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Just a few suggestions...

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1. when a special forces group is put into stealth mode, why dont you replace radio calls with hand signals.

2. wildlife, birds ect..

3. dropping bullet cases from helicopters

4. A navy with like an artillary support

5. an intro movie (not like the background of menu) wow_o.gif

6. swimming and bubbles of air

7. more real life features such as active towns

8. sandstorms

9. surround sound realistic thunder

10. improvment of rain, so that you cant see rain inside buildings and soldiers uniforms get wet slowing them down.

11. smashing windows

12. soldiers have personalised unifoms, such as name on back or blood type on boot

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Hey guys,

i really like the idea of hand signals after i saw one of the BAS demo missions for the deltas/ rangers once they first released.

In it you see a guy waving his group passed him and around a corner.

After that i made a script with the "Switchmove" command, the prob i had was that if you switch the Soldiers Animation phase from like combat to one of the existing handsigns for ofp like "commandforward". The animation goes like this:

Soldier in combat (Standing/gun in hands)

Soldier executing the handsignall

Soldier gets into safe pos (gun on back)

Soldier gets back into combat pos.

So imagine this in a firefight with the handsign "Regroup" or "Enemy sighted" you always get the stand safe in between which would get you killed.

So i dropped the thought since i could not find a way around it

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im more worried about the AIs use of cover,covering fire and movements such as walking etc then hand signals

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Hand signals were a part of the conversation we had with Marek last year.

So maybe they embedd them, maybe not blues.gif

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i have another idea, localised voices. for something like teamspeak on mp, when you speak the voice just doesnt apear on the speaker, it is localised in the game to your charachter in the game. so if someone speaks, the closer you are, the louder it is ect...

its all suggestions about realism not just gameplay smile_o.gif

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I like the localized voice function but take it one step further. Only The radio operator can "switch channels" to other radio operators. But I would make this feature selectable such as veteran mode or some such.

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next one:

If you are going to use high explosive incidurary shells for tanks, when a tank is too damaged to move after being hit by a HE missile and the crew jump out, make a script so that they are on fire and have to roll around to put it out (automaticaly so that if you are one you roll around first before being able to move)

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General Barron

your mission is great but we want it to be implemented ingame smile_o.gif

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13. Have thw ability to swim through water and then attach satchels to the hull of ships and boats

14. Destructable enviroment, if a sniper is hiding in a derelict building for example, a tank or a satchel charge can blow up the wall on the house and someone can get a clear sht on the sniper.

15. All buildings accesable including the roof if its flat top

16. All these animation packs should be incorperated into ofp2 as normal moves, or be easy to use in the mission editor

17. Special indoor tactics, like swat movements when clearing rooms

18. The ability to create picture /video (such as satalite videos)/ sound breifings

19. the abality to import images to use on the breifing boards

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18. The ability to create picture /video (such as satalite videos)/ sound breifings

19. the abality to import images to use on the breifing boards

Already possible.


Already possible.


how can you forget how to spell something the sentence after you've just spelt it correctly?

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Quote[/b] ]19. the abality to import images to use on the breifing boards

Oh, maybe like this?


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I think he meant as in a map or image on a stand/pinned to the wall ingame rather than in the notebook.

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