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Clanh2K is announcing the opening of the clanh2K public  server at ofp.clanh2k.net. The server will be running Ofp watch, an automatic addon download system. It will be on cox backbone in central USA at really high speed for up to 30 players. We will run mostly coop missions, including a few h2k productions missions. Teamspeak for the server will be will be same IP "ofp.clanh2k.net"  

h2ks ofp home page

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Give us server specs,  I am sure me and Mal will want to know  wink_o.gif

I just visited your site, please dont tell me your running a 30 player coop server off your Cox cable modem.

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Dont mind him, he's just realizing our servers have all ways been faster, more stable and more thoroughly tested then his, now he has you to pick on

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Backwoods and Mal you make me so horny with your sexy servers! I told my girlfriend about your machines and she was like wow and uuhhh and ahhh and got all antsy and stuff. Now she can't stop thinking about you guys. I'm not even mad at her, you obviously must be hung like donkeys with OFP servers like that...

tounge_o.gif   smile_o.gif

For the love of god maroco give those guys your server specs and give them something to talk about, and good luck with your server  smile_o.gif

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Thanks Shrike.  The server is running on the COX backbone setup on very high speeds located at cox communications i got lucky and have a good friend that works there so we built the computer to run the server and set it up. specs are

-RedHat 9.1

-P4 2.8

-1gig of memory

-200gig HD

we have had 20 people in the server with under 100 ping we could probobly run a 50 player server if the computer would handle it the bandwidth is great.  

I am learning more and more about the linux ofp server. and i am getting autoaddons to work pretty good just setting up my packages. I have a few questions that may have a quick answer.  

How can you tell when you try to run a mission what addons are missing from the server. If the mission does not load where can you see the error report?

Can i run the server without any addons in he /ofp/res/addons folder ? and all the files in /ofp/addons ? Do i need anything in /res/addons?

is there any way to get the ofp server to run using less processor? what are the ways to cut down on processor use.

I saw that Miraks stats are on php and i am going to be using php-nuke as well to run our site it should be up today or tommorrow and i was wondering if mariks has put out his code yet with simple setup assistance? It looks really good i would love to run stats on our site. Well done with that stat code. http://ofp.clanh2k.net

Thanks for the interest and quick reply to my posts.

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gl with your server, I hope you will atract a nice crowd!

Ill drop by soon and fire a couple of shots! smile_o.gif

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maroco,  Sounds like you have a decent setup there, good luck with it!  If you need help with setting up a Real Time Server Query for your server let me know, I would be happy to lend a hand!

Quote[/b] ]Dont mind him, he's just realizing our servers have all ways been faster, more stable and more thoroughly tested then his, now he has you to pick on

Actually I am shifting my arguments to people who can present solid facts, people who dont run speed tests on a 100MB NIC from dslreports.com, some one who doesnt argue that there is 256 usable IPs in an IP range, and some one who doenst have to make the shit up as he goes along. Most of all I am not going to argue with some one who has never even picked up a TCP/IP for dummies book.

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real time query ? i am not sure what that is

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well i will be using nuke for our site so that would be great to get a quick setup info on that i was looking how do you get your site on ofp watch news? i notice they advertise clans there?

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For that all you have to do is make a graphic and email the guy and he will put it up for you.

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we have had 20 people in the server with under 100 ping we could probobly run a 50 player server if the computer would handle it the bandwidth is great.

Ping under 100? We usually play with pings going from something like 15ms up. Depends on your connection though. My first hop is already in the 60s, so my ping on the server is about that value too.

Quote[/b] ]I am learning more and more about the linux ofp server. and i am getting autoaddons to work pretty good just setting up my packages. I have a few questions that may have a quick answer.

How can you tell when you try to run a mission what addons are missing from the server. If the mission does not load where can you see the error report?

I don't think there is a standard way to do this as there are no logs but i made a script that does check this. For now it works on uncompressed missions only though. Your best bet would be to unpack the mission with unpbo and check the mission.sqm for needed addons, or run the mission as a client and check for the error message.

Quote[/b] ]Can i run the server without any addons in he /ofp/res/addons folder ? and all the files in /ofp/addons ? Do i need anything in /res/addons?

You need the addons in the res/addons folder. The res and world folders are the only folders you need actually. You can delete the rest. Check here for more details.

