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Problems removing masterarray element

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I am trying to get a looping system to remove the selected Masterarray element when  it's subarray  is empty

The following system is a simplified version of the actual system showing only the pertinent information

<span style='color:Blue'>INIT.sqs</span>

Quote[/b] ]<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>;;;Sub Arrays

tx_AmbushArray = ["Missions\AmbushA.sqs","Missions\AmbushB.sqs","Missions\AmbushC.sqs"]

tx_AssasinArray = ["Missions\AssasinA.sqs","Missions\AssasinB.sqs","Missions\AssasinC.sqs"]

tx_RecceArray = ["Missions\RecceA.sqs","Missions\RecceB.sqs","Missions\RecceC.sqs"]

;;;Master Array

tx_Minimissions = [tx_AmbushArray,tx_AssasinArray,tx_RecceArray]</span>

When required (via booleans and a monitoring script not shown) the following chain of scripts is run in this order

<span style='color:Blue'>SERVER_SELECT.sqs</span>

(Server side script which randomly picks a master element position and a sub element position of the master element

Quote[/b] ]<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>?!(local server):exit


tx_selectmission = false


;; selects the master array element

tx_AA = count tx_minimissions

?(tx_AA < 1): goto "END"

tx_A= random tx_AA

tx_A = (tx_A - tx_A mod 1)

?(tx_A == tx_AA): tx_A = tx_A - 1


;; selects a subarray element of the masterArray element

tx_BB = 0

{tx_BB= (Count _x)} ForEach tx_Minimissions select tx_A

tx_B= random tx_BB

tx_B = (tx_B - tx_B mod 1)

?(tx_B == tx_BB): tx_B = tx_B - 1

tx_sendmission = true


{PublicVariable _x;}foreach["tx_A","tx_B","tx_sendmission"]





Once the above script has run it's course, the next script is then started up by a script monitoring the booleans (not shown)

<span style='color:Blue'>ALL_SET.sqs</span>

Having received the public variables, this "local to all" script then selects the actual element that the random script decided on and then processes it  

eg [] exec _mission

Quote[/b] ]<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>#START

tx_sendmission = false


_minimissions = tx_minimissions

;;following is array created from masterArray element

_type = []

_type = _type + (_minimissions select tx_A)

;;following creates variable for  the actual sting element  in the sub array

_mission = _type select tx_B

_type = _type - [_mission]

_count = count _type

_minimissions set [tx_A, _type]

<span style='color:Green'>?  (_count  < 1): hint "Debug: Sub Array Empty" </span>

;;The following line needs to remove the element from the masterarray if its subarrays are empty. (This is where my problem lies

as you can see i have tried many possibilities only a few shown here)

<span style='color:blue'>;;? (_count  < 1):_Minimissions = _Minimissions - (_minimissions select tx_A)

;;? (_count  < 1):_Minimissions = _Minimissions - [_minimissions select tx_A]

;;? (_count  < 1):_Minimissions = _Minimissions - _type

? (_count  < 1):_Minimissions = _Minimissions - [_type]</span>

tx_minimissions = _minimissions

[] exec _mission





once the _Mission that this script starts has run its course, it then starts up the <span style='color:Blue'>SERVER_SELECT.sqs</span> and the loop continues

The problem is, when the subarray is empty and _count <1, i cannot remove the relevant array element from the _minimissions (tx_minimissions) array

the green coloured line is run, so the script does see the subarray as empty

so when the loop restarts at the server_select.sqs, the script still see's in this example 3 elements in the master array and thus is able to select a sub array which is empty

this then causes the loop system to fail

when running a debug, ,

_type or _minimission select tx_A returns the contents of the subarray

not the actual masterarray element. eg "tx_RecceArray"

In advance........Many thanks for any help offered

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Something like this maybe?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#START

tx_sendmission = false


_minimissions = tx_minimissions

;;following is array created from masterArray element

_type = []

_type = _type + (_minimissions select tx_A)

;;following creates variable for  the actual sting element  in the sub array

_mission = _type select tx_B

_type = _type - [_mission]

_count = count _type

_minimissions set [tx_A, _type]

?  (_count  < 1): hint "Debug: Sub Array Empty"

;;The following line needs to remove the element from the masterarray if its subarrays are empty. (This is where my problem lies

_temp1 = 0

_temp2 = 0

{IF (count _x == 0) then {IF (_temp2 != 0) then {_temp1 = _temp1 + 1} else {_temp2 = 1};_minimissions set [_temp1,"tempstring"]}} foreach _minimissions

? (_count  < 1):_Minimissions = _Minimissions - ["tempstring"]

tx_minimissions = _minimissions

[] exec _mission





As you can see I put a Foreach line in there, which goes through the array looking for empty [] arrays, and changes them to "tempstring", then the line you had before now simply takes "tempstring" away from the master array.

