa to have some info or help from a veteran you know  tounge_o.gif

I will try to help you as much I can and I'm sure others that are better than me on OFP scripting will try to help as well.

Just one advise... Since SP and MP scripting in OFP is quite different I recommend you to decide if it should be SP or MP compatible before you start coding. If you decide to make it MP (I hope so, my only interest!) try to get access to a dedicated server to run your tests on, else you easily "go nuts" tounge_o.gif

Good luck whatever you choose...

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Until now i haven't made anything that is SP side only as far as i know...

I started on this kind of project so many times before but i got it all wrong time and time again so now im taking it very cool and try to make some really smart sullotions instead of hastingly putting togeather a plan and mess things up...

But for some preparetion...

What kind of scripting is SP only???

Here is an example file of what i've done...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;   ----====::::|||[   WEST VEHICLES VARIABLES SCRIPT   ]|||::::====----

;   BattleControl Scripts by Richard Candergart 2003 - 2004


;   Feel free to edit all scripts!

;   ----====::::|||[   PREPARE VARIABLES   ]|||::::====----

Vehicles_West = []

;   --==[   Jeep   ]==--

_Name = "Jeep"

_Model = "Jeep"

_Description = "Light, small and fast!\nThe M151 Jeep is used for small patrol missions and transportation of 3 Infantry units + Driver from A to B.\nThe Jeep can tow other jeeps and some smaller guns below 2.5 metric tons."

_Class = "Jeep"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "jeep"

_Picture = "ijeepMUTT"

_Armor = 20

_Speed = 100

_Fuel = 50

_Value = 30000

_Weight = 1.5

_MaxTowWeight = 2.5

_TowedAs = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Trailer"]

_Drivetrain = "4 Wheels AWD"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = False

_Cargo = 3

_Weapons = []

_Ammunition = []

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "All"

VehiclesWest = VehiclesWest + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   JeepMG   ]==--

_Name = "Jeep With Machinegun"

_Model = "JeepMG"

_Description = "Light, small and fast!\nThe M151 Jeep comes is used for small patrol missions\nThe Jeep can tow other jeeps and some smaller guns below 2.5 metric tons."

_Class = "Jeep"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "Jeep_mg"

_Picture = "ijeepmg"

_Armor = 20

_Speed = 100

_Fuel = 50

_Value = 32000

_Weight = 1.5

_MaxTowWeight = 2.5

_TowedAs = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Trailer"]

_Drivetrain = "4 Wheels AWD"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 1

_Weapons = ["Browning"]

_Ammunition = ["Browning"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "All"

VehiclesWest = VehiclesWest + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   Truck5t   ]==--

_Name = "M939 5 Ton Truck"

_Model = "Truck5T"

_Description = "The M939 5 Ton Truck is a loyal transport truck that carries 12 soldiers.\nYou can also haul artillery units and AA guns etc.\nThis truck is useful to transport one group from A to B\nTHis truck comes with a roof mounted, Your troops morale will increase if its rainy and decrease if its sunny (Hot) when transported."

_Class = "Truck"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "truck5t"

_Picture = "itruck5t"

_Armor = 20

_Speed = 80

_Fuel = 200

_Value = 50000

_Weight = 9

_MaxTowWeight = 9

_TowedAs = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Trailer"]

_Drivetrain = "6 Wheels AWD"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = False

_Cargo = 12

_Weapons = []

_Ammunition = []

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "All"

VehiclesWest = VehiclesWest + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   Truck5tOpen   ]==--

_Name = "Open 5 Ton Truck"

_Model = "Truck5tOpen"

_Description = "Loyal transport truck that carries 12 soldiers.\nYou can also haul artillery units and AA guns etc.\nThis truck is useful to transport one group from A to B\nDelivered without a roof, your troops morale will increase when it is sunny (Hot) and decrease if it is rainy."

_Class = "Truck"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "truck5t2"

_Picture = "itruck5t2"

_Armor = 20

_Speed = 80

_Fuel = 200

_Value = 50000

_Weight = 9

_MaxTowWeight = 9

_TowedAs = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Trailer"]

_Drivetrain = "6 Wheels AWD"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = False

_Cargo = 12

_Weapons = []

_Ammunition = []

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "All"

VehiclesWest = VehiclesWest + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   Truck5tRepair   ]==--

_Name = "5 Ton Repair Truck"

_Model = "Truck5tRepair"

_Description = "This truck will keep all your vehicles in mint condition unless the are totally demolished.\nIt can also haul Artillery units and AA guns etc."

