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Guest RKSL-Rock

RKSL Studios Projects

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O.K.  My attempt to contribute to a working CCIP.  wink_o.gif

I'm not a scripting wiz, but I am a logic wiz on industrial PLC's.  So, here's my OFP unlearned idea:  If the ballistic calculations of the carried bombs are known, and the selected type of bomb is known.  Would it be possible to have a function that coarsely iterates @ 3-5 steps the bomb-specific ballistic calcs until >= impact and stores that x,y point.  In the cockpit, there can be a (mostly) invisible cylinder with one end pivoting at the Pilots POV, the other end long enough to be hidden behind the instrument panel (or coded to turn invisible if off axis with the HUD) with the CCIP pip on it, and the axis is pointed at the X,Y position (a marker pos?)

Efficiency Points:

Should be internal functions for iterations & positioning calls

The number of iterations = Altitude / (an experienced integer factor that is on the ragged edge of working)

Because of OFP scantime issues, it should be coded to goto calculations only when reasonable, i.e. on low delta manuvers.  I doubt real-world f-16 iron bomb 'lobbing' would be possible ( please prove me wrong  tounge_o.gif ) so allowing the code might be Velocity based:



If (selected weapon==bombtype1) or (selected weapon==bombtype2) then goto "deltalookup"

goto "main"


_A_VelX =  Plane Velocity select 0 (get Y and Z too)




_B_VelX = Plane Velocity select 0 (get Y and Z too)



If ((the difference between _A and _B velocity)< (a

reasonable experienced value) then {_CCIP =1} Else {_CCIP=0}

If (_CCIP==1) and (selected weapon==mk82whatever) and (mk82ccip script not running) then {this exec "mk82CCIP.sqs}

If (_CCIP==1) and (selected weapon==napalmwhatever) and (napalmccip script not running) then {this exec "napalmCCIP.sqs}

goto "main"


Ballistic calcs:


_IterationALT = (Altitude that an iteration is necessary, Example: 1 per 50m so a value of 50)

_IterationFactor = zPos /  _IterationALT

variables = (BombVelocities & drag & gravity) *_IterationFactor

(Calculate released bomb position by the coarsened values until Zpos <=0.  Should be adjusted to hit on _ItCount==_IterationFactor (+/- 1) on flat ground, for accuracy.  Place marker at XY point)

Can allow for +/- Z velocity of the launch platform (climbing/diving) by having integer offsets per desired unit of Z deviation.

Just logically capable things that someone better than I (not hard to do) will have to prove out if it sounds do-able.

Just ideas to spur thought.  biggrin_o.gif

Hope this is reasonable and gets someone attempting a CCIP

BTW: Sweet work RSL!

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Thanks for that Scrub...i'll have a sit down later and try and work something out.


I'll post some more B-2 pics later too

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Hey rock,

I hope you will realese the AWACS soon!Like i said, crazy_o.gif I JUST CANNOT...........Oh wait,i'm getting hyper-active. unclesam.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock

renember i emailed you to ask whether the AWACS are cicilian or military?

Yeha I remeber and I replied on the 9th

Quote[/b] ]They are military, you can find out more here:




Hope this answers your question.



Its going to be a while. I want to rewing the model so I can get a better landing gear in.

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Guest RKSL-Rock

As promised, a few more screenies.  

This is the latest model but there is still some way to go.

Weapons loadouts and the cockpits have been made but are far from ready.  The textures shown are still very much a work in progress. Its still some time away from a public beta.






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Looks great, will be cool together with vektorboson's F117 when it is released somewhere in the future.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock



Following my need to find exotic and usual aircraft I thought I'd bump the thread by posting a few in-game pics of my side line project, A Berkut Sports Kit plane.

Essentially the next step from the Long-EZ Kit of Rutan design fame.  The Berkut was designed by a friend of Burt Rutan without his input but based on his previous designs.

Arguably the Berkut is faster, has greater range and more manoeuvrability over its EZ competitors.  It's an unusual & beautiful piece of kit in real life so I thought I’d bring it into the game.

Just to assuage the “doom-sayers†that believe if it hasn’t got guns it shouldn’t be in OFP I'm going to make a light military scout version armed with a light machine gun and marker rockets, maybe even with HellFire/Brimstones.

Hope you like it...

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Guest RKSL-Rock

OK its been a while since i posted anything in here (atleast a week  wink_o.gif ) so I thought i'd drop a few up dates in.

B-2A Spirit Model is complete etc I'm just finishing the cockpit instruments and trying to get the weapons to work as planned.

AWACS is still on the low priority list - needs re-winging. The existing wing isnt up to a standard i'm happy with.

Boeing Bird of Prey - 3 colour schemes, Prototype grey, Stealth Black (Armed) and Blue/Grey Air Superiority (Armed)

The armed versions include a 12.7mm Cannon and/or FFAR/Hellfire. Its about 90% now.

Berkut Revised models, 3 colour schemes:

Red, Blue and Dark Cammo.