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Never mind guys my server cought on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The most random and crazy thing happened we have had that server up running our website for a while now hosted by a friend of mine that works at COX. It was dedicated to my clan bought by me and some other guys in the clan. This morning my friend went into work and the server had cought on fire the fire alarms went off and he may end up lossing his job. Its like 1 in a millian chance of happening and it happened to us all our websites all our teamspeak shoutcast everything is gone. I shall be killing myself shortly so if you here of a guy jumping off a brindge with a copy of ofp in his hand you will know it was me.

I have another server that can host our sites but i am lost with the ofp all i have is my local linux server on cable. Depression has taken the best of me.

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backwoods & Malboeuf: why are the specs of other admins servers so interesting? If you like fast servers you should wait for Shrikes new server, which will be faster than the two of yours put together tounge_o.gif

BTW: i just pinged your servers. I get a constant 230 ping from RN, and a wildly changing ping between 190 and 240 from ICL. Fluctuating pings are not a good sign for a stable connection sad_o.gif And i get a ping < 70 from my own server. Regardless how good your servers are, they are too far away for me or players from my area anyway and the WORST bit of the connection of each player determines ping and bandwidth. So i don't think there is a reason to compete. Besides i would rather play with nice people and a higher ping than the other way round. In the beginning we hosted from home for a few friends, and although ping and bandwidth was crappy we enjoyed this more than any public server. The players on my server are a grown community and thats more worth to me than good ping. Although i can't complain about our new server at all biggrin_o.gif

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maroco,  Sounds like you have a decent setup there, good luck with it!  If you need help with setting up a Real Time Server Query for your server let me know, I would be happy to lend a hand!
Quote[/b] ]Dont mind him, he's just realizing our servers have all ways been faster, more stable and more thoroughly tested then his, now he has you to pick on

Actually I am shifting my arguments to people who can present solid facts, people who dont run speed tests on a 100MB NIC from dslreports.com, some one who doesnt argue that there is 256 usable IPs in an IP range, and some one who doenst have to make the shit up as he goes along.  Most of all I am not going to argue with some one who has never even picked up a TCP/IP for dummies book.

lol i dont use DL reports

ask any one I have helped set up a win server with, face facts man, I have been in the OFP server game for 3 years and no one has better shit then we do or our experiance with win2k servers since we have tested server after server, no matter how they claim they have OFP server running on 2 CPUs lol

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BTW: i just pinged your servers. I get a constant 230 ping from RN, and a wildly changing ping between 190 and 240 from ICL. Fluctuating pings are not a good sign for a stable connection

thats because the ICL server is only a 10 mbit line compared to our 100 mbit

Backwoods sees 100 mbit on his server but thats only his LAN

leading out of that network is only 10 mbit



he has 2 OFP loads running and 1-2 other games as ours is solely OFP Dedicated

besides we had that same Dual Xeon 2.8 with FSB 533 and twice the memory and the server was simply not fast enough for us

you'll find with RNs 3 years of OFP servers our server is very stable and the most used in Official league matchs, we did have our 1st Crash last week in a CTI match but we have discovered that the nt.dll file that fails only happens when some one tries to conect serveral times to the server when it is locked, the result we can recreate, and is new so we beleive its a windows security update issue sad_o.gif

RN has 3 seperate servers now in differnt games unlike ICL single server that runs 2-4 game servers on 1 machine

this means 300 mbits, 3 teribytes monthly xfer unlike ICLs 10 mbits and 2 teribtyes monthly, the monthly trafer rate of an OFP server is 80 gig max if your server is used allot so even 1 teribtye is over kill, our server is reachin 100 gig but we have xfer our load of OFP to three other OFP servers this month to save guys setup times and upload times since server to server the game xfer will come in very fast

or servers actually monitors this for years

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How can you tell when you try to run a mission what addons are missing from the server. If the mission does not load where can you see the error report?

Can i run the server without any addons in he /ofp/res/addons folder ? and all the files in /ofp/addons ? Do i need anything in /res/addons?

is there any way to get the ofp server to run using less processor? what are the ways to cut down on processor use.

I saw that Miraks stats are on php and i am going to be using php-nuke as well to run our site it should be up today or tommorrow and i was wondering if mariks has put out his code yet with  simple setup assistance? It looks really good i would love to run stats on our site. Well done with that stat code. http://ofp.clanh2k.net

Disable HT on that system if it has since that will actually hurt OFP by share loading the server exe from one cpu to the next (linux only), we saw masive dysync with linux in this regard (large CTI maps with 300+ AI and 14 players) but smaller maps with 100 AI or just CTF maps you should be fine with HT, this is fine for web servers and web aps but not for a RTS server (real time servers)

yes you can kill these folder since that are 1.46 and actually help the server by not loading addons that we will almost never use



and and dll files, you will need all the res folders

but some addons may require older addons of 1.46 so its best to do that later and possble save  some time pissing around with things

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What i wanted to say is that the further away a server is from any given player the higher the probability it will "go bad" due to one slower/heavily trafficed network segment or just from hops/pings getting too high. So there is no "the fastest ofp server in the world" for all players, if you take connectivity into account. And as we all know connectivity is important in ofp cause it will cause massive desyncs for everyone in the game if it goes bad, regardless how fast the cpu and the ram is. I guess most asians will not be likely to play on any of our servers.

