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I'm fiddling with a story right now, based on my 1st Cadian Army for warhammer 40k(2 Corps, 8 divisions, 32 brigades, 128 regiments/battalions, 512 companies, 2048 platoons, 8192 sections with each havine a 14 man section) Yeah, its going to take quite a bit of thought to incorporate that much into a story.

Ok, my first question:

Is this sort of geography beleivable?

Does it need changes?

Any sort of glaring errors?

I'm trying to incorporate a sort of truth or realism into this story just to make it stand out more than 'the rest' of them.

Numbers based below:

10-15 men per section(troop)

3-4 sections per Platoon (30 - 40 men)

3-4 platoons per company (120-160 men)

3-4 companies per regimen (battalion) (360-500 men)

3-4 regiments/battalions per brigade (1500 - 2000 men)

3-4 brigades per division (10,000 or so men)

(Brigade Group is larger than a brigade as is it completely self


3-4 divisions per corps (50,000 men) think of the Marine corps

3-4 corps per Army

3-4 Armys for Army group (Army Group is sometimes called a Force)

But that right now isn't my problem. Right now I face geographical issues for my army background. The planet is earth like, of course, terraformed thousands of years ago during a crusade in the sector, and its conditions are similar to earth. It's smaller, quite small actually. Somewhere between Venus and Mercury in size. But orbit is pretty much the same, but tad bit slower.

But, there is only one land mass(not including small islands to north and south plus sides. Not including northern and southern poles<ooh! winter combat!>) and it pretty much sits on the planet almost like a ring(but with large sea mass seperating one end from another).

But I'm having problems with geography. Right now it's just too fricken big to think of.

What I want is the North West to be like one massive area of mountains and trees and forests, with little or no open ground. Terrain is rocky, hard to pass with only small winding roads and passes. Most unpassable by armored, construction and pavement mixture weak. Several large rivers and streams, with smaller networks branching off of these.

Main west is more rural, as it seperates from these massive forests(but chain of forests reach down southern too), with marshes and swamps around the forest edge. Otherwise, open plains for long range combat and farming areas. South west is mainly open terrain like main west, etc.

Just think massive land. Sort of like a europe.

Southern areas of the land will feature more diverse climates. But most are pretty dry, with not as much vegetation and very hilly landscape/terrain with many valleys and canyons. Most vegetation consists of brush and thickets. Pretty simple. Islands are same.

Eastern areas become more wild. South east areas become lined with a thick and dense jungle, which arches its way up into main East and into the north east. Several areas are open, with small farms or villages set up for various reasons. Forest unclearable due to dense and rapid growth of vegetation. Otherwise, quite hard to fight in. Large networks of rivers and streams network throughout the forest. Just a living hell. Weather is mostly humid and hot.

Mainland is mostly open, with small dots of forests. Mostly open due to deforestization and production. The main city(Teradia, same name as planet), situated on the edge of the land mass against the large water mass seperating land mass and large island, is mostly industiral. The city is massive, with sectors for industry, wealthy, and commons. Mines, industiral plants, you name it.

Mainland, again, is open with lighter vegetation. Very hilly, wth either gentle slopes for hills or large and defendable ones. Small cities branch out from main city. Mostly for lower class dwellings.

Ok, my first question:

Is this sort of geography beleivable?

Does it need changes?

Any sort of glaring errors?

I'm trying to incorporate a sort of truth or realism into this story just to make it stand out more than 'the rest' of them.

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I think its fairly realistic. Keep in mind that on Earth generally the closer to the equator you are the hotter and more arid it is (true 90% of the time) and the further you get away the colder it gets. Some places rely on jet stream though, there is some island north of iceland that has like a 70 degree temperature year round cuz of the jet stream. But you dont need to go into that much depth for your story I don't think.

Sounds like a cool place very diverse.

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Bear in mind that if the planet is smaller than earth, in order to have similar gravity it'll have to spin a lot faster, resulting in much shorter days/ nights.

Okie doke. Adds a new elemeny to the story.

Will have to keep in mind that equator thing like you said. But I think the description is pretty close even if I forgot.

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Don't forget that a smaller planet will also have less gravity, resulting in taller trees, bigger plants, etc.

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Glad to hear it sounds right. Will have to change position of continent abit upwards to compensate for the equator. As well, I will take in mind what you said Hellfish.

Polotics is being sorted out as I speak.

Going to do it Roman republic style.

Two Lords:

Lord Derias (Deceased)----Lord Barios (To be elected)

Two Consuls

Consul Koren---------Consul Borrah

Civil Services

8 Praetors (Over look justice and court affairs)

-Praetor Doran -Praetor Turdon

-Praetor Shorden -Praetor Vasille

-Praeto Buiten -Praetor Deudoy

-Praetor Schiald -Praetor Denoired

Quaestors -4 (Oversee treasury)

-Quaestor Schwier

-Quaestor Plaredo

-Quaestor Morphesto

-Quaestor Cronastos

Aediles - 8 (Public works)

-Aedile Torraness -Aedile Nenth -Aedile Emparen

-Aedile Sileth -Aedile Cucille -Aedile Caligus

-Aedile Eperus -Aedile Darfed

Censors -2 (Census and public awareness)

-Censor Contil

-Censor Pallist

Senate - 350

Key Senators:





22 Senators Per Province(15 provinces)

Top Provincal Figures - 16(Look over each province)

- Crediste

- Pruasedae

- Darsonus

- Bencun

- Durban

- Crollsh

- Marconty

- Lennos

- Rolths

- Sotths

- Berdelas

- Fendalas

- Torrensos

- Lenansos

- Fisevt

- Bernasote

Centuriate - 40

Tribunes - 20

Tribal Assembly - 40

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ight now I'm writing down the commanding officers to be featured in a story.

I have so far:

1 Lord General

3 Major Generals

6 Generals

9 Colonel's(Including LTCOL)

6 Commissars

6 Cadet Commissars

Working on Majors. I suspect maybe 16-20 Major's.

Yeah, sounds like alot of officers. But thats only because I have so many units. Multiply the section number by 15 and you get the amount of men hanging around. (114688)

Total number of units for the army will be 200,000 due to non-military personal.

And this is not adding to the nearly(number varying on my wishes) two million soldiers on the planet Teradia itself(16 provinces each, thats quite a large number of soldiers for each province.) This is not including air force, navy, and police forces.


Right now my goal is to really bring out the details. To make sure that almost all aspects are covered in a realistic fashion, but at the same time keep what makes Wh40k what it is.

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