_Class = "Support"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "truck5trepair"

_Picture = "itruck5trepair"

_Armor = 20

_Speed = 80

_Fuel = 200

_Value = 52000

_Weight = 9

_MaxTowWeight = 9

_TowedAs = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Trailer"]

_Drivetrain = "6 Wheels AWD"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = False

_Cargo = 2

_Weapons = []

_Ammunition = []

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = True

_Pilot = "All"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   Truck5tReammo   ]==--

_Name = "5 Ton Ammunition Truck"

_Model = "Truck5tReammo"

_Description = "This truck will resupply all your vehicles with ammunition on the battlefield.\nIt can also haul Artillery units and AA guns etc."

_Class = "Support"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "Truck5t"

_Picture = ""

_Armor = 20

_Speed = 80

_Fuel = 200

_Value = 52000

_Weight = 9

_MaxTowWeight = 9

_TowedAs = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Trailer"]

_Drivetrain = "6 Wheels AWD"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = False

_Cargo = 2

_Weapons = []

_Ammunition = []

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = True

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "All"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   Truck5tRefuel   ]==--

_Name = "5 Ton Refuel Truck"

_Model = "Truck5tRefuel"

_Description = "All vehicles need fuel and thats just what this truck does best!\nIt can also haul Artillery units and AA guns etc."

_Class = "Support"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "Truck5tfuel"

_Picture = "iTruck5tfuel"

_Armor = 20

_Speed = 80

_Fuel = 200

_Value = 50000

_Weight = 10

_MaxTowWeight = 8

_TowedAs = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Trailer"]

_Drivetrain = "6 Wheels AWD"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = False

_Cargo = 2

_Weapons = []

_Ammunition = []

_IsReFuel = True

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "All"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   M1Abrams   ]==--

_Name = "M1A1 Abrams Tank"

_Model = "M1Abrams"

_Description = "The M1A1 Abrams tank is the ultimate fighter tank that delivers some heavy punch on the battlefield!\nUse the M1A1 Abrams for heavy reinforcement when attacking towns and large enemy forces.\nOr to engage other heavy tanks like the T-80 and the T-72 Tank's!"

_Class = "Tank"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "M1_abrams"

_Picture = "iabrams"

_Armor = 900

_Speed = 72

_Fuel = 700

_Value = 4000000

_Weight = 63

_MaxTowWeight = 65

_TowedAs = ["Towline"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline"]

_Drivetrain = "Tracks"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = True

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 0

_Weapons = ["Gun120", "MachineGun12_7"]

_Ammunition = ["Heat120", "Shell120", "MachineGun12_7"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "TankCrew"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   M60   ]==--

_Name = "M60 Patton Tank"

_Model = "M60"

_Description = "The M60 Patton is a veteran tank that served well in the Vietnam war during the 60's.\nThis tank is well equipped to fend off the russian BMP tanks and is effective against infantry units.\nKeep in mind that this tank is very slow.\nBe sure to keep away from piercing explosives as the armor is very light!"

_Class = "Tank"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "M60"

_Picture = "im60"

_Armor = 300

_Speed = 54

_Fuel = 700

_Value = 1000000

_Weight = 60

_MaxTowWeight = 60

_TowedAs = ["Towline"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline"]

_Drivetrain = "Tracks"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = True

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 0

_Weapons = ["Gun105","MachineGun7_6"]

_Ammunition = ["Heat105","Shell105","MachineGun7_6"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "TankCrew"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   M113   ]==--

_Name = "M113 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)"

_Model = "M113"

_Description = "The M113 Armored Personnel Carrier is the standard "on battlefield" infantry transporter for the western alliance.\nIt is well suited to protect groups of soldiers on their way into battle and it can also give good support with its mounted Browning 12.7 mm machine gun.\nCapable of amphibious operation it can cross streams and lakes and small distances in sea\nBe aware of piercing rounds as the M113's armor cant stop them!"

_Class = "APC"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "m113"

_Picture = "im113"

_Armor = 150

_Speed = 60

_Fuel = 700

_Value = 100000

_Weight = 12.5

_MaxTowWeight = 13

_TowedAs = ["Towline"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_Drivetrain = "Tracks (Floater)"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 8

_Weapons = ["Browning"]

_Ammunition = ["Browning"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "TankCrew"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   M113Ambul   ]==--

_Name = "M113 Ambulance  Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)"

_Model = "M113Ambul"

_Description = "The M113 Ambulance is built most like the ordinary M113 except this one has all the medical equipment needed on the battlefield.\nThis is a non combat vehicle so keep it in the background and use it when neccisary."