The last camo option will be set up as a 'light' CAS aircraft armed with 2 Hellfire and 16 FFAR.




and I got a bit bored last night so I thougth I'd model a C-17.


Currently it around 4500 polys but i expect it to rise to 6500 (same as a BAS Blackhawk). Its a long way from complete so please dont bug me about release dates...it'll be done when its done.

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Yeah they will... keep watching this thread and my website. They should be out for release very soon.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Hello?Any Airbus A340-300 screenshots?Saw your site and saw that it is pending. crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

Sorry, No. Its on the "low priority" list... essentially this means i pick it up and do something with it when i get tired of one of the others.

It's sometime off i'm afraid.

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Hello?Any Airbus A340-300 screenshots?Saw your site and saw that it is pending. crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

Sorry, No.  Its on the "low priority" list... essentially this means i pick it up and do something with it when i get tired of one of the others.

It's sometime off i'm afraid.

Low priority?"*Sits down in chair*Ahem,i wish i could help,or will it just be a model?Hope not.Or i'll go banannas!

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Guest RKSL-Rock

@Wonky - I'll take a look at it (A340) after the weekend.

Also a bit of an update.  

I've been working away from home recently and only had my old laptop...it just about runs ofp but runs O2 nicely.  I found and old project on it and thought i'd give it a face lift smile_o.gif





The pack will consist of 3 variants:

U-2S Dragon Lady

U-2R (Podded)

U-2R (Slick)

I know there will be people pulling faces asking "why has he made that!? Its no use in game." The answer is simple.

REALISM...OFP has a derth of recon planes and recon elements. Recon and Intel gathering is a huge part of a military actions. How about using it as a target for infiltration missions? Shoot it down to prevent your forces being discovered...but the other reason....I wanted to make it.

I'm home for a few weeks now so I should be releasing the Hanger and HAS Beta's in the very near future together with a few others.

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Excellent! Beautiful work.

Do you have any intention to do a UAV, ( Predator, Global Hawk, or Dark Star? ) or possibly a UCAV?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Excellent! Beautiful work.

Do you have any intention to do a UAV, ( Predator, Global Hawk, or Dark Star? ) or possibly a UCAV?

Global Hawk is already in progress.

Darkstar is also planned...together with X-45 sort of UCAV.

The only problem i have with the entire UCAV idea is "control". I'm not a scripter/programmer so i'll need some help...

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Pic of the Global Hawk


Its on a low priority atm - just needs config and decent textures to fly ingame. But i need a scripter to help me work out a ground control system.

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Hmmm tough choices texture wise. Both all black and all white textures dont work very well in OFP. I remember seeing photo's of global hawks in dark grey camouflage pattern. I would go for that instead of the all white smile_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock

The U2 is a bit hard getting the texture brightness right. The pics dont show it due to the poor ambiant light but it does look ok and does show detail ingame.

As for the Global Hawk. There are now 3 colours for it: White, two tone white/grey panel sections and a similar "Air Superiority grey" to the F15. But done properly white doesnt look too bad - i've had reasonable success with the Berkuts.

...but we'll see what everyone else says when i release them.

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The U2 is a bit hard getting the texture brightness right.  The pics dont show it due to the poor ambiant light but it does look ok and does show detail ingame.

As for the Global Hawk.  There are now 3 colours for it: White, two tone white/grey panel sections and a similar "Air Superiority grey" to the F15.  But done properly white doesnt look too bad - i've had reasonable success with the Berkuts.

...but we'll see what everyone else says when i release them.

Wasn't meant as criticisme just an observation by a fellow modmaker wink_o.gif The U-2 looks nice and I am sure you will pull it off smile_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
The U2 is a bit hard getting the texture brightness right.  The pics dont show it due to the poor ambiant light but it does look ok and does show detail ingame.

As for the Global Hawk.  There are now 3 colours for it: White, two tone white/grey panel sections and a similar "Air Superiority grey" to the F15.  But done properly white doesnt look too bad - i've had reasonable success with the Berkuts.

...but we'll see what everyone else says when i release them.

Wasn't meant as criticisme just an observation by a fellow modmaker wink_o.gif The U-2 looks nice and I am sure you will pull it off smile_o.gif

Its ok mate i didnt take it as critisim - im rushing replies atm trying to pack up to go home and reply to 5 emails at once.  It wasn't meant to sound defensive.

Its a valid comment about the colour...i had about 3 days just playing around with desaturate for the latest version of the Berkut.  Now with kegety's DXDLL every white glows making it even harder.

Once I release them im keen to see what people think.  I think texturing is the hardest part for me.  Especially when you look at the like of "DPS [CCCP]'s" new Mi-26 makes you wonder how the hell they maintain the quality through conversion!?!  tounge_o.gif   Mine all seem to blur.  sad_o.gif Anyone know any good texture creation tutorials?

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Feer made a very nice texture conversion tool, it improves quality allot compared to texview smile_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Im using PaNTool by Dschulle. Which is the one by Feer?

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