I don't really care if my server is the fastest or the slowest in the community, although i guess our first server must have been the slowest ofp server ever tounge_o.gif But we have a grown crowd of players, and that matters more to me than the odd fps more or less. I do this to have fun in ofp, not to have the fastest server in the community. I guess with our new server we are not even near that zone where zeus has been for years and their new server will blast us away by a great margin. But i am happy about what we got now, amd64 3000+, 2gb ram, located in a computing center with switched 100mbit network and connected with 6.4gbit to several backbones.

As we never had intel cpus i can't really say anything to "ht under linux" issue, but from what i gather you never had any really experienced linux admins around, so it could be related to something else entirely. If you used stuff like suse or redhat/fedora and never compiled your own kernel and removed unnecessary services, etc you can have lots of things going on that impair performance of the server.

I OTOH can't say anything about it as i never could compare it to windows, as we always used linux as our server os. I can only say linux works good enough for us.

I am reluctantly to switch to 64bit linux as this would generate downtime again, but i may do that in the near future to see if it gives the server another performance boost and if ofp works at all with a 64bit os. With a 32bit os on a 64bit cpu it works well.

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Malbeef, I dont even bother reading your posts anymore because your the most uneducated piece of trash I have ever encountered. I tryed to be nice to you but learned your only a prick, everyone here will probably agree with me that your computer knowledge is something out of a nursery rhyme book. Everyone here is now dummer for even listened to you, I am even dummer for dignifying you with a response. There is no point arguing anymore cause you have the fastest server, but your still a shithead and a prick. Id rather have the slowest server and retain friends. People like you are the reason this game is dying, bad attitudes and all around bullshit. I think instead of wasting your money away on a server you need to reinvest it into a decent education, it should be a crime in Candada and in the US for people like to even touch a server. You have no LAN/WAN credentials, the slime that falls from your bottom lip is all regergitated from other forums which is your only form of general computer knowledge. I learned how to run an OFP server in a day, what is your excuse? Your like 10mb line this 10mb line that, your the dumbest ignorant fuck I have ever met. Your worse then a KKK member from the 1960s, you have made your bed of bullshit and your struggle to keep people believing your own shit you make up. Your a disgrace to the OFP community, your a disgrace to anyone who has made a living fixing, troubleshooting, or maintaining a PC. The only acronym you know is OFP and FSB. You should disable your mouth and work on providing some leadership for RN so they dont get owned by NOOB clans like us all the time. I love how you guess what equipment everyone is running, like you keep telling me I have a 10MB line this and that this and that. Well if you were actually educated you would know what DRAC is. DRAC is a seperate NIC card completely, and it only comes on Dell machines. We dont have a Dell machine.... dumb ass. If you had any server experience you would know what a RM card is. When you have servers that are remotely managed you always put a remote management NIC card into it and connect it not only to a different subnet but an entirely different network that way if something goes wrong for example a dumb ass like yourself with little to no computer knowledge knocks the server offline, the admins (smart people) like myself can remote into it and remedy your fuck ups. You can be happy now running your uber fast server, which may I add is shit cause it crashes ALL THE TIME. And of all times for it to crash it happens in the middle of a CTITC match involving my clan... yup great setup Mal. And look at your website under your server specs, if thats not a report from DSLreports.com then where ever you ran the speed test from needs to be sued for copying DLS reports is layout... furthermore where ever on the web you ran the test, is completely useless. Your showing 5mbps on a 100mb line on your speed test... let me repeat YOU CANNOT RUN A SPEED TEST ON A 100MB LINE FROM DSLREPORTS. (Breathe) Ok back to burning you, cause my last burn about you choosing managed.com's shitty ass network has forced you to change hosts so I am obviously knocking on your big fat hollow head. I figured I will let it all out now because I am shutting down our servers because cheaters, and shitheads like yourself have ruined OFP and the community. Dont even bother replying because I have no more reason to even view these forums other then to let people know how full of shit you are and address your complete lack of people skills and computer knowledge. Your advice is taken with a grain of salt even by the newbies because they have a sixth sense that your FOS 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Like I said before the only thing you have mastered is the ancient art of MTSUAYGA (Making The Shit Up As You Go Along) keep struggling to be smart brother, I really do feel bad for retards like yourself. I am quitting OFP for good, and leaving the presence of dumbasses like yourself whos only thing you hold onto with dear life is your server. You have sucessfully won the contest.. you are the bigger dick.