_Class = "APC"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "M113_ambulance"

_Picture = "im113_ambu"

_Armor = 150

_Speed = 60

_Fuel = 700

_Value = 100000

_Weight = 13

_MaxTowWeight = 12

_TowedAs = ["Towline"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Towline", "Heli"]

_Drivetrain = "Tracks (Floater)"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = False

_Cargo = 3

_Weapons = []

_Ammunition = []

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "TankCrew"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   Cobra   ]==--

_Name = "AH-1 Cobra Helicopter"

_Model = "Cobra"

_Description = "The Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopter has struck fear in the hearts of the enemy for more than thirty years!\nIdeal when hunting for various armored forces like tanks and APC's.\nBut the AH-1 Cobra is just as good at covering infantry on the move and spotting / neutralising enemy infantry."

_Class = "Heli"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "ah1_cobra"

_Picture = "icobra"

_Armor = 50

_Speed = 270

_Fuel = 1000

_Value = 10000000

_Weight = 5

_MaxTowWeight = 1.5

_TowedAs = []

_TowCapabilities = ["Heli"]

_Drivetrain = "Heli"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 0

_Weapons = ["MachineGun30","HellfireLauncherCobra","ZuniLauncher38"]

_Ammunition = ["MachineGun30","HellfireLauncherCobra","ZuniLauncher38"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "Heli"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   CH47D   ]==--

_Name = "CH-47D Chinook Helicopter"

_Model = "CH47D"

_Description = "The Boeing CH47D Chinook helicopter is a massive work-horse built to transport both infantry and equipment to and from the battlefield.\nThe Chinook comes mounted with a Browning 12.7 mm Machine gun to give cover fire when deploying it's 24 infantry units!\nFor fast deployment of tanks, artillery and heavy equipment, the Chinook is the strongest to the assignment."

_Class = "Heli"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "ch-47d"

_Picture = "ich47d"

_Armor = 60

_Speed = 270

_Fuel = 1000

_Value = 23000000

_Weight = 11.5

_MaxTowWeight = 13

_TowedAs = []

_TowCapabilities = ["Heli"]

_Drivetrain = "Heli"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 24

_Weapons = ["Browning"]

_Ammunition = ["Browning"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "Heli"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   UH60   ]==--

_Name = "UH-60A Black Hawk Helicopter"

_Model = "UH60"

_Description = "Often referred to as the Black Hawk the UH-60A replaces the UH-1 Huey with it's superior troop capacity and cargo lift capability.\nThe Black Hawk is used to transport light equipment and up to 12 infantry units directly into battle.\nThis UH-60 comes fitted with 38 Hellfire missiles to engage light armor and infantry on the ground."

_Class = "Heli"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "uh-60"

_Picture = "iuh60"

_Armor = 60

_Speed = 270

_Fuel = 1000

_Value = 7000000

_Weight = 5

_MaxTowWeight = 5

_TowedAs = []

_TowCapabilities = ["Heli"]

_Drivetrain = "Heli"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 12

_Weapons = ["ZuniLauncher38"]

_Ammunition = ["ZuniLauncher38"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "Heli"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   UH60MG   ]==--

_Name = "UH-60A Black Hawk Helicopter with mounted machine gun"

_Model = "UH60MG"

_Description = "Often referred to as the Black Hawk the UH-60A replaces the UH-1 Huey with it's superior troop capacity and cargo lift capability.\nThe Black Hawk is used to transport light equipment and up to 12 infantry units directly into battle.\nThis UH-60 comes fitted with a 12.7 mm Browning Heavy Machine gun to engage infantry on the ground."

_Class = "Heli"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "uh-60mg"

_Picture = "iuh60"

_Armor = 60

_Speed = 270

_Fuel = 1000

_Value = 6500000

_Weight = 5

_MaxTowWeight = 5

_TowedAs = []

_TowCapabilities = ["Heli"]

_Drivetrain = "Heli"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 12

_Weapons = ["Browning"]

_Ammunition = ["Browning"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "Heli"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   A10   ]==--

_Name = "A-10 Thunderbolt Aircraft"

_Model = "A10"

_Description = "The first aircraft in the western alliance built for close Air to Ground operation.\nThis aircraft delivers a massive punch on any unit on the ground with it's 30mm Avenger seven-barrel gatling gun and of course it's Maverick antitank missiles to smash any armored vehicles!"

