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Unit/vehical integrated RADIO!

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Thats right, radio coms are essential/vital in the battlefield and i believe more atention should be put into these for practical use and for better atmosferic feel in the game.

Jeeps, APC's, Helos, jets and planes should all have inbuilt radio/coms sistem, for example a hmmwv should have a radio wich could be used in missions to transmit/receive messages like situation reports, receive new updates, objectives and orders, call backup assistance, etc. It could even play a big part in a dynamic type mission wink_o.gif . I think having a rto guy in a squad was already discussed but not this. There could also be some distortioned radio messages just to add more ambiance when we ride in cargo of a military transportation vehical and some templates for users to put into their missions. Other than mil radio sistems there could also be civie car radio for us to listen to AC/DC or the weather blah, blah... it would be tons better than pressing 0,0,1 right rock.gif .

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I remember in one of the MODs, there was a chopper with radio messages when in transit.

I forget which MOD-Helo it was from.

But it did make me wonder why this wasnt an in-built feature in OFP at the time.

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I remember in one of the MODs, there was a chopper with radio messages when in transit.

I forget which MOD-Helo it was from.

But it did make me wonder why this wasnt an in-built feature in OFP at the time.

The Huey of Seb Nam pack 2 got this.

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I remember in one of the MODs, there was a chopper with radio messages when in transit.

I forget which MOD-Helo it was from.

But it did make me wonder why this wasnt an in-built feature in OFP at the time.

They wanted to get the game out this decade.


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Actualy the radio thing is a good idea.You could check the staus of a patrol from your observation hummvee about 300 meters away.Or Tap into other radio frequencies to listen to other units talk.The civi car radio sounds awsome also.Listen to some pantera on the way back to base after your weekend off.

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An intergrated MP voice comm system based around radios would be very useful for our coops.

Imagine this instead of TeamSpeak and Ventrillo:

A group of regular coop players enter game - they can use chat window to chat etc. In the briefing frequencies are given out -

100.0 - General (Global) - Everyone would be tuned into this at all times.

Then you would have custom ones:

104.5 - ATC

106.4 - Arty control

104.2 - CAS

Blah Blah.

People could use this to have a lot of seperate channels where they can speak to each other quickly without interfering with others. It would also add another element to a unit's organisation, a unit without a good comms structure would not be successful.

This would be the veteran mode, for the IQ < 5 hexenkessel players cadet mode would still have the type channel for telling everyone how 'tey r0xx0r + pWn noobs'

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This would be really good if they get this into the game. In-fact this is even possible i believe with games ofp1 right now, right?

But only thing is, with this one you'd possibly also want to have a mic so when in mp you can use your mic to talk back and forth, like if i was in bravo squad and i wanted to talk to alpha squad and there was a few other squads going around, i'd say:

"Alpha Squad, this is Bravo Squad, come in over."

Ya but this would be a tight set-up.

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