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the wolf

French addons

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As Wolf's comment don't mention it, the VAB T20/13's roleis fairly different from M-163 or Zsu-23/4's role.

M-163 and Shilka are mostly used in AA role (exception with Chechnya where Shilkas were used to kill AT teams hidden in the highest floors, or Vulcans for an effective antipersonnal ground fire support), equipped with radar and high-rate of-fire heavy firepower. The VAB has no radar, a very simple aiming device and a manual-traverse moving turret.

During the Cold war, the VAB T20/13 was used in Artillery Regiments for light AA defense and close-support of self-propelled prestrategic nuclear missile launchers AMX-30 PLUTON (150 km range) and self-propelled SAM armored launcher AMX-30 ROLAND.

In the beginning of the nineteens, in Bosnia, at Sarajevo, were organized anti-sniping teams composed of a VAB T20/13 and two sharpshooters using a FRF2 and a heavy sniping rifle like the Mac Millan M-93R.

Aknowledged as an effective combat system, the sharpshooters platoons were organized within new professionnal infantry regiments, inside their Recon and Support Company (Compagnie d'Eclairage et d'Appui, CEA).

A "Groupe de Tireurs d'Elites" (Sharpshooter fighting group) is currently made of :

- a group leader

- a light AFV with 20mm autocannon (VAB T20/13 in motorized IR or AMX-10P in mecanized IR)

- two FR12.7 using sharpshooters (FR12.7 is the French military name of the civilian business' named PGM Hecate II)

- two sharpshooter's assistants with FAMAS Infanterie (FAMAS Aimpoint)

This group can seldom receive FRF2 in order to strengthen the group firepower.

VAB T20/13, able to transport an infantry group, can also be used in protection missions for artillery and tanks units (Pelotons d'Appui Défense - Defense & Support Platoons).

The VIB (Vehicule d'Intervention Blindé) is a slightly modified 20mm gun equipped VAB, used by the Armée de l'Air (Air Force) for the protection of airbases, against low-levels air attacks (rare, SAM are more efficient in SA defense) and ennemy commandos' attacks (the major mission).

Thus, the VAB T20/13 in the French Army has more various roles than just be a low-grade equivalent of the Vulcan and the Shilka.

Actually, OFrP's VAB T20/13 is still at a beta stage, so don't ask for it too quickly...  biggrin_o.gif

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Also, the title of this topic is French Addons by Bizzaroide.

I have some trouble understanding why irrelevant news about the OFrP mod have been posted in this thread, since it may create some confusion as to who has done what.

Also news about the OFrP team not posted by OFrP members are the responsability of their author only and are only speculation.

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Please don't dig up topics older than three months without permission. You've already created a topic for your request - use that one only, please. smile_o.gif

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