_Class = "Plane"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "a10"

_Picture = "ia10"

_Armor = 50

_Speed = 600

_Fuel = 1000

_Value = 13000000

_Weight = 15

_MaxTowWeight = 0

_TowedAs = []

_TowCapabilities = []

_Drivetrain = "Plane"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 0

_Weapons = ["MaverickLauncher","MachineGun30A10"]

_Ammunition = ["MaverickLauncher","MachineGun30A10"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "Plane"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

;   --==[   BoatW (Mark II PBR)   ]==--

_Name = "Mark II PBR Boat"

_Model = "BoatW"

_Description = "The Mark II PBR (Patrol Boat Riverine) was used during the Vietnam war with great success.\nIt comes with a 12.7 mm Twinned Browning heavy machine guns.\nUse the PBR to patrol shores and open water for any assault's taking place from the sea!"

_Class = "Boat"

_Side = "West"

_ModelName = "pbr"

_Picture = "ipbr"

_Armor = 100

_Speed = 60

_Fuel = 700

_Value = 100000

_Weight = 9

_MaxTowWeight = 200

_TowedAs = ["Sea"]

_TowCapabilities = ["Sea"]

_Drivetrain = "Boat"

_HasDriver = True

_HasCommander = False

_HasGunner = True

_Cargo = 6

_Weapons = ["Browning"]

_Ammunition = ["Browning"]

_IsReFuel = False

_IsReAmmo = False

_IsRePair = False

_Pilot = "Boat"

Vehicles_West = Vehicles_West + [[_Name, _Model, _Description, _Class, _Side, _ModelName, _Picture, _Armor, _Speed, _Fuel, _Value, _Weight, _MaxTowWeight, _TowedAs, _TowCapabilities, _Drivetrain, _HasDriver, _HasCommander, _HasGunner, _Weapons, _Ammunition, _IsReFuel, _IsReAmmo, _IsRepair, _Pilot]]

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Quote[/b] ]

But for some preparetion...

What kind of scripting is SP only???

Easier for me to answer if you ask the other way around  wink_o.gif

Having a mission or script MP compatible often means you have to make sure that some routines runs server side while some others may require to run client side (and sometimes even both!).

snYpir have written a very good tutorial on the subject that I highly recommend you to read and there are other good info as well over at OFPEC, truly a goldmine for us scripters and a "must site" IMO!

OFPEC Guide: Multiplayer Editing (by snYpir)

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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Quote[/b] ]snYpir have written a very good tutorial on the subject that I highly recommend you to read and there are other good info as well over at OFPEC

Then i will read this tutorial to find out if it suits my plans and i'll come back to you when im done!


Looks like a match for me smile_o.gif

I will keep in mind that i should make all scripts MP friendly...

Actually it sounds kind of easy but maybe i am wrong in the end hehe!


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I can see that two persons have answered Yes (And i can help you)

If you are serious about helping out maybe you could post something as well since i dont know how to see who clicked what in the poll rock.gif

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Yes, and I can help you.

I could do/did a request engine that handles air support, medivacs, evacs and stuff. I could also mess with code till I get something close to a desired effect. tounge_o.gif

But as far as I know, it only works in SP.

Unfortunately I'm really busy nowadays, so I can't really do much.

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Quote[/b] ]Yes, and I can help you.

I could do/did a request engine that handles air support, medivacs, evacs and stuff. I could also mess with code till I get something close to a desired effect.

But as far as I know, it only works in SP.

Unfortunately I'm really busy nowadays, so I can't really do much.

Thats great newiy!

If you have a good understanding of how your script works you maybe could make it possible to fit any of my future AI scripting...

For medivacs I.E i would need any command issued to be placed in a Variable of the type ARRAY...

OrdersList = [["Order1", "Move", [X, Y, Z], PriorityLevel1], ["Order2", "GetOut", [X, Y, Z], PriorityLevel1]]

That's just a quick draft and i dont request you to do anything about it just yet, only so you know how i was planning to have scripts working with my squads...

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No problem. I got the math sorted out...

Nice array you have there, but what is it for?

To order the medivac or for the vehicle to report what its doing?

If it is to order the medivac, I forsee a problem of not being flexible enough to order specific units into the medivac!

Also, what is the string "Order#" for, and how would you implement the priority levels?

And is the array a global variable or 'attached' to a certain squad?

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No problem. I got the math sorted out...

Nice array you have there, but what is it for?

To order the medivac or for the vehicle to report what its doing?

