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Multiple teams for exctraction

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Hi all, i have a anoying problem, in my mission i use a simple chopper extraction script.

But my problem is that the chopper will only pick up one team after its landed and then takes off.

I have 3 teams of each 4 men, and i want the chopper picks em up all 3.

For example this line is in the trigger when the chopper landed and waits until the team boards the chopper before takin off :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">chopper1 flyinheight 1.5; chopper1 land "get in"; [team,chopper1] exec "extraction.sqs";

Is there a way i can adapt this line so the chopper waits until team2 and team3 has boarded to ?

Thx in advance

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Could you post the script you are using here please? It could easily be modified to work with more than one team.


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Ofcourse, its a script by Daddl.

I would have asked himself if he wasnt on holiday now sad_o.gif

Extraction and insertion script

or read the scripts here :

Exctraction script

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;script checks if all members of _group are inside _chopper


;script by Joltan aka Daddldiddl - August 2002

;Check my website for OFPR coop missions: www.gogodot.net/ofp.html

;This script was written for my 'Island Cleanup' map.



;If you use or modify this script for your own missions, please put a

;reference in your readme or the script header!


;Global Variable used: unitsin (string) - set to "true" later




;define group & vehicle


_group=_this select 0

_chopper=_this select 1


;main loop checking for team members inside and outside vehicle



;wait a bit


;create arrays team members and units in chopper

_ugroup=+(units _group)

_ngroup=count _ugroup

;count live team members outside




_unit=_ugroup select _n


?((vehicle _unit!=_chopper) and alive _unit):_unitsout=_unitsout+1

?(_n<_ngroup):goto "looplivecount"

;All live team members in chopper?

?(_unitsout==0):goto "end"

goto "loop"


;end script



;here I would unlock the next waypoint be toggling a trigger

_chopper flyinheight 50



Insertion script

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;script checks if all members of _group are outside _chopper

;_group is any group of units and _chopper any kind of vehicle

;it also checks if leader is already outside vehicle. After a certain time

;the script starts moving units outside the vehicle in case they didn't leave

;by themself. This way units won't get stuck in vehicles!

;You can define distance and angle relative to the vehicle, where the units

;should run to after getting out.


;script by Joltan aka Daddldiddl - August 2002

;Check my website for OFPR coop missions: www.gogodot.net/ofp.html

;This script was written for my 'Find The Chopper' mission.


;If you use or modify this script for your own missions, please put a

;reference in your readme or the script header!


;define group/vehicle/time in seconds until units get moved out



_group=_this select 0

_chopper=_this select 1



;main loop checking for team members inside and outside vehicle




;wait a second


;leader out? Already time to kick the lazy bastards out by force?

?((vehicle leader _group)!=_chopper):_leaderout=_leaderout+1

?(_leaderout==_timetogetout):goto "forceexit"

;create arrays team members and units in chopper

_unitsinvehicle=crew _chopper

_vehiclecrew=(crew _chopper)-(units _group)


_nteamincargo=count _teamincargo

;Any team members left in chopper?

?(_nteamincargo==0):goto "end"

goto "loop"


;Force units to leave _timetogetout seconds after leader





_vehiclecrew=(crew _chopper)-(units _group)


_unitsinvehicle=crew _chopper


_nteamincargo=count _teamincargo

?(_nteamincargo==0):goto "end"

;eject unit from chopper

_unit=_teamincargo select 0

_unit action ["eject",_chopper]


;get position and direction of vehicle

_vpos=getpos _chopper

_vdir=getdir _chopper


;calculate waypoint for unit

_xcenter=_vpos select 0

_ycenter=_vpos select 1

_deltax=_odist * (sin(_edir))

_deltay=_odist * (cos(_edir))

_newy=_ycenter + _deltay

_newx=_xcenter + _deltax

_unit domove [_newx,_newy,0]

goto "loop2";


;end script



;here I would unlock the next waypoint be toggling a trigger

_chopper flyinheight 50



Greetz B@nditbe

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You can use the IN command to wait until a certain unit or group is onboard.

for instance,

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_ALLUNITS = (units group1) +(units group2) +(units group3) +(units group4)

;Now to wait till they are all aboard chopper



? !("_x IN <CHOPPERNAME>" foreach groups):goto "wait"

;proceed or set condition to true here


That should work, and if you call it at the right time, then the game wont be waiting for dead units.


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Move the first line into the loop and dead units shouldn't pose a problem.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

;Now to wait till they are all aboard chopper


_ALLUNITS = (units group1) +(units group2) +(units group3) +(units group4)


? !("_x IN <CHOPPERNAME>" foreach _ALLUNITS):goto "wait"

;proceed or set condition to true here


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Thx allot guys, so far it all works !

Damn fine scripters here crazy_o.gif

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