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how is this game on 56k?

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ROFL thats the first time ive heard that one. So because i get cheaper internet i should be blamed for making people lag? thats pathetic. I have a bf:v clan and i help contribute for the server as i would with any other clan. I cant afford Å80.00 a month though for a server so i wil use other peoples servers, if they dont like that, they can go suck my scrotem.

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you cant compare the line usages of BF (which is lame) to OFP wich uses 10 times the usages per player

like i said

30-150 kb per client

5k = on average 4.3 kb

so the 56ker is loosing 25-145 kbs of information

and plus the fact that 4.3 kbs is shared up and down where cable and DSl have a banwith equal to thier upload and download so the 56k can out put only 2 kb to the server were all our broadban users are in the 20-30 kbs

just do the math

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it's a matter of peoples choise we pay for our server and most times 56kers won't last a 3 hour CTI so that being said BOOT there are to many quiters never mind a 56ker lagged out running in spot haha biggrin_o.gif and all infornation sent to him isn't recieved witch means he laggs the server think about it especilly if his ping gets up in the 400-500 hundreds... never mind his FPS lol

our server no laggers allowed biggrin_o.gif

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if i play a DM or somthing id let a 56k play np as it is a small game and not a 3 hour long CTI mabe consider movin to a area that is more advanced biggrin_o.gif lol

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I'm on 56k and usually get to play a MP game about 1 time out of 10. You just have to get lucky and hope the admini is in a good mood that night. People who pay for the servers have a right to choose who plays. I just wish there was a server out there where 56kers are always welcome. But that ain't gonna happen. Now, I'm just waiting for OFP2, by Christmas, I will have a new AMD 64 w/1024 ddr ram, a fresh new high speed connection, re-join my buds in SWAF and kick all your azzez. Pull a nice left hook across your head and you'll end up like Danzig. just kidin'.


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@k-dog we waitn fer ya biggrin_o.gif

what is your average ping to a server with a 56k ? if under 300 you should be ok in a CTF game smile_o.gif

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russian, what's your server name? Of course now, I can't kick shit, but I'd love to play smile_o.gif

average ping is 180-270, it can sometimes get in the 315-320. I live in Los Angeles, CA


ps: and to change the topic just a bit, I will argue that the performance of your computer and connection is a big part of your skill, especially in close combat DM matches. I've had 2.5 years of practice trying to "outdraw" all you big boy big connection guys and got stomped everytime. Ain't happening in OFP2!

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hehe yep can work both ways tho with the lagg cause i see yas skiping around very hard to kill when ya are gliping around take some pratice

look in in game browser for Roughnecks WhoreHouse beware of being booted hahaha if ping is high server is located in LA.. smile_o.gif

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Cool! thanks for the invite. I'll be sure to drop your name when I connect and hopefully you have the above average respect from your fellow comrade admini to grant me the grace that I'll need to play a game or two.

See ya then, Kdog~

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In Texas I always come in below 200 ping. I look forward to some games.


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Kdog, your also always welcome to DK server and you know that. Im not usually there though when you come in cos Im sleeping at that time. wink_o.gif

And to that offtopic comment you made about the performance and connection: Its not true. I think Im running the worst computer in the OFP community (1.4g, 512ddr and Gf2 64mb crazy_o.gif ) and Im doing allright. Connection doesnt have anything to do with it expect if a player lags alot, he kills every "big boy" when the "big boy" kills him. Usually the cocky CQB players get pissed off at that and kick you out, simple as that. So no matter if you have a 1mb line or a 10mb line.

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1.4g, 512ddr and Gf2 64mb  crazy_o.gif ) and Im doing allright.

that system is is just above average for OFP, almost any 600 mhz up with over 512 is fine

OFP uses over 300 megs in game and if you dont have it, it a pain in the ass

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Hitman, hope we can play soon. The connection does play a part in your skill, it's not all of it but logically it's some. In real war, your eyesight, hearing, hand/eye cordination, and response is what CAN keep you alive ..then comes the experience. That's why gamers always needs to up-grade, for better game play. If my "mouse response" drags while I'm trying to aim at the enemy and He on the other end has DSL, and faster processor/video card, he will kill me first. I've played many games where I played it safe just to stay alive because I damn well know if I try to take someone on in a firefight, I would loose. That's how 56kers have to think. Just look at it this way, ..I've just drank and 12 pack of beer and your sober. Now we are going to fight, who do your think's gonna win?? DSL vs 56k

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If your on 56k and lagging I'm willing to bet it's gonna be a draw tounge_o.gif

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