If it is to order the medivac, I forsee a problem of not being flexible enough to order specific units into the medivac!

Also, what is the string "Order#" for, and how would you implement the priority levels?

And is the array a global variable or 'attached' to a certain squad?

The array is supposed to contain much more information than just "Order1" and priority level.. as i said... a draft to show you the basic idéa...

"Order1"  Is actually ment to be a description smile_o.gif


   "Medics move to heli %1"

   "Medics Get in heli %1"

   "Medics wait for heli %1 to arrive and land"

   "Medics get out of heli %1"

   "Medics move to injured soldier %1"

   "Medics heal injured soldier %1"

and for the priority levels i will probably make it like this...

[ ["<Main description>", "<Priority Level>", [<Orders array>], ["<Main description>", "<Priority Level>", [<Orders array>] ]

And every order that is if higer priority level is more important and will be run before anyone else...


CurrentOrders = <ARRAY>

OrdersList = <ARRAY>

If OrdersList change during execution of CurrentOrders the script will check priority level and if level is higher than current the CurrentOrder will SAVE any progress and leave that assignment and start executing the higher priority order instead!

Medevacs would probably have priority level 10

and building camps would have 5

and smoking a cigarette would have 1

and taking cover from artillery would have 100  !!!

Just so that any soldier just dont puts up a tent to sleep in during massive bombardment from 155 mm howitsers ?!?

There you go...


And there would be some kind of linking between assigned vehicles and such so that helicopter %1 would know whats going on...

And any group would still have to wait for the helicopter to finish any higher priority missions

And scripts will find the most suitable vehicle for the mission

And as i said before if anything would happen like the chopper would have to land to pick up some soldier it would still resume the previous mission in one way or another...

Anything you could imagine but this coding will take TIME so i will report any progress anyways...

Progress so far for BattleControl V 0.001 Beta  smile_o.gif

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Progress HTML page</span>

More coming up, i ensure you...

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A completely dynamic mission like you describe would be the ultimate flashpoint mission, if everything was balanced just right for gameplay. But if all the dynamic elements were in place, changing aspects of the way it is played is very simple, like what commands the player needs or what units to use in the game, those are all just simple changes once the war is unfolding with a mind of its own.

The most important thing to do when taking on a large project like this is to outline the most abstract concepts that you will use, and build scripts based off the outline, filling in the blanks from the top down. Starting out making lists of the properties of vehicles seems to be more of a bottom up approach, an approach I cant imagine trying, I think it would be much too hard.

However you want to do this, I recommend looking at the systems for dynamic command already made, like Chain of Command, CTI, RTS, or what I've done.

2 years ago, after looking over the command reference for Resistance, I got really inspired to try almost exactly what you are describing, and I made a decent version on Nogova with the player starting out near the westmost airfield with full command, and reinforcements coming in from the coast on command. After lots of experimentation, I'll just say I had to work out many compromises until I fully understood everything that was going on, and everything the flashpoint engine would allow me to do. I decided it was hard to balance the gameplay, in one run I remember I swept clean hundreds of enemies across all of nogova with 4 apaches and 8 abrams in a matter of an hour, sounds fun but I couldnt keep up with them because the commanding was so tedious. In other tests, I realized its possible to make unending battles, with infantry respawning approximately as they die, then going right back the battle with the corpses piling higher and higher. Making a fully dynamic game fun is really hard. So after a year of tinkering I released a simpler vietnam version that turned out pretty fun, mainly infantry combat, look here. Still too much commanding I think, so my new version will allow you to select your rank, and how much command you'll have, because RTS games can get boring.

Maybe I could make a list of scripts I think must be universal to any ideal dynamic game environment, and we can work together to make scripts we would both use? You can of course use any scripts you want from my old unscripted war, and when I release a new version you can do whatever you want with it. I'm sure you would make many different decisions than I did along the way, so I would like to see you make your own thing, maybe an "unscripted war" can be done much better.

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Yes i have looked up all other "RTS" engines i could find

COC is cool but it focuses on mission's where you need to add all units used in mission editor AFAIK...

CTI is good but still doesn't have all functions im thinking of...

RTS?  Never heard of but i imagine it doesn't live up to my ideals...

Good you contacted me, i've read about your project (But cant remember what it was called)

I felt a little bit jelous but it's all my fault...

I got this idéa in the very beginning but i never made any good progress...

Remade everything from scratch about 20 times now...

How fun is that?  So i know planning is IMPORTANT...

All planning is currently stored in my head since im to lazy to type it down...

I tried endless approaches without major success...