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Kinda sad your going to stop playing a GAME because of another player. Reminds me of my 7 year old brother taking his ball and going home because his team are shit.

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You have sucessfully won the contest.. you are the bigger dick.

So this is what all that was about between the two of you? tounge_o.gif

I know it's stupid to even answer, but i can't resist blues.gif

Rest assured that Shrike got his new server now and Malboeuf will not have the fastest server anymore. By far.

And although i had my run-ins with him too i don't think such language is warranted. I mean, if you attack him in such a personal level you seem to have taken something personal?!? This is only game, you should do it for fun.

On a side note: cheaters? What cheaters? Haven't seen a single one yet tounge_o.gif

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hes just mad that his server is shorter then mine

it says right on his server provider 10 mbits

and that server specs page of ours has not been updated in about a year other then the text, we had a 3.0 on Klan host back then

ohh dont dont forget im not the guy claming OFP server process is running on 2 CPUs


I just dislike misinformation posted by ppl

more so when it comes to Windows based OFP servers

Benu knows his stuff more so then any one else i have seen, and he has helped me when we had our Linux server with Dual Xeon 2.8 HTs fsb 533, and 2 gigs ram plus 100 mbit line

hell even then when testing that server i never once claimed to any one she was the worlds fastest

you got a lesser server with less ram and a 10 mbit line and starting claiming she was the fasted

you got your hand slapped for lying

deal with it

untill there is a test on the Optrons the P4s will be the fastest servers around and that is a fact

hell our server is 3.3 ghz and im still not claiming she is the fastest even tho she may very well be

this August our OFP server will be upgraded to 3.9 ghz (3.4 with 20% oc) and then mabey will i claim as such

the server is half built too, just waiting on some nice matched  paired Ultra DDR 400 OC ram dual channel, and then she'll be shipped to LA

sigh shee sooooooo sexy

you have to remember Backwoods, I have been a OFP server admin for three years now, i know ma stuff

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Just a quick question Mal:

I noticed the traffic you listed for different servers in your sig

Quote[/b] ]RN  = 1000 gigs monthly xfer, 100 mbit  P4 3.3 HT 1 gig1 ram FSB 880

Kaos = 1000 gigs monthly xfer, 100 mbit 3x P4 2.8 1 gig ram FSB 533

ICL = 2000 gigs monthly xfer, 10 mbit Xeon 2.8 HT 1 gig ram FSB 533

88th  = 640 gigs monthly xfer, 5 mbit 1 P4 2.66 1 gig ram FSB total 533

You sure about that? 1 Terabyte a month? Our 2 servers together didn't even come close to that, even during the busiest months... the highest I ever had on my bill were 230 GB.

I don't think Zeus is the most popular server but it's not quite deserted either, so I wonder how many people must play 24/7 to reach 1 Terabyte of traffic

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I guess thats the free traffic they have available, we got 1tb now too. Having to pay every gb above the 100gb we had with our last server got expensive really quick,especially when you burned through the free traffic in the first week of the month already sad_o.gif

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Just a quick question Mal:

I noticed the traffic you listed for different servers in your sig

Quote[/b] ]RN  = 1000 gigs monthly xfer, 100 mbit  P4 3.3 HT 1 gig1 ram FSB 880

Kaos = 1000 gigs monthly xfer, 100 mbit 3x P4 2.8 1 gig ram FSB 533

ICL = 2000 gigs monthly xfer, 10 mbit Xeon 2.8 HT 1 gig ram FSB 533

88th  = 640 gigs monthly xfer, 5 mbit 1 P4 2.66 1 gig ram FSB total 533

You sure about that? 1 Terabyte a month? Our 2 servers together didn't even come close to that, even during the busiest months... the highest I ever had on my bill were 230 GB.

I don't think Zeus is the most popular server but it's not quite deserted either, so I wonder how many people must play 24/7 to reach 1 Terabyte of traffic

thats max alloted per month

our Server is hopping and never really does nore then 100-200 gigs a month

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