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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D
Quote[/b] ]

array resize count

Operand types:

   array: Array

   count: Number


   Version 1.75 required.

Type of returned value:



   Change array size. Can be used to add or remove elements from the array.


   array resize 2


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I'm not sure I get it, so only brief:

example: I have an array with the empty subarrays:


and I want to change it to the array without the empty subarrays:


If it's so, then I can use:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_tmp=[]

{if (count _x>0) then {_tmp=_tmp+[_x]}} foreach _a



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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D
Quote[/b] ]t_d? here?  


Yes and thx. But i wont post much here. I dont like to speech english. Sry guys    rock.gif

But i will try it wink_o.gif

What happens when you write this :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">masterarray -[] rock.gif

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T_D @ June 30 2004,10:03)]What happens when you write this :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">masterarray -[]



<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_a=[[1,2,3],[],["a","b","c"],["alpha"],[]]





hint format["%1",_a]

And the result is:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[[1,2,3],[],["a","b","c"],["alpha"],[]]

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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_i = 0

_ma = [[1,2,3],[],["a","b","c"],["alpha"],[]]

_ha = []

_anz = count _ma


_a = _ma select _i

?(count _a >= 1):_ha = _ha + _a

_i = _i + 1

?_i >= _anz : goto "next"

goto "loop"


_ma = _ha


_ma = Masterarray

_a = Array

_ha = Helparray

Hope this works

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T_D @ June 30 2004,16:35)]_i = 0

_ma = [[1,2,3],[],["a","b","c"],["alpha"],[]]

_ha = []

_anz = count _ma


_a = _ma select _i

?(count _a >= 1):_ha = _ha + [_a]

_i = _i + 1

?_i >= _anz : goto "next"

goto "loop"


_ma = _ha


does exactly the same as my example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_a=[[1,2,3],[],["a","b","c"],["alpha"],[]]


{if (count _x>0) then {_tmp=_tmp+[_x]}} foreach _a


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Guest [B.B.S.] T_D
Quote[/b] ]does exactly the same as my example:

Sry didnt see.

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not much of a scripter myself but i found this in the UN-Official Tut.

Quote[/b] ]Array

Description :

How to use an array (list of elements)

Syntax :

MyArray = ["MyText1","MyText2",value, variable]

MyArray List of elements (array)

You can make a concatenation like this:  

MyArray1 = ["One", "Two"]

MyArray2 = ["Three","Four"]

GroupingArray = MyArray1 + MyArray2

GroupingArray now contains "One", "Two","Three","Four"

You can remove element in array too:

MyArray1 = ["One", "Two","Three"]

MyArray2 = ["One"]

GroupingArray = MyArray1 - MyArray2

GroupingArray now contains "Two","Three"

To remove the third element in an array:

MyArray = MyArray - [MyArray select 2]

Returns :


Example :

A short example to add a given player to an array (check if it isn't in array before you add it):

_Player = _this select 0

?!(_Player in PlayersArray):PlayersArray = PlayersArray + [_Player]

And how to remove it:

_Player = _this select 0

?(_Player in PlayersArray): PlayersArray - [_Player]

Where PlayersArray is an array variable containing a player list, in this case.

MyString = format ["Target Name/Pos: %1, %2", EnemyUnit, getpos EnemyUnit]

I hope it helps   smile_o.gif

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Thx for all the replies folks

the end answer was to simply set the type of variable element to anything but a string, eg boolean or integer before i tried to remove it

in this case, very crudely

_tempA = 1

? (_count  < 1):hint "Debug Array empty"

? (_count  < 1):_minimissions set [tx_A, _tempA]

? (_count  < 1):_minimissions = _Minimissions - [_tempA]

The If....Then statement offered also works just as well

I still have a slight bug in the script.

90% of the time, when i set a debug mode to loop through every script exec once eventually leading to the "No More Mission" hint message.

However on the odd occasion the loop sometimes fails reporting tx_B as being "string oxcliffe" error, because sometimes, for a reason as not yet known, it trys to select an element in a subarray array that is empty

I havent had time to debug this error yet, however when i do, i will post the full working system as i am sure it will be of use to some who want to have a random "Script" execution system"

Thx for your efforts, very much appreciated

This system script by the way is part of the backbone of a 27 minimission coop randomly selected within 1 big coop

Like a campaign but all in 1 mission

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