All from making markers in the editor and such things to having a script going through all 57242 objects on everon...

(That takes about 2 minutes, but that is the ammount of time you would need to set up a base anyways so...)

With dynamic i really meen dynamic as you should be able to run this mission on any map without any major modifications...

Maybe set up some standard starting points and collect the "Towns list" from the map bin file...

Anyways... i will work on with planning right now and will update my progress html file in about 4 hours i suppose...

Fetch it from this link:

<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Battle Control progress report</span>


Updated the Battle Control progress report Wednesday 18th August 2004 @ 04:00 Am

Updated the Battle Control progress report ONCE AGAIN Wednesday 18th August 2004 @ 05:26 Am



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Quote[/b] ]

With dynamic i really meen dynamic as you should be able to run this mission on any map without any major modifications...

Maybe set up some standard starting points and collect the "Towns list" from the map bin file...

Now that's REALLY ambitious! wow_o.gif

But of course, like ThruYerSternum said, you'll have to plan first. Also, if you're going to receive help, some sort of coordination is necessary.

Here's an example of what I'll do if I were on a project like yours:

Goals and Objectives (Must be specific goals and objectives, and which ones are more important to meet)?

So far:

1) Dynamic - can be used on any map with little modification.

2) Userfriendly to set up.



Main Engine Plan:

1) Smaller engines? Command Engine, Logistics Engine etc...


At which level does the engine operate? Group level (faster but not as fine tuned) or Unit level (More fine tuned, slower)? Does it work on multiple levels too?

Also, how tight are the loops? 15 sec delay?

'Bridging scripts', Scripts that pass data between various engines and levels. What kind of data and at what level?

2) How is data stored, and what is the scope of each data type?


Data at global level - e.g. Array of units on all sides, Strategic points, West commands array, Guerr commands array , East Command array, Data request lists

Data at local level - e.g. Morale can be bridged and passed on request.

Scripts/Functions needed:

1) General scripts - e.g. Sort functions, Nearest known enemy, Nearest known friendly, nearest known enemy location, unit value

2) Infrastructure scripts, highlevel - command engine

3) Infrastructure scripts, lowlevel - base building

4) AI Scripts, command level e.g. Assault planning and squad level: e.g. AI recon behaviour.

5) Task Scripts, e.g. Medivac, air support etc...

6) Eyecandy & Misc. scripts- e.g. smoking script, surrender scripts

7) Really low level stuff: Values of each unit etc...

Well, stuff like that.


Place for each member to discuss etc...

How are the scripts gonna be placed? Folder divisions like .../AI , /Engine

Work out a standardization of naming conventions and such. E.g. SideEngineVar, GuerrCommandList

_delay for delays, _i for loops stuff like that.

Don't jump into coding without some sort of plan, and made it known to all involved in the project (hee, I never thought I'll say this, I hate planning and stuff)! blues.gif

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Right now i am building up the basic ground of the engine.

I code some variables preparation and then i update my progress report adding more ideas and plan for future coding

So at the point im trying to give you guys a hint of whats coming up and SOON SOON i will call you guys asking for any scripts or such.

Quote[/b] ]1) Smaller engines? Command Engine, Logistics Engine etc...

Read about the Assignment System to gain a basic idea of how things could work... MORE INFO COMING UP LATER TODAY!

Quote[/b] ]Also, how tight are the loops? 15 sec delay?

That depends on how big scripts get, any script or function therefore should be EXTREMELY small to maintain engine flow.

Quote[/b] ]2) How is data stored, and what is the scope of each data type?

Mostly in arrays with references to other arrays etc etc...

Details coming up... (maybe later today)

In the meantime you can look at THEESE scripts.

Quote[/b] ]Details:

Data at global level - e.g. Array of units on all sides, Strategic points, West commands array, Guerr commands array , East Command array, Data request lists

Data at local level - e.g. Morale can be bridged and passed on request.

At this point i am making the scripts so that they work on local space in SP...

But i am planning to code an MP engine that will handle ALL multiplayer related functions and split assignments between computers.

The server will distribute some operations to be executed on other computers to give the server more time for AI handling and such....


Quote[/b] ]1) General scripts - e.g. Sort functions, Nearest known enemy, Nearest known friendly, nearest known enemy location, unit value

2) Infrastructure scripts, highlevel - command engine

3) Infrastructure scripts, lowlevel - base building

4) AI Scripts, command level e.g. Assault planning and squad level: e.g. AI recon behaviour.

