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Hi im wondering wether there is any Iroquois models around that i can re-texture? Or are they the smae as some Huey models? im not to sure.

Thanks for any help.  wink_o.gif

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hmmm. the only models I can think of are SEB nams and they are a bit out dated now. *J* was making some very sexy and erotic one but he must have stopped work sad_o.gif shame. they where really cool

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some one need to make some like *J*.

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Iroquois = Huey wink_o.gif

Captain Moore made some UH-1Cs in Marine colors a while back - check ofp.info for them - though the -C is the shorter version.

SelectThis also has a Special Ops UH-1H which I think is pretty much the same model as the Nam Pack Hueys but is a standalone addon - can also be found at ofp.info. Be sure you get the Resistance fix for it too.

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Personally I don't think the SEB models are outdated. They are pretty much spot on in my opinion. Capt. Moore's UH-1C's are also very good I agree.

The only Huey that has been seriously missing is the twin engined UH-1N helicopters such as the ones the US Marines use. My mod has one that we will release soon but it is an IDF helicopter and the engine exhaust area is a little crude. It still looks good but probably not 100% accurate model-wise.

Maybe after we release it (it will be unbinarized) someone will fix it up and reskin it as a USMC UH-1N.

I think some other mods were also working on a UH-1N but I'm not sure whatever happened to those.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>


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that would be kick ass to have a re-skined usmc heli.of that

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ohh nice heli yeah a reskin in USMC. hey wait a second i have that and coudl already do a reskin..


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I am just looking for the model which would be the most accurate for a Australian Iroqouis wink_o.gif which d oyou all think would be the best?

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Hueys pics. I think you use SEB. Isreali one would not look right. smile_o.gif

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those are the older single engine ones..

so the older SEB and black ops ones would work the best they are single engine.

the IDF one is dual engine..

and does nto ahve a camo pattern. only green or brown.

but the vietnam era hueys woudl be best just retexture them with aussie camo and markings.

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it´s time to forget vietnam era Hueys (SEB and Cpt. Moore made them pretty good) to embrace more modern variants like UH-1N

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well the ones posted in this thread where single engine nam style hueys in aussie camo..

the IDF huey is the UH-1N with 2 engines..

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Is NZXShadows still working on an MH-53 Pavelow? I want one of these bad. I know he has working on a super-huey and a super-cobra but I believe he is having a hard time finding help.



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i think he means he wants to actual see more modern UH-1Y

with 2 engines and 4 blades..

the Lost brothers are makign the pavehawk for the IDF it is a fixed up of capt moore and scopian's ch-53. btu of course it will be IDF. and sorry still no door gunner since there is no evidence the IDF use a door gunner.

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@calm_terror - sorry bout last post what i ment to say was they are still in current use with the australian army and air force. sorry wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]the Lost brothers are makign the pavehawk for the IDF

I am talking about a PAVELOW, not a pavehawk. But I am pretty sure that's what you meant. biggrin_o.gif


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Monty. That helo is a huge Mofo. I wonder what they sound like. Proply deep sounding like Pout Pout Pout smile_o.gif

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Hell yeah, that thing is huge. I've been heard Blackhawks, Little Birds, Cobras, Apaches, Kiowas, Chinooks, I've even flown in the cockpit of a C-5, but never a Pavelow. We don't have those aircraft in the Army. Hopefully one day I can get up close and personnal with one. I love that aircraft. Anyways, here is a link to the Sikorsky page about these beats.

Sikorsky CH/MH-53 Page


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Guest RKSL-Rock
.... but never a Pavelow. We don't have those aircraft in the Army....


Erm... The US Army does/did operate ?H-53's under the U.S. Army Special Forces Command. I had a ride on one in '93/94 whilst on an Exercise in the US and i'm certain it had Army markings.  The loadie was definately Army, he kept trying to take the piss because we were RAF Regiment.

As to whether they are MH-53J's i dont know. Either that or the USAF have taken to painting "Army" on their aircraft.  smile_o.gif

I'll try and find the photo's in the morning.

EDIT >> Ok my apologies.  I've just rung a mate who was on the same trip. (hes a bigger kitmule than me.  smile_o.gif )   He seems to thin it was USAF but he also remembers the 'Army' Loadmaster (?!?). (Also thinks I'm nuts for asking daft questions at 0200 smile_o.gif)

I'll dig out my photo album tomorrow I should have some pics.

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