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Ofp2 might be dead

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Hi guys,

I hate speculation, I really do. But earing nothing official from the developemnt team in over a year is kind of scary.

Past project that silent was always related to project with little to no development.

Without any feedback from the developpers, it just mean to me that they are not working on it at all.

If OFP2 was still alive, they would have give us at least a little "Don't worry guys, we are working on it ;)". Silence is bad, real bad. Old gamer really know what I am talking about.

There is NO advantages of saying nothing. The only reason to, it's because there is nothing to say.

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But then you could say if they have cancelled it then why arnt they saying they have? It would be nice to have some info on anything but ive given up on waiting for a reply and will just wait till i hear some news from either a friend or on gamespot/pc gamer.

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Quote[/b] ]But then you could say if they have cancelled it then why arnt they saying they have?  

To avoid riot amongst Codemasters shareholders...

... No seriously, i do not belive that ofp2 is cancelled.

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