5) Task Scripts, e.g. Medivac, air support etc...

6) Eyecandy & Misc. scripts- e.g. smoking script, surrender scripts

7) Really low level stuff: Values of each unit etc...

Stay tuned as theese functions will be explained in my Progress Report.

Quote[/b] ]Place for each member to discuss etc...

How are the scripts gonna be placed? Folder divisions like .../AI , /Engine

Work out a standardization of naming conventions and such. E.g. SideEngineVar, GuerrCommandList

_delay for delays, _i for loops stuff like that.

But of course i will!

I will upload blank sqs scripts and sqf functions for each type on coding...

Variables preparation

Ai scripts at private level

Ai scripts at Officer level

Ai scripts at Major level

Ai scripts at General level

Etc etc etc.......

I will come to this after the BASIC planning and coding has taken place...

Im still trying to coordinate my own thoughts but expect to have made enough progress to give you guys some guidlines of scripting and structure of files....

Quote[/b] ]Don't jump into coding without some sort of plan, and made it known to all involved in the project (hee, I never thought I'll say this, I hate planning and stuff)!

Yes i know this since i have great experience of MAJOR failure at many diffrent times...

For now... Im off to the local store and then im jumping right into the Battle Control engine planning once again...

Expect an update in about 5 hours.

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PLRSniper your really on the way to make somthing I always wanted. CTI is more or less just how good each player controll his ais and "aim" skills between players. Just like in CQB, CTF, C&H. In COOP the key is teamwork and tactics!

So a CTI type of map where Tactic is the key to sucess.

I did read the whole thread but this is what im thinking of what your work will be.

(A wish list from me)


19player slots in the game. Company1,Company2,Company3, each have one "General". Company1 have 4 infantry platoons, Company2 have 4 Armourd Platoons and Company3 is working like 4 support platoons.

4 Platoon leaders x 3(company)  + 3 "Generals" of each company = 19 player total. Each Platoon leader have 4 squads with 12 men in them.

The mission starts off like the invasion of Everon (from 1985 campigan) where Nato does an counter-attack on Everon. This means before anyone can acually fire a bullet the Generals have a ingame briefing menu to plan the invasion. They can move around the diffrent platoons with markers and basicly decide how to invade Everon. Should they invade by parachutes? By boats? A single Ah1 helicopter? ect ect. The beaches will be guarded, but not like D-Day smile_o.gif.

The invasion could end up with 80% and the rest trying to espace, or that 50% survied but was killed in the counter attack (if the Russian AI decide to do an counter-attack).

But lets say West manage to take countroll of the southern part of Everon (near St.Pierre). They set up some basic defence, medic tents ect ect.

The generals Task is now to decide if they will attack St.Pierre or wait untill the following day. The Generals decide to attack St.Pierre to with hope no reinforments have arrived. So they enter they planning menu and plan the assualt on St.Pierre.  In this planning menue they Generals can write an briefing and put markers on the map just like in a COOP.

During the ingame 5 hours of planning the soldiers need, foot, engery ect ect. Each soldier have a hunger script, Energy script, moral script ect ect. attack with tired soldiers would mean the open fire and ruin the  whole mission ect. If your soldiers cant get supplied with food they slowly die. Same goes for ammo. This means you will have to build up a network with convoys that transport, food, ammo ect ect.

Anway taking a single town could take 24 hours ingame time and maybe 30 minutes in real life. In here you dont build a vehlicle factory and take off with 100 jeeps. All vehicles are transported from main land. If you controll no town near water you are basicly f--ked. If you controll the airport you have a huge advantage. Same goes for Soldiers/infantry, You cant just buy 500soldiers end send them north. You will have a maximum ammount of soldiers, when some soldiers get killed you will have to wait untill more get shipped. This means you will have to know alot about commanding forces in real life. If Bravo Platoon in 1st Company is holding Montignac with 25 soldiers left. You will have to move back in order to save them.

It will be better to save 25 soldiers then bring in 25 new noobs from mainland with no combat skills. This will make each soldiers life so much more important then they are in CTI/RTS. The 3 Generals assign the diffrent platoon leaders where to go. Example, attacking towns with the right amount of soldiers. Have the right amount/type of soldiers to defend key towns.

What my wish list is about is a simulation of real life as a Commander of a Company with 100-200 soldiers.

I really dont want to see a house where you build choppers or a house with tanks. It should all be like in real life. If a Platoon commander gets killed in action, he will respawn in the next ship comming from main land as a PVT, he will have to work his way up to the top again. Or just make so everyone execpt the 3 Generals start as PVTs in the beginning.

Another future would be winter uniforms if the battle is taking more then 6 months, a sleep script on the ai soldiers so they have to sleep. Since i havnt done the army thing yet i dont know about all the things or how it works. I know alot of the guys in here are experts compared to me. They should really know how to make an simulation.

I use to joke that CTI players are failed players on smaller maps in ofp but CTI is just the same as CTF but in a larger area. Please dotn make another CTI version, make an simulation.! To bad it takes 10 min to drive around Everon, maybe an new island x2 bigger with realistic distance between towns, harbours, airfields.

//Cain, this is crappy written but i hope someone atleast understood!

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@ Cain2001

Quote[/b] ]19player slots in the game. Company1,Company2,Company3, each have one "General". Company1 have 4 infantry platoons, Company2 have 4 Armourd Platoons and Company3 is working like 4 support platoons.

This is not my approach...

Read about the Ranking System and the Assignment System in my latest Progress Report...

If a Co-op game is started ONLY ONE can be general but he has free hands to assign ANY player to any group, plutoon or company he wish. He can also promote them to corpral, sergeant(s), Lieutenant(s), Captain, Major, colonel, Brigader/Lieutenant/Major General, GENERAL.

Also i will divide groups/plutoons/companies/brigades into theese numbers

Squad = ~10 soldiers  (8 - 12 Normally, Some cases 6 or 4)

Plutoon = 3 Groups of any size (~30 men)

Company = 3 Plutoons (~90 Men)

Batallion = 3 Companies (~270 men)

Brigade = 2 Batallions (~540 men)

The general has control over the brigade of course!

Then ranks go down to squad level...

Stay tuned for more documentation in my Progress Report!

Quote[/b] ]The mission starts off like the invasion of Everon (from 1985 campigan) where......

Why i call it dynamic is that i dont intend to have a story!


You see all you know is that you are on your side of the island trying to build a presence and the enemy is on the other...

You as a player will be able to choose if you want to play in the Eastern (alliance) or the Western (Alliance)...

From there the stort will build itself...

You will notice this when i have planned on further!

Quote[/b] ]I really dont want to see a house where you build choppers or a house with tanks. It should all be like in real life. If a Platoon commander gets killed in action, he will respawn in the next ship comming from main land as a PVT, he will have to work his way up to the top again. Or just make so everyone execpt the 3 Generals start as PVTs in the beginning.

I've been thinking about this too...  How realistic is it if a jeep just pops out of a building when you ordered it 1 day ago?

I agree with out and my first plan was to have any equipment shipped to the island by boat or alternatively by road if the map is a "non island" map... (It is possible?)

Quote[/b] ]Another future would be winter uniforms if the battle is taking more then 6 months, a sleep script on the ai soldiers so they have to sleep. Since i havnt done the army thing yet i dont know about all the things or how it works. I know alot of the guys in here are experts compared to me. They should really know how to make an simulation.

Thanks for the great idea!

I will look into this in the future...

(make it possible to transfer a current mission onto a winter everon map I.E)

If not possible we would have to stick with green grass all year long...  sad_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I use to joke that CTI players are failed players on smaller maps in ofp but CTI is just the same as CTF but in a larger area. Please dotn make another CTI version, make an simulation.! To bad it takes 10 min to drive around Everon, maybe an new island x2 bigger with realistic distance between towns, harbours, airfields.

As i mentioned...   The Battle Control engine will be possible to run on ANY map...

But its a good idea to keep map size down and limit the number of units to something less than my suggested brigade level (540 men) due to lag issues!


My progress report is updated once again!

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Progress Report</span>

Updated at 10:00 Pm, Wednesday the 18th of August 2004

For now smile_o.gif

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What is possible is that if you have an island with no objects on it. You make a script that generates diffrent towns, roads, trees, bushes, rocks over the map. (Editoruppgrade/Update). When winter comes you add winter trees instead of the "normal" ones. Soldiers uniforms are also possible to change. But the ground texure will stay the same so theres basicly no need to use it IF you dont use and huge island where 25% is coved with snow textures. To invade that part of the island you need winter gears ect ect.

I would really like to see a map where you control and play against smart ais. If you havnt played WW2 Online you should really try it. The amount of players/car/planes avalible is based what their factories produce. I really want to see ais smart enought to ambush an covoy or send in blackops to kill (platoon leaders) ect ect.

I see you planned this and you have the skills, I wish you good luck. *going back to his setdammage scrips*

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